Which objects and properties are represented in perceptual experience, and how are we able to determine this? The papers in this collection address these questions together with other fundamental questions about the nature of perceptual content. The book draws together papers by leading international philosophers of mind, including Alex Byrne (MIT), Alva Noë (University of California, Berkeley), Tim Bayne (St Catherine’s College, Oxford), Michael Tye (University of Texas, Austin), Richard Price (All Souls College, Oxford) and Susanna Siegel (Harvard University) Essays address the central questions surrounding the content of perceptual experience Investigates how are we able to determine the admissible contents of experience Published in association with the journal Philosophical Quarterly
What can South Park tell us about Socrates and the nature of evil? How does The Office help us to understand Sartre and existentialist ethics? Can Battlestar Galactica shed light on the existence of God? Introducing Philosophy Through Pop Culture uses popular culture to illustrate important philosophical concepts and the work of the major philosophers With examples from film, television, and music including South Park, The Matrix , X-Men, Batman, Harry Potter, Metallica and Lost, even the most abstract and complex philosophical ideas become easier to grasp Features key essays from across the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, as well as helpful editorial material and a glossary of philosophical terms From metaphysics to epistemology; from ethics to the meaning of life, this unique introduction makes philosophy as engaging as popular culture itself Supplementary website available with teaching guides, sample materials and links to further resources at www.pop-philosophy.org
Philosophy for Children in Transition presents a diverse collection of perspectives on the worldwide educational movement of philosophy for children. Educators and philosophers establish the relationship between philosophy and the child, and clarify the significance of that relationship for teaching and learning today. The papers present a diverse range of perspectives, problems and tentative prospects concerning the theory and practice of Philosophy for Children today The collection familiarises an actual educational practice that is steadily gaining importance in the field of academic philosophy Opens up discussion on the notion of the relationship between philosophy and the child
Water is the major contributor to the eating and keeping qualities and structure of baked products. Its management and control during preparation, processing, baking, cooling and storage is essential for the optimisation of product quality. This successful and highly practical volume describes in detail the role and control of water in the formation of cake batters, bread, pastry and biscuit doughs, their subsequent processing and the baked product. Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, the book has been expanded and developed through the inclusion of new information and references related to the formation and processing of batters and dough into baked products. The new edition includes a selection of case studies based on practical experience in the manufacture and optimisation of baked products. Each case study, illustrated as appropriate, considers the various roles that water may play in different manufacturing contexts. The book is aimed at food scientists and technologists in bakery companies; ingredient suppliers; flour millers; researchers and students in academic food science departments.
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism presents an edited collection of essays that explore the nature of Humanism as an approach to life, and a philosophical analysis of the key humanist propositions from naturalism and science to morality and meaning. Represents the first book of its kind to look at Humanism not just in terms of its theoretical underpinnings, but also its consequences and its diverse manifestations Features contributions from international and emerging scholars, plus renowned figures such as Stephen Law, Charles Freeman and Jeaneanne Fowler Presents Humanism as a positive alternative to theism Brings together the world’s leading Humanist academics in one reference work
«Заметки Жёлтого» – это литературный андеграунд, где под «сумасшедшими» заголовками располагаются короткие тексты с тематикой от «бытовухи» до философии, написанные легким слогом, местами с юмором, едким сарказмом или горькой иронией, с необычными аналогиями и метафорами, а также с аллюзиями и параллелями на множество литературных источников. В этой книге все заметки объединены общей концепцией в захватывающий «сюжет мысли».
Основная интрига настоящего момента в том, что, несмотря на нежелание современных наук заниматься решением мировоззренческих вопросов, сегодня лишь Наука обладает потенциалом для разработки отвечающей современности «библии», т. е. разработки системы критериев «правильности» нашего поведения.А вот о чем и что должно говориться в современной «библии» от современной науки, вы узнаете уже из книги.
Что такое мотивация? Задать себе такой вопрос просто нет времени. Когда человек знает, чего хочет, нет мыслей о мотивации. Когда не знает, возникает другой вопрос – «чего я хочу?» В книге предоставлена возможность взглянуть на природу мотивации вместо блуждания в поисках её. В тексте нет ни одного рецепта, и это неспроста!
Перед Вами, дорогой читатель, трактат современного русского философа Л. С. Овчинникова – «Онтическое сознание». В нём даётся обоснование Философии как науки об идеальном сущем. Продолжая классическую идеалистическую парадигму, автор переосмысляет её в русле формально-эксплицитной теории отношения сознания и тела. Эта книга отвечает на самые волнующие человеческий дух вопросы: «что такое Бытие?», «почему есть Сущее, а не ничто?», «что такое сознание?», «что есть Сущее?», «в чём смысл Сущего?».
В книге представлен анализ философских и правовых взглядов выдающегося австрийского ученого, философа и правоведа Ганса Кельзена.