Nonlinearity, Complexity and Randomness in Economics presents a variety of papers by leading economists, scientists, and philosophers who focus on different aspects of nonlinearity, complexity and randomness, and their implications for economics. A theme of the book is that economics should be based on algorithmic, computable mathematical foundations. Features an interdisciplinary collection of papers by economists, scientists, and philosophers Presents new approaches to macroeconomic modelling, agent-based modelling, financial markets, and emergent complexity Reveals how economics today must be based on algorithmic, computable mathematical foundations
The use of computers has opened up remarkable opportunities for innovative design, improved productivity, and greater efficiency in the use of materials. Uniquely, this book focuses on the practical use of computers for clothing pattern design and product development. Readers are introduced to the various computer systems which are suitable for the industry, the principles and techniques of pattern design applied to computer systems are explained, and readers are shown how product data management can be used in clothing product development.
Operational risk assessment The Commercial Imperative of a More Forensic and Transparent Approach Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman “Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman's book is extremely timely. There has never been a greater need for the financial industry to reassess the way it looks at risk. […] They are right to draw attention to the current widespread practices of risk management, which […] have allowed risk to become underpriced across the entire industry.” Rt Hon John McFall MP, Chairman, House of Commons Treasury Committee Failure of the financial services sector to properly understand risk was clearly demonstrated by the recent 'credit crunch'. In its 2008 Global Stability Report, the IMF sharply criticised banks and other financial institutions for the failure of risk management systems, resulting in excessive risk-taking. Financial sector supervision and regulation was also criticised for lagging behind shifts in business models and rapid innovation. This book provides investors with a sound understanding of the approaches used to assess the standing of firms and determine their true potential (identifying probable losers and potential longer-term winners). It advocates a 'more forensic' approach towards operational risk management and promotes transparency, which is seen as a facilitator of competition and efficiency as well as being a barrier to fraud, corruption and financial crime. Risk assessment is an integral part of informed decision making, influencing strategic positioning and direction. It is fundamental to a company’s performance and a key differentiator between competing management teams. Increasing complexity is resulting in the need for more dynamic, responsive approaches to the assessment and management of risk. Not all risks can be quantified; however, it remains incumbent upon management to determine the impact of possible risk-events on financial statements and to indicate the level of variation in projected figures. To begin, the book looks at traditional methods of risk assessment and shows how these have developed into the approaches currently being used. It then goes on to consider the more advanced forensic techniques being developed, which will undoubtedly increase understanding. The authors identify 'best practice' and address issues such as the importance of corporate governance, culture and ethics. Insurance as a mitigant for operational risk is also considered. Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment methodologies covered include: Loss-data analysis; extreme value theory; causal analysis including Bayesian Belief Networks; control risk self-assessment and key indicators; scenario analysis; and dynamic financial analysis. Views of industry insiders, from organisations such as Standard & Poors, Fitch, Hermes, USS, UN-PRI, Deutsche Bank, and Alchemy Partners, are presented together with those from experts at the FSA, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and the Financial Reporting Council. In addition to investors, this book will be of interest to actuaries, rating agencies, regulators and legislators, as well as to the directors and risk managers of financial institutions in both the private and public sectors. Students requiring a comprehensive knowledge of operational risk management will also find the book of considerable value.
This book is a novel treatment of Operations Management. It takes a fresh insight to this increasingly important topic, exploring fundamental principles equally applicable to service and manufacturing situations. The book adapts a strategic stance by providing a framework for effective decision making and is aimed at practising managers who need to design working processes, manage change and make decisions within a strategic framework. The framework and supporting case vignettes allow the practitioner to grasp essential concepts quickly in a range of different operational contexts. «Bamford and Forrester have done an excellent job in creating a concise, salient, and appealing approach – they have captured the essential elements of designing processes, products and work organizations; exploring approaches to operations planning and control; managing change through effective project management and technology transfer; and then managing quality and improvement strategies». —Professor Rob Handfield, Professor of Supply Chain Management, North Carolina State University, USA «This is an excellent concise text that introduces students to all of the key areas – it's an invaluable aid for students in understanding all of the major aspects of operations and their importance to the success of businesses». —Professor Steve Brown, Professor of Management, University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter, UK «For today's or tomorrow's business leaders this text has well structured invaluable content ready for immediate adoption. Follow the guide, put it into practice, and the rewards will follow». —Mr Vernon Barker, Managing Director, First TransPennine Express, First Group Plc, UK «This book combines technical theory 'book smarts' with real life experience 'street smarts' in a flowing read». —Mr Stephen Oliver, Vice President Marketing & Sales, Vicor Corporation, Boston, USA
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship are now essential elements of modern business. Responsible Business is a vital «how to» guide providing information on all aspects of the CSR process. This highly accessible book is full of insights from those responsible for implementing CSR strategy inside companies – whether as CSR managers or at top management level – with coverage of all the important aspects of CSR – from what a sustainability manager's job involves, how to handle stakeholder dialogue, supply chain management to auditing, CSR and the law, and communicating CSR. Divided into bite-size easy-to-read chapters complete with practical checklists or «dos and don'ts», Responsible Business provides perspectives across different industries and sectors from running micro-finance at an international banking group to CSR in small companies as well as personal insights into a CSR manager's role in the automotive sector, the IT sector, the hotel business and many more. «If CSR is ever to happen in real time, it will be in the corporate trenches, honed by managers driving CSR beyond academic ideal to practical workplace results. This new book from Europe's ICCA has it all in one place. A brilliant display of actual corporate accomplishments, workable tools, and organisational work-around strategies. Real stuff by real professionals.» —William C. Frederick, author of Corporation, Be Good! The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility «The work of Nick Tolhurst and the ICCA in this publication and beyond is vital to the field of CSR, as well as to the interdisciplinary fields and sectors that it affects in the private sector, public sector and civil society. I suggest this book become required reading for each sector.» —Mark C. Donfried, Director and Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
This book provides you with the tools to tap into the capabilities that already exist in your organization, but are as yet inaccessible. The book shows you how to make maximum use and accessibility of existing knowledge by implementing a successful tool, The River Diagram. This tool will help reveal your organization's strengths and weaknesses, which will aid you in resolving an internal problem. Illustrated using an exciting range of case studies including BP, Oracle, UNAIDS, and others, this book will guide you towards saving both time and money.
Innovationen sind die Basis fur den Erfolg von Unternehmen. Grundlage fur erfolgreiche Innovationen ist ein zielorientiertes und professionell durchgefuhrtes Produktmanagement. Und Produktmanagement ist nur dann erfolgreich, wenn es alle Einflussfaktoren berucksichtigt, die Wertschopfungskette integrativ betrachtet und konsequent prozessorientiert alle Schnittstellen bruchfrei bewaltigt. Klar strukturiert und leicht lesbar stellt dieses Buch systematisch und umfassend die relevanten Erfolgsfaktoren des Produktmanagements dar. Im ersten Teil erlautert es die verschiedenen Aspekte und Rahmenbedingungen des Produktmanagements, im zweiten Teil beschreibt es in einem umsetzungsnahen Referenzmodell den Kernprozess des Produktmanagements in 11 Phasen. Das Buch richtet sich an Betriebswirte, Ingenieure und Wirtschaftsingenieure in Vertrieb und Marketing, Produktentwicklung, Beschaffung und Fertigung, an Praktiker, Berufseinsteiger und Studierende: – Praktikern und Fuhrungskraften im strategischen und operativen Produktmanagement fur Industrie- und Konsumguter dient es als aktuelles Nachschlagewerk zum schnellen Auffinden spezieller Themen, Vorgehensweisen und Methoden. – Berufseinsteiger und Schnittstellenmanager finden hier eine integrative Darstellung aller erfolgsrelevanten Faktoren. – Studierenden und Dozenten bietet das Buch eine gemeinsame Plattform, die neben den reinen Inhalten auch das Gesamtverstandnis der Zusammenhange und die Notwendigkeit der prozessorientierten Vorgehensweise vermittelt.
Praise for Leading Organization Design «Designing organizations for performance can be a daunting task. Kesler and Kates have done an admirable job distilling the inherent complexity of the design process into manageable parts that can yield tangible results. Leading Organization Design provides an essential hands-on roadmap for any business leader who wants to master this topic.» —Robert Simons, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School «Kesler and Kates have encapsulated their wealth of knowledge and practical experience into an updated model on organizational design that will become a new primer on the subject.» —Neville Isdell, retired chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company «In today's world of global business, organizational design is a critical piece of long-term success. Kesler and Kates have captured multiple approaches to optimize global opportunities, while highlighting some of the keys to managing through organizational transition. A great read for today's global business leaders.» —Charles Denson, president, Nike Brand «Leading Organization Design has some unique features that make it valuable. It is one of the few and certainly only recent books to take us through an explicit process to design modern organizations. This is accomplished with the five-milestone process. The process is not a simple cookbook. Indeed, the authors have achieved a balance between process and content. In so doing, Kesler and Kates show us what to do as well as how to do it.»—Jay Galbraith, from the Foreword «Sheds light on the challenges of organization design in a complex enterprise and more importantly provides aninsightful and practical roadmap for business decisions.»—Randy MacDonald, SVP, human resources, IBM
Dan Schwartz has done a masterful job of synthesizing the thoughts of some of the best minds in the private equity business along with his own to create a superb discussion of the industry, past, present, and most importantly where it is going. This is a must-read for anyone in the private equity world and for those considering the field. Leonard Harlan Chairman, Executive Committee, Castle Harlan Dan Schwartz was a first-hand witness to the birth of private equity in Asia and has chronicled its explosive growth over the past two decades. In The Future of Finance he uses an insider’s perspective to full effect, pulling together the views of many practitioners to illuminate both the roots of the 2008 global crisis and private equity’s potential role in rebuilding our financial system. Schwartz’ fast-paced, conversational style makes for a welcome contrast to dry economic analysis—well worth reading for both business leaders and students of finance. Dan Carroll Managing Partner, TPG Dan Schwartz’s The Future of Finance offers an insightful and compelling window into the world of private equity and venture capital. Schwartz has leveraged his more than 20 years of industry experience to produce a well researched and nuanced work that will prove invaluable to anyone interested in these fields. Joe Bae Managing Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Asia For anyone concerned about the future economic impact of global innovation, job creation, and finance, Dan Schwartz’s comprehensive new treatise is a must-read. Replete with in-depth perspectives of dozens of the most senior global venture capital and private equity leaders and numerous case study examples, this gem artfully explains the dramatic changes happening in these vital industries and how government leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and investors must adapt for continuing success in the second decade of the 21st century. Dixon R. Doll Cofounder and General Partner, DCM Chairman, U.S. National Venture Capital Assoc. (2008-09) From cottage industry to multi-billion asset class, Asian private equity has transformed the region’s financial and corporate landscape in two short decades. Dan Schwartz was present at the beginning of this fascinating era as iconic spokesman and entrepreneurial founder of AVCJ. His contribution as chief convener to the industry helped shape an asset class. The Future of Finance is forward-looking while drawing upon the rich past of an industry’s development amid volatile cycles, financial crises, pandemics, capital excess, capital drought and Darwinian struggles. Many of the prime movers, who paved the way to the future, have shared privileged views with Dan over the years and now on these insightful pages. Philip Bilden Managing Director, HarbourVest Partners (Asia) Dan Schwartz’s extensive and experienced network has enabled him to tap the key issues and insights of today’s leading private equity and venture capital practitioners around the world. This enlivens Dan’s stroll through Europe, North America and Asia as he examines the development of these private capital markets…and these insights shape the prism through which he views a future for private equity in the coming decades. Bill Ferris Executive Chairman, Champ Private Equity Dan Schwartz is the person best placed to write about the history of the private equity industry in Asia—he was there right from the beginning. In nearly two decades, he has been a keen observer of the industry’s developments and market trends. He was the cheerleader when the indus
Today's most successful companies are Intelligent Companies that use the best available data to inform their decision making. This is called Evidence-Based Management and is one of the fastest growing business trends of our times. Intelligent Companies bring together tools such as Business Intelligence, Analytics, Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecards, Management Reporting and Strategic Decision Making to generate real competitive advantages. As information and data volumes grow at explosive rates, the challenges of managing this information is turning into a losing battle for most companies and they end up drowning in data while thirsting for insights. This is made worse by the severe skills shortage in analytics, data presentation and communication. This latest book by best-selling management expert Bernard Marr, will equip you with a set of powerful skills that are vital for successful managers now and in the future. Increase your market value by gaining essential skills that are in high demand but in short supply. Loaded with practical step-by-step guidance, simple tools and real life examples of how leading organizations such as Google, CocaCola, Capital One, Saatchi & Saatchi, Tesco, Yahoo, as well as Government Departments and Agencies have put the principles into practice. The five steps to more intelligent decision making are: Step 1: More intelligent strategies – by identifying strategic priorities and agreeing your real information needs Step 2: More intelligent data – by creating relevant and meaningful performance indicators and qualitative management information liked back to your strategic information needs Step 3: More intelligent insights – by using good evidence to test and prove ideas and by analysing the data to gain robust and reliable insights Step 4: More intelligent communication – by creating informative and engaging management information packs and dashboards that provide the essential information, packaged in an easy-to-read way Step 5: More intelligent decision making – by fostering an evidence-based culture of turning information into actionable knowledge and real decisions «Bernard Marr did it again! This outstanding and practical book will help your company become more intelligent and more successful. Marr takes the fields of business-intelligence, analytics and scorecarding to bring them together into a powerful and easy-to-follow 5-step framework. The Intelligent Company is THE must-read book of our times.» —Bruno Aziza, Co-author of best-selling book Drive Business Performance and Worldwide Strategy Lead, Microsoft Business Intelligence «Book after book Bernard Marr is redefining the fundamentals of good business management. 'The Intelligent Company' is a must read in these changing times and a reference you will want on your desk every day!» —Gabriel Bellenger, Accenture Strategy