Наверняка вы замечали, как много сил, времени и энергии тратите на дела, которые этого не стоят? Зарываясь в мелочах, вы пропускаете главное и не чувствуете вкуса жизни, а достижения вас не устраивают. Но вы в любой момент можете изменить свою жизнь, не дожидаясь очередного понедельника! Этот календарь создан специально для того, чтобы повысить успешность в нужных вам сферах деятельности. Вы сможете: правильно организовать свое время и успевать сделать больше; навести порядок в повседневных делах и долгосрочных планах; сформировать события своей жизни и перевести их из раздела мечтаний в реальность!
В отличие от своего окружения, Марк верил в существование иных сил: будь то магия, волшебство или сверх способности отдельных людей и предметов… В этом мире возможно всё – именно таким правилом он руководствовался. Но главный герой и понятия не имел, что вера в магию может повлечь такие последствия…
Став опекуном для дочери лучшего друга, Эмиль получил в свои руки самое ценное сокровище, что могла дать ему судьба. Кто лучше всего подойдет темному демону с даром смерти, как не светлая ведьма с даром жизни. Но девушка опасна, ведь с помощью ее крови можно открыть прямой проход в Бездну. И за ней охотятся высшие демоны Бездны. А тут еще вылезшие из-под земли проклятые камни, исчезнувшие вместе со всеми жителями деревни. Попробуй уследи за одной далеко не спокойной суккубой и попытайся не влюбиться. Что делать, если сердце, не слушая никаких доводов разума, тянется к той, что так близко и далеко.
Sometimes memories return like small caresses, or little feather touches from the past. We smile, remember, savor, and perhaps even wince a bit. Then the memories fade and are forgotten. But if the feather touches persist, there is a story that wants to take wing. The recollections accumulate and gather substance.
The Temple of Warm Harmony is a book of poems, but it is also something of a map. Some of the poems are about the author, some are about the reader, while other poems are about the times we're all living through. A blend of mini-exorcisms, healing incantations, dreams, and invitations to numinous ways of observing and experiencing life, the book is divided into three parts: In the World of Red Dust, Heartbreak and Armoring, and Entering The Temple of Warm Harmony . On the heels of his award-winning first book of poetry, The School of Soft-Attention , poet Frank LaRue Owen invites "fellow travelers" to consider ways we can regain a sense of harmony even while navigating challenging terrain, personally and collectively.
We Two-Leggeds are not limited to a physical body. We have capacities of perception beyond the usual five senses. Landscapes — inner, outer — can hold wisdom, healing-energy, memory, and teachings. A practice of attunement to the spirit of place is one viable path for the activity of a poet. So begins Stirrup of the Sun & Moon — a collection of poems rooted in the seasons, landscape, ancestry, memory of place, and the churning gyre of the soul. As you make your way through Frank LaRue Owen's third book of poetry, you will notice two features — both inspired by customs from early Chinese poetry — that orient and augment the poems. Every poem (with the exception of one) was composed be read with music and contains a liner note that includes the name of a song, its album, and composer. Additionally, some of the poems are place-centric and include the name and place coordinates associated with the poem. As you travel through Stirrup of the Sun & Moon, you will encounter poems-as-memory and poems-as-markers on a map, inspired by such diverse places as Northern California and Colorado, Mississippi and New Mexico. Saddle up!
It has been said that poetry can be a marker of where a poet has been, or a way for a poet to point to places where we, the reader, can go. Both types of poems appear in The School of Soft-Attention . Not corralled to any one poetic style, the heart-mind-river that forms this flowing collection has been shaped by the author’s diverse cross-cultural experiences, spiritual tutelage with a New Mexican wisewoman and wilderness guide, and fueled by such practices as meditation in the Zen tradition, mountain pilgrimages, fasting in the deserts of New Mexico, and intensive dreamwork. At every point along the way, the poems in The School of Soft-Attention invite the reader to turn to a new way of seeing, a new way of paying attention to the life within and around us.
“Matthew Fox elegantly offers a contemplative practice that transforms the names of God to the experience of God.” –Deepak Chopra MD What do we mean by “God” in today’s world? Do we even need “God” anymore?How many names for Divinity are there? Do the names for God change as we mature as individuals, evolve as a species, and face a critical “turning time” in human and planetary history?” Too often, notions of God have been used as a means to control and to promote a narrow worldview. In Naming the Unnameable, renowned theologian and author Matthew Fox ignites our imaginations by offering a colorful range of Divine Names gathered from scientists and poets and mystics past and present, inviting us to always begin where true spirituality begins: From experience. Ultimately, no name for God suffices. We are challenged to continue to probe the rich ecology of human spirituality to ask questions, embrace paradox, and listen silently to the deepest of life’s mysteries.