In everyone's heart, lies a small light waiting to ignite. It is the Lotus light, a trigger waiting, as in "Sleeping Beauty", for its time to awaken. <br><br>This little book begins the journey for Zaglf, bored and tired of his control over the "little ones" of his kingdom Sweetmoor, a place that used to be gentle and happy, but now is living in darkness of his creation. One night the old owl calls out to him and challenges him saying, "do you imagine that anything could really exist beyond all this that you have forgotten, that perhaps once long ago was so satisfying?"<br><br>Before Zaglf could respond, Rom appears and offers to take Zaglf to a place hidden to most, a place that promises a change not only for him but also for all the others he holds captive in what he calls his kingdom. As he descends into the old mysterious tree with Rom, the ugliness that Zaglf is begins to drop away.<br><br>Will he take on the promise that rings down deep in him from his journey, or will he believe he just imagined it and go back to his old ways and slumber once again. Will the Lotus succeed in its ancient message to Zaglf? Did Zara touch him and did he feel the Lotus Light within him deeply enough to remember?
Renew and rebuild your health to attain strength and power: training for men and women.<br>Training develops and strengthens latent abilities of the human body to restore itself. <br>Regular exercises improve health and performance, develop comprehensive personality, enhance intuition and help make the right decisions in life.
Energy Intelligence, is a unique and refreshing approach to success and happiness in personal development. It addresses the way our minds work and how it impacts on the emotions we feel; the words we say and our actions. By reprogramming our minds with spiritual understanding, we can re-map and change our reality through gentle, practical techniques that can be implemented immediately.<br><br>By listening to our inner selves, we use our mental thoughts to change our outer world thereby allowing us to manifest whatever we want into every aspect of our lives, thus achieving our full potential. <br><br>The main thrust of this book is to work practically with positive energy to bring anything desired into our lives. The reader will be astonished to learn how easily they can influence their physical world and change their reality by designing their life the way they want it to be designed.
Брак Маши разваливается, а багаж обид и страхов прошлого не даёт нормально жить. Но одна встреча с наставницей изменила всё… Это самотренинг по женственности. В нём ты узнаешь, как пробудить свою женскую силу, как подключиться к бесконечному потоку и наладить отношения с мужем и близкими. В книге описаны уникальные практики, которые уже помогли многим ученицам Академии Женственности.
Я взглянул на младенца и был удивлен схожести наших очертаний, разница была лишь в возрасте. Потом опять яркая вспышка, и вот я стою в пещере, один без младенца, в моём Сердце нет ни волнений, ни переживаний, ни сомнений. Я прохожу в глубь пещеры и вижу Мудрецов, сидящих в позе лотоса, в образе большого сгустка Света, Цвета и Звука. Свет поднимался откуда-то снизу пещеры и большим потоком уходил куда-то вверх. Свет был настолько ярким, ослепительно ярким, что сидящие вокруг Мудрецы, как бы растворялись в нём, но, всё же, очертания их можно было различить. Радужные цвета, что мерцали вокруг и заполняли собой всю пещеру, как бы сами собой притягивались, к светящемуся столбу Света и растворялись в нём, воссоединяясь в один белый цвет, ослепительно белый.
Wisdom Keys for Unlocking Your Creative Potential was birthed out of my journey and quest for wisdom. In the process, I gained knowledge and understanding and was unleashed into my creative potential. This book provides valuable keys for unlocking your unlimited creative potential. My aim in this book is to help individuals realize and understand the depth of their creative abilities and to use the multifaceted wisdom keys espoused in this book to unlock their creative potential.<br><br>Creativity has no doubt become an evasive concept for many. Many people value it, many want it but few ever get to expressing it. Why is it so? The goal of this book is to introduce you to the invaluable nuggets gained from discovering that creativity is not an additional project you add to your already full to do list but springs out of the essence of who you really are. Wisdom is the ability to discern, accept and to work in your creative abilities. In other words, wisdom is simply knowing what to do, when to do it, where to do it and with whom to do it with. This book also reflects the countless hours spent seeking wisdom steps or keys on the subject matter of creativity.<br><br>Using wisdom as a guide and tool in understand and releasing your creative potential is crucial. I point out in this book, that wisdom is an essential part of the quantum or spiritual level of creativity. Therefore in this wisdom keys and creativity series, I will attempt to begin a dialogue on the role of wisdom in creativity to lay the foundation for continued discourse on the topic. The keys espoused in this book are the same and can be applied in every nation, in every tribe and for all peoples. This is because there are universal undeniable principles that govern every human being. The wisdom keys espoused in this book are universal for all who will dare to use then appropriately. A farmer in Australia applying these keys correctly will have the same result as a billionaire in Wall Street. <br><br>My desire is that as you read this book you will be birthed into an awareness about your creative potential and that your heart will be opened up for a download, an outpouring of this understanding. You may also need to create what I call a consistent "creative environment" and avoid creative cramps by doing some strategic things in your quest to release your creative potential.
A comprehensive contemporary collection of interviews with local citizens from the state of Colorado that have experienced first hand paranormal encounters. Antonio R. Garcez's Colorado Ghost Stories book represent a complex, meticulously crafted body of work. <br><br>Rather than stories handed down from one generation to another, the book offers accounts from individuals who have had direct one on one encounters with spirits. The research offers a captivating overview of our relationship with the afterlife, and equally celebrates it. <br><br>Colorado Ghost Stories filled with over 300 photos, is one of several books by Garcez to offer the reader a unique approach towards reflection and contemplation of the spiritual possibilities inherent in each of us. Antonio's focus and experience in the literary spiritualism genre gives his work grounds for recognition as a factual presenter of the after life phenomena. Make no mistake, these books are unlike any others ever written!
Do you want more love in your life? More respect? More joy?<br><br>Are you willing to challenge your pessimistic self-talk? <br><br>Are you ready for a journey into your heart that will bring you dynamic loving and transformative power? <br><br>From the wisdom of Ben Franklin, Alice Walker, Don Henley, Ludwig Von Wittgenstein, Leo Busgaglia, and Michael Franti, to the hope of bell hooks, Riane Eisler, Abraham Maslow, Ivanyla Vansant, Buckminster Fuller, and a score of other artists and thinkers, River Smith creates a clear path for readers to follow to bring more power, more love, and more joy into our lives. In this revised edition of his inspirational self-help book with a social conscience, Dr. Smith, a psychologist and social justice educator, opens the way for readers to transform not just ourselves, but our families, our communities, and the world.
Would you like to release your feminine power's in order to be the successful woman you deserve to be? <br><br>Do you want to clarify your thoughts and feelings so that you know yourself at a deeper level?<br><br>Are you tired of feeling stressed and wished you had more control over your life?<br><br>If this sounds like you, then read on so you can focus more on enjoying life and what's more important.<br><br>The Goddess Journals is predominantly composed of experiential exercises such as creative journaling and guided visualisations for self awareness through activities, checklists and questionnaires that are delivered in a workbook style format. Journaling is a sanctuary of your thoughts and feelings which are transposed into words either on a blank journal, notebook or paper. Identifying and recording those deeper aspects of the self is a highly recommended technique so that you can become more motivated to empower yourself for your ideal future. You will learn to have greater self awareness by identifying past limiting beliefs, releasing your inner feeling about your own life, releasing any blocked emotions that hinder your personal growth, identifying your inner dream urges, applying goal setting and mind-mapping techniques and envisioning your ideal future by creating a Vision Board. <br><br>JOURNEY PAGES:<br><br>1. IDENTIFYING YOUR PAST LIMITING BELIEFS<br>2. GOING INTO THE FUTURE<br>3. YOUR POWER ANALYSIS<br>4. EMOTIONAL AWARENESS<br>5. MEASURING YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE<br>6. UNEARTHING AND SENSING ANGER<br>7. SENSING FEAR<br>8. VISUALISATION AND AFFIRMATIONS<br>9. LETTING GO OF PLEASING<br>10. IDENTIFYING YOUR NOISES OF DISTRACTION<br>11. GAINING MORE CONTROL OVER CHEMICALS<br>12. ENJOYING THE MOMENT OF "NOW"<br>13. ALLOWING MORE LOVE THROUGH GRATITUDE AND FORGIVENESS<br>14. INVOKING THE LIGHT<br>15. IDENTIFYING AND WELCOMING WORTHINESS<br>16. CONTACTING YOUR NEW LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE<br>17. INCREASING YOUR TRUST<br>18. ENERGY LEVELS<br>19. INNER DREAM URGES FOR LONG TERM DREAMS<br>20. MIND-MAPPING FOR LONG TERM GOALS<br>21. IMPLEMENTING THE MEDIUM TERM GOALS<br>22. MAPPING YOUR SHORT TERM GOALS<br>23. IMPLEMENTING THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TO MYSELF<br>24. GENERATING MY OWN STATUTORY DECLARATION TO MYSELF<br>25. CREATING A VISION BOARD