Betrayal! Corruption! Software engineering? Industry experts Johann Rost and Robert L. Glass explore the seamy underbelly of software engineering in this timely report on and analysis of the prevalance of subversion, lying, hacking, and espionage on every level of software project management. Based on the authors' original research and augmented by frank discussion and insights from other well-respected figures, The Dark Side of Software Engineering goes where other management studies fear to tread – a corporate environment where schedules are fabricated, trust is betrayed, millions of dollars are lost, and there is a serious need for the kind of corrective action that this book ultimately proposes.
In present days more and more academics and practitioners are seeking to understand how organizations manage their knowledge and intellectual capital in order to obtain more effective competitive advantages. Taking into account these issues, and in order to answer the concerns expressed by these professionals, this book looks to help them to understand and implement in their organizations effective transfer and management of knowledge strategies. It looks for ways to understand and perceive how organizational HR, individually and as a team, conceptualize, invent, adapt, define and use this knowledge and intellectual capital. The book has a special interest in research on important issues that transcend the boundaries of single academic subjects and managerial functions. In a modern world, characterized by high levels of competition and complexity, only those organizations which can manage, efficiently, all their assets can survive. Among these the management of knowledge and intellectual assets is a recent and challenging process. Only with human talent organizations can survive. Conscious of these priorities, this book is of great relevance as it looks for ways to understand and perceive how organizational HR, individually and as a team, conceptualize, invent, adapt, define, transfer and use knowledge and intellectual capital. It is, also, very important and with positive implications to practitioners and academics, as it will contribute to a more effective advance and tool of communication in what concerns the understanding of key issues related to the knowledge management and intellectual capital in competitive organizations management all over the world.
Praise for Advancing Executive Coaching "Rich in content, this book is an impressive and varied review of the field of coaching from a notable assembly of authors. It is thought provoking yet practical, and represents an important contribution to a fast-moving field. A must read for anyone interested in executive coaching and all organizations that want to implement coaching " —Marshall Goldsmith, executive coach and author of the New York Times best-sellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Won't Get You There «This excellent book on executive coaching takes the reader on an exciting journey of discovery and explores the link between practice and research. A great resource for HR professionals and coaches.» —Professor Stephen Palmer, Ph.D., director of the Coaching Psychology Unit, City University, London, United Kingdom «If you are looking for a solid evidence-based book on leadership and executive coaching – look no further. From tools and techniques, to theoretical frameworks and practice advice on how to implement and measure leadership coaching – it's all here. A must-have for the novice and experienced executive coach alike. Enjoy!» —Anthony M. Grant, Ph.D., director, Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney «The book offers both tested strategies and techniques and an exploration of emerging issues and new directions.» —Cindy McCauley, Ph.D., senior fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership «The editors have compiled an 'all-star' roster of authors who tackle issues from implementing and evaluating coaching programs to maximizing the effectiveness of individual coaching relationships. This book will be a must have for anyone interested in world-class executive coaching.» —Kurt Kraiger, Ph.D., 2010 SIOP President, Professor and Director of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Program at Colorado State University
In vielen Branchen kommen Unternehmen in ihren Geschaften immer schneller an strategische Wendepunkte, ausgelost durch Trends, Krisen und Innovationen. Am strategischen Wendepunkt entscheidet sich, ob es gelingt, geschaftlich zu neuen Ufern aufzubrechen, das hei?t eine strategische Transformation des Geschaftsmodells, des Produktspektrums und der Prozesse zu planen und umzusetzen. Auf solche Situationen zugeschnitten bietet dieses prozessorientierte Handbuch fur Veranderungsstrategien einen praxiserprobten, mit zahlreichen Falldarstellungen illustrierten Werkzeugkoffer zur Strategieentwicklung und -implementierung. Dabei paaren die Autoren inhaltliche Substanz und hohe praktische Relevanz mit hervorragender Lesbarkeit. Funf klar strukturierte Strategiebausteine helfen, systematisch strategische Optionen fur Geschafte zu entwickeln. Praxiserprobte Methoden unterstutzen dabei, eine strategische Transformation zugig einzuleiten und nachhaltig umzusetzen. Mehr als 150 Beispiele aus der Wirtschaft untermauern plastisch Modelle der Verhaltenspsychologie und Unternehmensentwicklung und ermoglichen ein tieferes Verstandnis der Schlusselfaktoren erfolgreicher Transformationen. Auf strategische Transformationen ausgerichtete Change-Management-Methoden unterstutzen die Verankerung der Strategie im Unternehmen. – Geschaftsverantwortlichen, Fuhrungskraften und Strategen dient das Buch als umfassender Handlungsleitfaden zur systematischen Initiierung und Durchfuhrung strategischer Transformationen. – Berater erhalten eine praxiserprobte Systematik zur Entwicklung strategischer Optionen und wertvolle Hinweise, wie sie Transformationsprojekte erfolgreich begleiten konnen. – Unternehmerisch orientierte Studierende konnen ihr Strategie-Know-how gezielt vertiefen und ihr strategisches Denken anhand zahlreicher Beispiele schulen.
A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Praise for Strategy-Driven Talent Management «Silzer and Dowell's Strategy-Driven Talent Management provides a comprehensive overview of the different elements of the best talent management processes used in organizations today. This is a valuable resource for leaders and managers, HR practitioners and anyone involved in developing leadership talent.» —Ed Lawler, Professor, School of Business, University of Southern California «Talent is the key to successful execution of a winning business strategy. Strategy-Driven Talent Management by Silzer & Dowell provides a thorough and very practical guide to building and managing talent based on the strategic needs of the organization. Business leaders will find this an excellent resource with many interesting examples and best practices from leading companies.» —Herbert L. Henkel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ingersoll Rand «Thanks to Strategy-Driven Talent Management, we can move from an attractive idea of talent management to practices that deliver. This book brings the work of practitioners—the people who are inventing, crafting, and shaping the field of talent management—to the forefront. Their collective experiences and insights will certainly enrich your own research and practice.» —Cynthia McCauley, PhD, Senior Fellow, Center for Creative Leadership «It is exciting to see that Rob Silzer and Ben Dowell have given us the state of the art in 2010 of integrating human resource issues into strategic management. This volume is a must read for human resource and line leaders alike. The journey is far from over, but this volume of work will chart the course for further progress.» —Noel Tichy, Professor, Management and Organizations, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
Wiley's new Handbook of Decision Making is a vital reference text for all students and professionals of management, organization and decision making. The handbook offers a wide range of theoretical and empirical approaches to the understanding of organizational and strategic decisions. Contributors are internationally known experts drawn from North America, Canada and Europe who have spent many years in the study of decision making, and decision making relevant topics. We believe the handbook will become a tour de force in the understanding decision making, offering a wide variety of perspectives, topics, and summative understanding of the field. Chapters in the Handbook were prepared by the leading experts in their field and include cutting edge empirical, theoretical, and review chapters. The chapters bring together for the first time a critical mass of writing on decision making as an organizational and research activity. The Editors are two of the leading international experts in decision making and contribute to the Handbook with five original Chapters that offer an appraisal of the field and suggestions for research, as well as the current status of decision making practice and suggestion for improvement.
Robust organizational capacity is a company s potential to apply its skills and resources to accomplish goals and exceed stakeholders expectations. This book provides readers with the ability to diagnose both the drivers of change in their organization and the type of change response needed. In addition to the traditional tangible dimension of change, it presents a framework to leverage the cultural and personal dimensions of change to sustain successful change initiatives. As well, it presents an organizational capability self-assessment process to derive the maximum return on change efforts and investments. CEOs and executives will benefit from the ability to link demands for change to organizational capabilities in strategic initiatives.
More and more organizations are using 360-degree feedback to provide an opportunity to talk about key changes. This second edition of the best-selling book includes research and information that more accurately reflects who is using 360-degree feedback and where and how it is being used. In addition, the authors incorporate information about the impact of advances in technology and the more global and virtual work environment. This new edition includes case examples, tips, and pointers on preparing 360-degree feedback and information on how to implement it.
Improving Performance is recognized as the book that launched the Process Improvement revolution. It was the first such approach to bridge the gap between organization strategy and the individual. Now, in this revised and expanded new edition, Gary Rummler reflects on the key needs of organizations faced with today's challenge of managing change in today's complex world. The book shows how to apply the three levels of performance and link performance to strategy, move from annual programs to sustained performance improvement, redesign processes, overcome the seven deadly sins of performance improvement and much more.
The three volumes in The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management offer a comprehensive review of the essential issues and most important information available on the topic. Each volume in the encyclopedia contains contributions from some of the most celebrated names in the field of human resource management (HRM) and addresses the myriad challenges faced by today's human resource professionals. Volume 1 puts the focus on the definition of terms and practices that are most relevant to today's human resource management (HRM) professionals. The contributors bring an up-to-date perspective of HRM definitions and practices and for ease of access, the terms are presented in alphabetical order. Each contributor includes the most recent research on a particular topic and summarizes a new and progressive definition of these important terms. The book begins with an enlightening discussion of the evolving practice of talent management and contains the following topics: Affirmative Action, Assessment, Business Ethics, Campus Recruitment, Career Development, Compensation, Drug Tests, Employee Relations, Flexible Benefits, Glass Ceiling, HR Metrics and Analytics, Mergers and Acquisitions, National Labor Relations Act, Quality Circles, Recruitment and Selection, Self-Directed Work Teams, Social Responsibility, Strategic Human Resource Management, Training Needs Analysis, Work Family Balance, and more. The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management gives human resource professionals the knowledge, information, and tools needed to implement the best practices in the field.