Responsible Research and Innovation appears as a paradoxical frame, hard to conceptualize and difficult to apply. If on the one hand research and innovation appear to follow logics blind to societal issues, responsibility is still a blurred concept interpreted according to circumstances. Different perspectives are implied in the RRI discourse rendering difficult also its application, because each social dimension proposes a different path for its implementation. This book will try to indicate how such conflictual understanding of RRI is caused by a reductive interpretation of ethics and, consequently, of responsibility. The resulting framework will represent an ethical approach to RRI that could help in overcoming conflictual perspectives and construct a multi-layer approach to research and innovation.
This Third Edition of the groundbreaking book Designing Organizations offers a guide to the process of creating and managing an organization (no matter how complex) that will be positioned to respond effectively and rapidly to customer demands and have the ability to achieve unique competitive advantage. This latest edition includes fresh illustrative examples and references, while the foundation of the book remains the author’s popular and widely used Star Model. Includes a comprehensive explanation of the basics of organization design Outlines a strategic approach to design that is based on the Star Model, a holistic framework for combining strategy, structure, processes, rewards, and people Describes the different types of single-business, functional organizations and focuses on the functional structure and the cross-functional lateral processes that characterize most single-business organizations. Features a special section on the effects of big data on organization design, and whether or not it will result in a new dimension of organizational structure Highlighting the social technologies used to coordinate work flows, products, and services across the company, this new edition of Designing Organizations brings theory to life with a wealth of examples from such well-known companies as Disney, Nike, IBM, and Rovio (Angry Birds) to show how various kinds of organization designs operate differently.
Ease the M&A process with a more effective integration plan The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions is the ultimate handbook for planning and managing post-merger integration. Packed full of «how to» guidance, tools, templates and resources that have been put to the test on numerous due diligence and integration efforts around the world, The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions has been the go-to guide for firms seeking to maximize the value of their deals since the release of the first edition in 1999. Poor integration management virtually ensures that a merger or acquisition will fail to meet financial and strategic goals. The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions provides the information that enables firms to quickly and prudently capture projected cost and revenue synergies, and to move the combined organization forward. The book addresses strategic deal considerations, due diligence, integration management, people dynamics and cultural integration, common integration mistakes, communications strategies, and provides actionable steps toward creating measurable, positive results throughout the integration process. The updated third edition contains new information and tools to help firms in any industry manage deals of all sizes, including: Results of The State of M&A Integration Effectiveness Survey, 2014 A new chapter on the M&A process deal stages, with an expanded Deal Flow Model Findings of substantial M&A research from various studies in multiple industries and organizations, supporting the concepts presented throughout the book New and revised tools and templates for due diligence, integration, and results measurement and reporting New case examples of recent transactions Highlighted 'Key Principles' throughout each chapter A summary of key points at the end of each chapter Discussion questions addressing the key themes of each chapter A 'rapid assessment' diagnostic regarding the key elements of each chapter, which can be completed for any organization A revised chapter on taking your M&A game to the next level – essential requirements for building M&A capabilities into a consistently successful enterprise competency Merger and acquisition activity across the globe continues to grow, and is also playing a major role in the development of expanding markets. A well-managed integration effort is essential to success, and failure means a tremendous waste in terms of time and money, as well as the rapid destruction of shareholder value. The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level, Third Edition is an invaluable resource to guide firms in managing M&A integration and maximize the value of their deals.
Risk management deals with prevention, decision-making, action taking, crisis management and recovery, taking into account the consequences of unexpected events. The authors of this book are interested in ecological processes, human behavior, as well as the control and management of life-critical systems, which are potentially highly automated. Three main attributes define life-critical systems, i.e. safety, efficiency and comfort. They typically lead to complex and time-critical issues and can belong to domains such as transportation (trains, cars, aircraft), energy (nuclear, chemical engineering), health, telecommunications, manufacturing and services. The topics covered relate to risk management principles, methods and tools, and reliability assessment: human errors as well as system failures, socio-organizational issues of crisis occurrence and management, co-operative work including human−machine cooperation and CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work): task and function allocation, authority sharing, interactivity, situation awareness, networking and management evolution and lessons learned from Human-Centered Design.
Авторы этой аудиокниги считают, что в сегодняшнем динамичном мире самой гибкой и самой мощной рабочей единицей с точки зрения эффективности, обучения персонала и проведения в жизнь изменений в любой организации остается команда. Однако это не просто группа работающих вместе людей. Авторы разговаривали с сотнями сотрудников, входящих в состав более чем 50 различных команд в 30 компаниях, и сделали следующие выводы: только небольшие по размеру группы (как правило, менее 12 человек) способны эффективно работать как команды. Ни одна из них не может преуспеть без необходимого набора навыков, требуемых для выполнения поставленной перед ней задачи. У команд должны быть общая миссия, набор конкретных целей, согласованный рабочий подход, а также чувство коллективной ответственности за результаты работы. Кроме того, члены команды должны быть привержены друг другу. На основе множества реальных примеров авторы приходят к мысли, что ключ к достижению высокой эффективности любой компании – признать мудрость командного подхода, найти смелость попытаться его внедрить и затем учиться на собственном опыте.
В аудиокниге книге рассматриваются два главных врага делового человека – стресс и дефицит времени. Автор предлагает апробированную методи¬ку, использование которой повышает самоорганизацию, способствует появлению свободного времени, снимает прессинг, вызванный его дефицитом, и тем самым помогает избежать стрессовых ситуаций. Аудионига насыщена множеством примеров из практики. Предисловие: самая короткая история времени Введение. Дефицит времени и стресс Дефицит времени Глава 1. Самоорганизация – это ключ к умению справляться с работой Шестое утверждение: я должен добиться полного контроля над расходованием своего времени Глава 2. Учет вашего времени Глава 3. Четыре вопроса в организации времени Расценки занятости Шесть задач, которые никогда нельзя перепоручать Три возможных уровня зрелости Излагая инструкции и указания при делегировании полномочий, следуйте семи пунктам контрольного перечня Глава 4. Сила положительной задержки Совершенствование навыков организации времени 30-секундные упражнения Глава 5. Изгнание Воров Времени Второй случай, когда вы должны говорить «нет», – это отказ в случае незначительности задания Глава 6. Как отделаться от непрошеного посетителя Тактика так называемых заглядывающих посетителей Так называемые заглядывающие посетители и офисы открытого типа Глава 7. Что делать, чтобы не болела голова от телефонных звонков Двадцать способов экономии времени при помощи телефона Девятый способ Пятнадцатый способ Восемнадцатый способ Двадцатый способ Глава 8. Обуздание Вора Времени при ожидании Как поступать с задержками, вызванными демонстрацией силы Шесть способов избежать затрат времени на ожидание Глава 9. Обуздание Вора Времени на совещаниях Как экономить время, планируя совещания Обобщение способов экономии времени на совещаниях Альтернативные формы совещаний Экономия времени в пути Глава 10. Экономия времени при чтении и письме Скорочтением овладеть несложно Всеобъемлющий подход к чтению В ходе чтения меняйте темп Как измерить свою обычную скорость чтения Как быстрее читать служебные записки Как читать технические книги, отчёты и статьи Как экономить время при письме Глава 11. Определение ваших целей Третья причина игнорирования постановки целей Постановка целей Определение своих целей «Почему» Пять правил постановки целей Сформулируйте свои цели и запишите их Как составить схему представлений о своих жизненных целях Глава 12. Определение своих приоритетов Составление списка приоритетных действий Глава 13. Стресс и организация времени Уровень стресса пиковой работоспособности Третий ключевой фактор – оценка Двенадцать способов обуздания стресса Пятый способ обуздать стресс Восьмой способ обуздать стресс Десятый способ борьбы со стрессом Глава 14. Время и успех корпоративной компании Седьмой способ организации времени в компании Глава 15. Десятиминутная организация времени «Как часто меня прерывали или отвлекали, когда я работал над задачей с высоким приоритетом?» «Как часто задание удавалось бы закончить раньше, если бы оно выполнялось иначе?» Потенциальная экономия времени за неделю
The go-to guide to acing the Series 66 Exam! Passing the Uniform Combined State Law Examination (Series 66) qualifies an individual to represent both a broker-dealer and an investment adviser. It covers such topics as client investment strategies and ethical business practices. Taken as a corequisite with the Series 7 Exam, candidates must complete the Series 66 Exam in order to register as an agent with a state securities administrator. Created by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, Inc., Wiley Series 66 Exam Review 2017 arms you with what you need to score high on this tough 100-question test. Designed to help you build and fine-tune your knowledge of all areas covered in the exam and to guarantee that you're prepared mentally and strategically to take the test, it provides: Dozens of examples Assorted practice questions for each subject area covered in the exam Priceless test-taking tips and strategies Helpful hints on how to study for the test, manage stress, and stay focused Wiley Series 66 Exam Review 2017 is your ticket to passing this difficult test on the first try—with flying colors!
The go-to guide for the Series 3, with practice, examples, strategies, and more Wiley Series 3 Exam Review 2017 + Test Bank is a comprehensive study guide for the FINRA Series 3 exam, which qualifies candidates to sell commodities or futures contracts. Created by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, Inc., this useful guide provides the information and practice you need to ace the exam. The book is designed to help you build and fine-tune your knowledge of each subject area covered, giving you the confidence you need to perform at your best. Work through review questions, study examples, and develop a strategy for the exam itself. You'll even find guidance toward effective studying methods that allow you to enter the exam fully mentally prepared. The National Commodities Futures Examination (Series 3) tests your knowledge of rules and statutes applicable to the markets. This intense two and a half hour test is a must for aspiring financial professionals, as passing means registration to conduct business in commodity futures and options. This book provides a valuable opportunity to test your knowledge and bring weak areas up to par, with complete coverage of exam topics. Review practice questions taken from each subject area covered by the exam Study hundreds of examples to clarify complex concepts and techniques Gain insight into the best strategies and tips for taking the Series 3 Develop an effective study plan to stay focused and keep stress to a minimum Although the exam is entry-level, the stakes are high and the subject matter is complex. Don't muddle through it alone and assume you're prepared – this guide helps you be sure. For the Series 3 candidate serious about success, Wiley Series 3 Exam Review 2017 is your ticket to passing with flying colors – the first time.
The go-to guide to acing the Series 63 Exam! Passing the Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination (Series 63) qualifies an individual to act as a securities agent. The exam covers the principles of state securities regulation as reflected in the Uniform Securities Act and its amendments and related rules, as well as ethical practices and fiduciary obligations. Many states require an agent to pass the Series 63 exam in addition to the Series 6, 7 or 62 exams to conduct securities business within the state. Created by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, Inc., Wiley Series 63 Exam Review 2017 arms you with everything you need to pass this challenging 60-question test. Designed to help you build and fine-tune your knowledge of all areas covered in the exam and to guarantee that you're prepared mentally and strategically to take the test, it provides: Dozens of examples Assorted practice questions for each subject area covered in the exam Priceless test-taking tips and strategies Helpful hints on how to study for the test, manage stress, and stay focused Wiley Series 63 Exam Review 2017 is your ticket to passing the Series 63 test on the first try—with flying colors!
The go-to guide to acing the Series 65 Exam! Consisting of 130 multiple-choice questions in the areas of ethics and legal guidelines, investment strategies, investment vehicles, and economics and analysis, the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65) is designed to qualify candidates as investment adviser representatives. An indispensable resource for anyone preparing to take this tough three-hour exam, Wiley Series 65 Exam Review 2017 was created by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, Inc. It arms you with what you need to score high and pass the Series 65 Exam on your first try. Designed to let you build and fine-tune your knowledge of all areas covered in the exam and to guarantee that you're prepared mentally and strategically to take the test, it features: Dozens of examples Assorted practice questions for each subject area covered in the exam Priceless test-taking tips and strategies Helpful hints on how to study for the test, manage stress, and stay focused Wiley Series 65 Exam Review 2017 is your ticket to passing the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination—with flying colors!