
Различные книги в жанре Философия

The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory

LaFollette Hugh

Building on the strengths of the highly successful first edition, the extensively updated Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory presents a complete state-of-the-art survey, written by an international team of leading moral philosophers. A new edition of this successful and highly regarded Guide, now reorganized and updated with the addition of significant new material Includes 21 essays written by an international team of leading philosophers Extensive, substantive essays develop the main arguments of all the leading viewpoints in ethical theory Essays new to this edition cover evolution and ethics, capability ethics, virtues and consequences, and the implausibility of virtue ethics

Искусство любить

Эрих Фромм

Одна из самых известных работ Эриха Фромма – «Искусство любить» – посвящена непростым психологическим аспектам возникновения и сохранения человеком такого, казалось бы, простого чувства, как любовь. Действительно ли любовь – искусство? Если да, то она требует труда и знаний. Или это только приятное ощущение?.. Для большинства проблема любви – это прежде всего проблема того, как быть любимым, а не того, как любить самому…

The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil

McBrayer Justin P.

The Blackwell Companion to the Problem of Evil presents a collection of original essays providing both overview and insight, clarifying and evaluating the philosophical and theological “problem of evil” in its various contexts and manifestations. Features all original essays that explore the various forms of the problems of evil, offering theistic responses that attempt to explain evil as well as discussion of the challenges facing such explanations Includes section introductions with a historical essay that traces the developments of the issues explored Acknowledges the fact that there are many problems of evil, some of which apply only to those who believe in concepts such as hell and some of which apply to non-theists Represents views from the various religious traditions, including Hindu, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim

The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity

Stump J. B.

A cutting-edge survey of contemporary thought at the intersection of science and Christianity. Provides a cutting-edge survey of the central ideas at play at the intersection of science and Christianity through 54 original articles by world-leading scholars and rising stars in the discipline Focuses on Christianity's interaction with Science to offer a fine-grained analysis of issues such as multiverse theories in cosmology, convergence in evolution, Intelligent Design, natural theology, human consciousness, artificial intelligence, free will, miracles, and the Trinity, amongst many others Addresses major historical developments in the relationship between science and Christianity, including Christian patristics, the scientific revolution, the reception of Darwin, and twentieth century fundamentalism Divided into 9 Parts: Historical Episodes; Methodology; Natural Theology; Cosmology & Physics; Evolution; The Human Sciences; Christian Bioethics; Metaphysical Implications; The Mind; Theology; and Significant Figures of the 20th Century Includes diverse perspectives and broadens the conversation from the Anglocentric tradition

Наука логики

Георг Гегель

«Наука логики» Гегеля – одно из тех произведений, которые оставляют глубокий след в сознании человека, в его духовном совершенствовании. Своим учением знаменитый немецкий философ вошел в историю как выдающийся реформатор науки о мышлении (разработал и развил его диалектические формы), о закономерностях и способах познания. Основная задача логики, по Гегелю, – познание истины. И он исследовал пути, ведущие к истине, и эволюцию этих путей. Сама же логика ни на каком этапе своего исторического развития не может быть законченной наукой – она оставляет свои двери открытыми для новых выводов и новых понятий. Поэтому учение Гегеля всегда современно и вызывает неизменный интерес.

Лекция «Философия Просвещения»

Андрей Зубов

В основе философии эпохи Просвещения – вера в безграничные возможности человеческого разума. Мировоззренческие установки эпохи развивали Локк, Вольтер, Руссо, Дидро, Лессинг и многие другие. Как водяные мельницы, подъёмные машины и паровая машина повлияли на развитие мысли XVII—XVIII вв.? Для многих мыслителей научный прогресс стал условием продвижения общества к свободе, счастью и общественному благополучию. Наука, прогресс и гуманизм, свобода от религиозных предрассудков, цивилизация. О ключевых понятиях плодотворной эпохи и обновлённой Европе на лекции профессора Андрея Зубова.

A Companion to Hegel

Houlgate Stephen

This companion provides original, scholarly, and cutting-edge essays that cover the whole range of Hegel’s mature thought and his lasting influence. A comprehensive guide to one of the most important modern philosophers Essays are written in an accessible manner and draw on the most up-to-date Hegel research Contributions are drawn from across the world and from a wide variety of philosophical approaches and traditions Examines Hegel’s influence on a range of thinkers, from Kierkegaard and Marx to Heidegger, Adorno and Derrida Begins with a chronology of Hegel’s life and work and is then split into sections covering topics such as Philosophy of Nature, Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Religion

50 Great Myths About Atheism

Schüklenk Udo

Tackling a host of myths and prejudices commonly leveled at atheism, this captivating volume bursts with sparkling, eloquent arguments on every page. The authors rebut claims that range from atheism being just another religion to the alleged atrocities committed in its name. An accessible yet scholarly commentary on hot-button issues in the debate over religious belief Teaches critical thinking skills through detailed, rational argument Objectively considers each myth on its merits Includes a history of atheism and its advocates, an appendix detailing atheist organizations, and an extensive bibliography Explains the differences between atheism and related concepts such as agnosticism and naturalism

Zizek Now. Current Perspectives in Zizek Studies

Khader Jamil

Arguably the most prolific and most widely read philosopher of our time, Slavoj Zizek has made indelible interventions into many disciplines of the so-called human sciences that have transformed the terms of discussion in these fields. Although his work has been the subject of many volumes of searching criticism and commentary, there is no assessment to date of the value of his work for the development of these disciplines. Zizek Now brings together distinguished critics to explore the utility and far-ranging implications of Zizek's thought and provide an evaluation of the difference his work makes or promises to make in their chosen fields. As such, the volume offers chapters on quantum physics and Zizek's transcendentalist materialist theory of the subject, Hegel's absolute, materialist Christianity, postcolonial violence, eco-politics, ceremonial acts, and the postcolonial revolutionary subject. Contributors to the volume include Adrian Johnston, Ian Parker, Todd McGowan, Bruno Bosteels, Erik Vogt, Verena Conley, Joshua Ramey, Jamil Khader, and Zizek himself.

Better Consciousness. Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Value

Janaway Christopher

Better Consciousness: Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Value reassesses Schopenhauer's aesthetics and ethics and their contemporary relevance. Features a collection of new essays from leading Schopenhauer scholars Explores a relatively neglected area of Schopenhauer's philosophy Offers a new perspective on a great thinker who crystallized the pessimism of the nineteenth century and has many points of contact with twenty-first century thought