Рассмотрены примеры парения человека в воздухе. Автором создана теория левитации человека с учетом психических, механических, химических и физических процессов. Она содержит подачу сигналов на весь организм, приведение его в состояние экстаза, с вибрациями, с ростом кислот, содержания SiО2 и CaCO3. Происходит поляризация и пьезоэффект на кварце и кальците. Все это приводит к генерированию ультразвука, э.м. волн, к формированию завихрений и торсионного поля, являющихся основой для левитации.
This book is a comprehensive treatment of star formation, one of the most active fields of modern astronomy. The reader is guided through the subject in a logically compelling manner. Starting from a general description of stars and interstellar clouds, the authors delineate the earliest phases of stellar evolution. They discuss formation activity not only in the Milky Way, but also in other galaxies, both now and in the remote past. Theory and observation are thoroughly integrated, with the aid of numerous figures and images. In summary, this volume is an invaluable resource, both as a text for physics and astronomy graduate students, and as a reference for professional scientists.
Magnetism is one of the most pervasive features of the Universe, with planets, stars and entire galaxies all having associated magnetic fields. All of these fields are generated by the motion of electrically conducting fluids, the so-called dynamo effect. The precise details of what drives the motion, and indeed what the fluid consists of, differ widely though. In this work the authors draw upon their expertise in geophysical and astrophysical MHD to explore some of these phenomena, and describe the similarities and differences between different magnetized objects. They also explain why magnetic fields are crucial in the formation of the stars, and discuss promising experiments currently being designed to study some of the relevant physics in the laboratory. This interdisciplinary approach makes the book appealing to a wide audience in physics, astrophysics and geophysics.
This is the 2nd edition of a highly successful title on this fascinating and complex subject. Concentrating primarily on the theory behind the origin and the evolution of the universe, and where appropriate relating it to observation, the new features of the this addition include: An overall introduction to the book Two new chapters: Gravitational Lensing and Gravitational Waves Each part has a collection of exercises with solutions to numerical parts at the end of the book Contains a table of physical constants The addition of a consolidated bibilography
Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos is an accessible introduction to the key principles and theories underlying astrophysics. This text takes a close look at the radiation and particles that we receive from astronomical objects, providing a thorough understanding of what this tells us, drawing the information together using examples to illustrate the process of astrophysics. Chapters dedicated to objects showing complex processes are written in an accessible manner and pull relevant background information together to put the subject firmly into context. The intention of the author is that the book will be a ‘tool chest’ for undergraduate astronomers wanting to know the how of astrophysics. Students will gain a thorough grasp of the key principles, ensuring that this often-difficult subject becomes more accessible.
The dynamic field of astrochemistry brings together ideas of physics, astrophysics, biology and chemistry to the study of molecules between stars, around stars and on planets. Astrochemistry: from Astronomy to Astrobiology provides a clear and concise introduction to this rapidly evolving multidisciplinary subject. Starting with the Molecular Universe, the text covers the formation of the elements, simple models of stars and their classification. It then moves on to draw on the theme of the Origins of Life to study interstellar chemistry, meteorite and comet chemistry as well as the chemistry of planets. Prebiotic chemistry and astrobiology are explored by examining the extremes of the biosphere on Earth, seeing how this may be applied to life in other solar systems. Astrochemsitry assumes a basic familiarity with principles of physical and organic chemistry but no prior knowledge of biology or astrophysics. This innovative text incorporates results from the latest research and ground and space missions, with key images enhanced by a colour plate section. includes latest research and results from ground and space missions colour plate section summary of concepts and calculations at the end of each chapter accompanying website www.wiley.co/go/shawastrochemistry This book will be an ideal text for an undergraduate course in Astrochemistry and an essential tool for postgraduates entering the field.
Für die zweite Auflage wurden alle Aufsätze aktualisiert und sieben neue Beiträge aufgenommen. So komplettieren zwei Kapitel über Sternenstaub in Meteoriten und Kometen sowie über komplexe organische Moleküle in der interstellaren Materie das große Thema Stern- und Planetenentstehung. Ein Aufsatz über die bislang unentdeckten ersten Sterne im Universum führt nahe an den Urknall heran, und eine Fotoreihe des Weltraumteleskops Hubble über kollidierende Galaxien demonstriert, dass es im Weltall mitunter recht turbulent zugeht. Auch der Raumfahrt wurde mehr Platz gewidmet. Ein Beitrag beschreibt die zukünftige unbemannte Rückholmission von Marsgestein zur Erde. Ein Erlebnisbericht des deutschen Astronauten Ulrich Walter von seinem Flug mit dem Space Shuttle Columbia erinnert an das Ende einer großen Ära.
This up-to-date reference on stellar populations and development models includes coverage of distant galaxies, chemical evolution and supernovae. Written by highly acclaimed authorities in the field, the book makes use of specific problems to reveal the «kitchen secrets.»