Edgar Cayce has often been called «the sleeping prophet», because his unique information came through while he was in a sleeplike state. But Cayce also lectured while he was conscious. This book is a collection of most of those lectures. Along with Cayce's fascinating insights, editor Richard Peterson provides a perspective on what was happening in Cayce's life as well as in the world at the time f the lecture.
Esta impresionante obra es para todos aquellos que anhelan descubrir a los ángeles y sentir su influencia en sus propias vidas. El autor nos lleva más allá de las apariciones angélicas hacia una clara comprensión de cómo los ángeles contribuyen no sólo al proceso evolutivo del mundo, sino también a nuestro desarrollo personal. Esta obra también examina, con rica lucidez, nuevas investigaciones sobre el papel que ejercen los ángeles en el karma personal y planetario, la jerarquía angélica, el origen y destino de Cristo, los arcángeles, los ángeles caídos y los ángeles de la guarda. Descubra auténticos y asombrosos encuentros con ángeles; además de expertas opiniones de lumbreras como C.S. Lewis, George Ritchie, Rudolph Steiner y Emanuel Swedenborg, entre otros. Con ilustraciones del renombrado artista Gustave Doré; esta síntesis también incluye elementos del apócrifo El Libro de Enoc y las relumbrantes revelaciones angélicas contenidas en las lecturas psíquicas de Edgar Cayce.
The psychic readings of Edgar Cayce contained insightful information about the properties and value of a variety of gems, stones, minerals, and other elements. Author Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D., whose own background included the study of gemstones, examines this material by delving into the history and makeup of these magical substances so often mentioned by Cayce. In her book, Kaehr shares with us the wonders of the mineral kingdom, and how and why each stone or mineral is different and reacts differently to various people. Includes an intuitive self-discovery process to finding out which of these powerful minerals works best for you.
Few visionaries have as detailed and expansive a vision of life beyond death as renowned psychic and seer Edgar Cayce, and this latest book presents his discourses on everything from reincarnation to communication with those that have passed on, culminating in the realization of our ultimate purpose for existence.
Of all the Edgar Cayce health readings, nearly one-third focused on the lymphatic system. This important yet often misunderstood part of the body provides our cells with vital protection against harmful bacteria—a necessity for keeping our bodies healthy and strong. Author Elaine Hruska uses her 30 years of experience with the Cayce health readings to show you how the lymph functions, what conditions threaten the health of this system, and what you can do to maintain good health throughout your lymph and your entire body. Let Elaine show you how to pump up your lymph!
Learn Edgar Cayce's clear and profound distinction between your soul and your spirit. Spirit is the Life Force within you; soul is your developing True Self. Learn why the difference matters!
Cayce answers questions and explores methods to safely explore the unconscious mind and develop psychically and spiritually while warning against some methods that are deemed dangerous. All manner of exploration are included from hypnosis and mediumship to ESP experimentation and using dreams for guidance. Additional reports on possession, automatic writing, Ouija board dangers, and more are also included.