Going beyond horoscopes, Human Design posits that everyone is born with an individuality as unique as a fingerprint. The detailed personality readings Human Design provides empower people to make decisions, choose professions, and create relationships with ease and success because they are no longer struggling against innate strengths and weaknesses. They are instead tapping into their personal power and destiny. Understanding these readings allows people to align their actions with their inherent, truest self. Chetan Parkyn, the foremost international practitioner of Human Design, now offers readers the tools to do their own readings (using a downloadable program), to map the life charts of friends and family, and even to explore the complete life charts of a variety of public figures. Simple, accurate, and wonderfully detailed, Human Design unlocks human potential by answering the age-old question, Who am I?
One Palm Sunday, Echo Bodine prayed to be granted a better understanding of worlds beyond this one, and three days later she found herself on an amazing voyage. Leaving her body behind, she traveled through life, death, and then beyond in a breath-taking vision of what awaits us all after this life.
Echoes of the Soul is heartwarming and enlightening. In simple prose, Echo Bodine gently leads readers through realms of existence we all have yet to experience. Her inspiring images leave us with a hopeful vision of life after death – or, as Echo calls it, graduation, when we go to our real home.
This inspiring and positive vision of the afterlife leaves the reader filled with hope, and even awe.
Intuition is a birthright, but many have lost touch with it. If embraced and followed, intuition can be an accurate force that permeates all facets of life. Shakti teaches readers how to tap into their inner knowledge and use it to enhance their lives and attain their goals.
Chapters explore the role of intuition in health, creativity, work, and prosperity. Exercises based on Shakti's workshops and seminars help readers listen to their inner guide but also evaluate the worthiness of such knowledge in the context of the real world. Stories from her clients and her own life illustrate the practical advice she gives.
The Art of True Healing details a powerful exercise that stimulates the body, mind, and spirit to help us create physical health and personal success. Originally published in 1932, predating by more than a half century the current interest in the mind’s power to heal, this concise work guides readers through what Israel Regardie calls the Middle Pillar meditation – a technique that combines the mystical concepts of yoga’s chakras and the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life to create a simple and effective healing tool.
In this edition, editor Marc Allen brings Regardie’s work into the twenty-first century – showing us how to unleash energy to heal our bodies and, ultimately, every part of our lives. Like few books before or since, The Art of True Healing provides both the theory and practices necessary for attaining well-being and fulfillment.
Эта книга – настольный самоучитель для каждого, кому нужна энергетическая защита от людей-"вампиров", от всяческого негатива. Доступное изложение, разнообразные практические методики, от простых до более сложных, – позволяют сразу же начинать действовать, без лишних теорий. Выбирайте и быстро надевайте "энергетические доспехи" тогда, когда вам это особенно необходимо в жизни. Администрация сайта ЛитРес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация специалиста.
Маг всегда помнит: наш физический мир, знакомый и привычный, – не единственный. Есть и другие, параллельные слои реальности – тонкие планы или тонкие миры. По ним можно путешествовать, с ними можно работать, открывая для себя новые и удивительные возможности. Обычный человек не в состоянии увидеть и почувствовать их, однако тем, кто посвятил или собирается посвятить себя магическим искусствам, знание о том, что лежит за пределами обыденности, жизненно необходимо. Обо всем этом – новая книга Мага Саргаса, светлого мага, видеоблогера и писателя, посвященная тонким мирам, их устройству, многообразию и взаимодействию с ними. С ее помощью вы узнаете, как получить доступ к иным планам реальности, избежать конфликтов с их обитателями и не навредить себе и другим. А также – сохранить физическое здоровье, разум и душу, подняв свою магическую практику на новый уровень.
Work In shares new mental and physical recovery techniques for athletes who give it all in every workout. Yoga and recovery coach Erin Taylor gives athletes practical tools and an integrated plan for real recovery from training—and everyday life. By making yoga and meditation easy for anyone, Taylor gives athletes a way to do recovery right. Just 5 minutes a day of “working in” can prime athletes for faster, fuller recovery and higher performance. With unprecedented access to training data and workout bragging rights on social networks, athletes are doing everything they can to “win the workout” and keep pace with the athletes around them. Every athlete knows that training brings results, but workouts are only half the equation. Workouts tear the body down. Athletes must also “work in” to gain full recovery, when the body rebuilds for higher performance. Taylor’s Work In program brings real recovery to athletes wherever they are—at home or on the trail, track, field, or court. Work In techniques can be performance anywhere with minimal or no props and can be easily incorporated into any training plan. Work In offers · Low time commitment—just 5 minutes a day to fully integrate recovery into training · A 28-day recovery plan to introduce meditation and restorative yoga · 11 meditations for athletes and 3 visualizations for brain training and mental focus · 27 poses and 4 restorative yoga routines for physical relaxation · Tips to get started and prompts to stay engaged Erin Taylor’s Work In will help athletes balance working out with working in so they can close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
Everyone’s watching Tufti. Everyone’s reading Tufti. Everyone’s talking about Tufti. Some shout, “We can’t stand Tufti!” Others shout, “We want Tufti!” So who is she Priestess Itfut, who goes by the second name Tufti? Tufti is not a made up character. She used to exist and in some sense she still does. This book describes the amazing adventures of the priestess and her friends in metareality. What happens there is not entirely fiction.Truth be told, it is not fiction at all. The reader will have to decide for themselves how much of it they wish to believe. This book does not promise a magic wand and you will not absorb the superpowers of its fabulous characters by reading it, but you can take Tufti’s techniques away with you, as many others have done already.
Серия «Ченнелинг» – для тех, кто хочет стать свободнее. Эстер и Джерри Хикс наделены способностью считывать информацию с тонких уровней реальности. Те сущности, с которыми они находятся в контакте, хотят, чтобы мы поняли, что являемся хозяевами своей судьбы. Они напоминают нам, что в нашей власти имеется мощный и эффективный инструмент под названием «ЭМОЦИИ». Представьте себе лестницу эмоций. На какой вы ступеньке? Вверху, где счастье и радость? Или внизу – где горечь депрессии? А может быть, вы блуждаете где-то посередине? Очевидно одно, вы сейчас определенно где-то находитесь – но что теперь делать и куда идти? Перед вами вторая часть путеводителя по эмоциональной географии. В книге содержатся практические рекомендации: «22 процесса». Это задания, которые позволят вам, четко понимая суть своих действий, привлечь в свою жизнь желанные перемены и наполнить ее изнутри интересом и радостью. В путь?