
Различные книги в жанре Физика

String Cosmology

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This relatively new field applies equations from string theory to solve the questions of early cosmology, since the standard picture of our universe emerging from a 'big bang' leaves many fundamental issues unanswered. String theory, on the other hand, postulates that fundamental ingredients of nature are not zero-dimensional point particles but tiny one-dimensional filaments. This theory harmoniously unites quantum mechanics and general relativity – the previously known laws of the small and the large – which are otherwise incompatible. The field of string cosmology has matured considerably over the past few years, attracting many new adherents. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the topic, it is difficult for practitioners to be conversant with all the many different aspects. This book thus fills a huge gap by bringing together all the different strains of research into one single volume. The resulting collection of selected articles presents the latest, ongoing results from renowned experts currently working in the field. From the contents: * Introduction to Cosmology and String Theory * String Inflation: Brane Inflation and Inflation from Moduli * Cosmic Superstrings * The CMB as a Possible Probe of String Theory * String Gas Cosmology * Gauge-gravity Duality and String Cosmology * Heterotic M-theory and C A welcome addition to the literature for graduate students, students in astronomy, astronomers, mathematicians and theoretical physicists.

Cosmic Matter

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This 20th volume in the series contains 16 invited reviews and highlight contributions presented during the 2007 International Scientific Conference of the German Astronomical Society on the topic of «Cosmic Matter», held in Würzburg, Germany. The papers published here discuss a wide range of hot topics, including cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, astroparticle physics gravitational waves, extragalactic and stellar astronomy—together representing the roadmap for astroparticle physics in Europe.

Extrasolar Planets

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This latest, up-to-date resource for research on extrasolar planets covers formation, dynamics, atmospheres and detection. After a look at the formation of giant planets, the book goes on to discuss the formation and dynamics of planets in resonances, planets in double stars, atmospheres and habitable zones, detection via spectra and transits, and the history and prospects of ESPs as well as satellite projects. Edited by a renowned expert in solar system dynamics with chapters written by the leading experts in the method described – from the US and Europe – this is an ideal textbook for graduates, students in astronomy, and astronomers.

Astrophysical Hydrodynamics

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This latest edition of the proven and comprehensive treatment on the topic – from the bestselling author of «Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics» – has been updated and revised to reflect the newest research results. Suitable for AS0000 and AS0200 courses, as well as advanced astrophysics and astronomy lectures, this is an indispensable theoretical backup for studies on celestial body formation and astrophysics. Includes exercises with solutions.

Solar Astrophysics

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This revised edition of Solar Astrophysics describes our current understanding of the sun – from its deepest interior, via the layers of the directly observable atmosphere to the solar wind, right out to its farthest extension into interstellar space. It includes a comprehensive account of the history of solar astrophysics, along with an overview of the key instruments throughout the various periods. In contrast to other books on this topic, the choice of material deals evenhandedly with the entire scope of important topics covered in solar research. The authors make the advances in our understanding of the sun accessible to students and non-specialists by way of careful use of relatively simple physical concepts. The book offers an incisive, reliable, and well-planned look at all that is fascinating and new in studies of the sun.

Das Ende der Nacht

Thomas Posch

Every city dweller is aware that we are seeing fewer stars at night due to the increasing amount of artificial lighting. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as the loss of natural nocturnal darkness is concerned. Humans and animals worldwide are now suffering from the disrupted rhythm of day and night due to extreme lighting at night. In humans this can lead to illness and increased stress. Hitherto only known to experts, this book is the first to comprehensively treat the entire phenomenon of light pollution. Richly illustrated using unusual images taken from the TV documentation «The Dark Side of Light» by Anja Freyhoff and Thomas Uhlmann, this book is for anyone interested in a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature and a healthy work/life rhythm.

Drilling in Extreme Environments

Yoseph Bar-Cohen

Uniquely comprehensive and up to date, this book covers terrestrial as well as extraterrestrial drilling and excavation, combining the technology of drilling with the state of the art in robotics. The authors come from industry and top ranking public and corporate research institutions and provide here real-life examples, problems, solutions and case studies, backed by color photographs throughout. The result is a must-have for oil companies and all scientists involved in planetary research with robotic probes. With a foreword by Harrison «Jack» Schmitt – the first geologist to drill on the moon.

Complete Course in Astrobiology

Gerda Horneck

This up-to-date resource is based on lectures developed by experts in the relevant fields and carefully edited by the leading astrobiologists within the European community. Aimed at graduate students in physics, astronomy and biology and their lecturers, the text begins with a general introduction to astrobiology, followed by sections on basic prebiotic chemistry, extremophiles, and habitability in our solar system and beyond. A discussion of astrodynamics leads to a look at experimental facilities and instrumentation for space experiments and, ultimately, astrobiology missions, backed in each case by the latest research results from this fascinating field. Includes a CD-ROM with additional course material.

Nuclear Physics of Stars

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Thermonuclear reactions in stars is a major topic in the field of nuclear astrophysics, and deals with the topics of how precisely stars generate their energy through nuclear reactions, and how these nuclear reactions create the elements the stars, planets and – ultimately – we humans consist of. The present book treats these topics in detail. It also presents the nuclear reaction and structure theory, thermonuclear reaction rate formalism and stellar nucleosynthesis. The topics are discussed in a coherent way, enabling the reader to grasp their interconnections intuitively. The book serves both as a textbook, with many examples and end-of-chapter exercises, but also as a reference book for use by researchers working in the field of nuclear astrophysics.

Discovering the Solar System

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Discovering the Solar System, Second Edition covers the Sun, the planets, their satellites and the host of smaller bodies that orbit the Sun. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject for science students, and examines the discovery, investigation and modelling of these bodies. Following a thematic approach, chapters cover interiors, surfaces and the atmospheres of major bodies, including the Earth. The book starts with an overview of the Solar System and its origin, and then takes a look at small bodies, such as asteroids, comets and meteorites. Carefully balancing breadth of coverage with depth, Discovering the Solar System, Second Edition: Offers a comprehensive introduction, assuming little prior knowledge Includes full coverage of each planet, as well as the moon, Europa and Titan. The Second Edition includes new material on exoplanetary systems, and a general update throughout. Presents latest results from the Mars Rover and Cassini-Huygens missions Includes a colour plate section Contains ‘stop and think’ questions embedded in the text to aid understanding, along with questions at the end of major sections. Answers are provided at the end of the book. Provides summaries at the end of each chapter, and a glossary at the end of the book Praise for the First Edition: «(…) essential reading for all undergraduate students (…) and for those at a more advanced level approaching the subject for the first time.» THE SCIENCE BOOK BOARD BOOK REVIEW “One of the best books on the solar system I have seen. The general accuracy and quality of the content is excellent.” JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION