Это аудио – сокращенная версия книги Роберта Куинна «Позитивная организация. Освобождение от стереотипов, принуждения, консерватизма». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. Однажды группа врачей приехала для обмена опытом в необычную больницу. На входе их вежливо поприветствовал человек в цилиндре. Вестибюль напоминал холл пятизвездочного отеля, сотрудники были улыбчивыми и вежливыми и общались с руководством как с друзьями. Врачи задумались, почему в их больницах все иначе. Организация – живой организм. Если в ней преобладают негативные настроения, эффективность снижается, сотрудники увольняются. Если культура строится на позитиве, сотрудники превосходят ожидания и компания процветает. В книге «Позитивная организация» Роберт Куинн разбирает кейсы компаний и предлагает использовать генератор позитивной организации – авторский инструмент по созданию эффективной компании, в которой хочется работать и которая меняет мир к лучшему. Зачем слушать • Увидеть, как нас ограничивают наши убеждения, и взглянуть на жизнь и бизнес иначе. • Повысить эффективность любой компании или подразделения. • Научиться менять не только свою работу, но и мир вокруг. Об авторе Роберт Куинн – профессор, заведующий кафедрой организационного поведения и управления человеческими ресурсами в бизнес-школе Мичиганского университета. Сооснователь центра позитивных организаций и автор более 10 книг, обладатель премии Бенджамина Франклина за лучшую книгу в сфере образования (2015).
Сборник статей HBR «карманного формата» на темы общения осознанного слушания. Harvard Business Review – ежемесячный научно-популярный журнал, посвященный различным вопросам управления бизнесом. Издается с 1922 года Гарвардской школой бизнеса. Авторы журнала и статей, входящих в книги серии HBR guide, – ведущие консультанты по вопросам управления временем, лидерству, научно обоснованному подходу к работе, руководители известных компаний, ученые, психологи и коучи.
Книга увлекательно, подробно и системно рассказывает о том, как вести бизнес-тренинги. Прочитав ее, вы получите целостное представление о всех аспектах проведения бизнес-тренинга! Как преподносить теорию, как справляться с сопротивлениями участников, рассказывать метафоры, проводить разминки, планировать и реализовывать упражнения, ролевые и деловые игры, давать обратную связь участникам тренинга, вовлекать и мотивировать людей на обучение продажам, переговорам и управлению – всему этому и многим другим тонкостям обучения взрослых профессионалов вы научитесь, прочитав эту замечательный книгу. Николай Рысёв – директор тренинговой компании RECONT (recont.org), автор легендарного бестселлера «Активные продажи» и онлайн-курса «Работа с возражениями», мастер своего дела с 25-летним опытом проведения более 1000 (!!!) тренингов для 40 разных отраслей бизнеса в сфере переговоров, менеджмента и лидерства, автор позитивно-гуманистического структурного подхода. Для кого книга Книга предназначена для руководителей, которые проводят обучение персонала своими силами; для HR-специалистов, планирующих и организующих тренинги онлайн и офлайн; для преподавателей бизнес-дисциплин (маркетинг, продажи, переговоры, менеджмент, лидерство и др.) в университетах и бизнес-школах. И, разумеется, данная книга представляет особую ценность для бизнес-тренеров, мотивационных спикеров и бизнес-коучей!
Attention: Lack of Knowledge is Costly!<br><br>Statistics presented by police departments in many countries around the world show that computer crimes are increasing fast, and these crimes can affect you. 47% of the total cybercrimes in Iran were related to unauthorized withdrawals from people's bank accounts.<br><br>Cybercrimes in Germany rose to a record level in 2013 to 64,500 cases, but only one in four crimes are solved. In addition, police unions believe that as many as 90 percent of internet crimes go unreported.<br><br>These statistics show that there is a necessity to remind users of the common practices of committing cyberspace crimes.
DIY Conflict Resolution is the first book by New York City Attorney, Mediator and Conflict Resolution Coach, Nance L. Schick. Exploring the less obvious causes of conflicts, she coaches readers to create action plans that reflect their unique beliefs, interests and values. Her process is based on proven mediation techniques and illuminates the power of compassionate "third ear" listening. As she says, "When the third eye is blind, it hinders wisdom. When the third ear is deaf, it hinders connection and resolution."<br><br>Are you a credentialed professional whose business has plateaued? Are you an artist who has difficulty managing "drama queens" on your projects? Or are you the drama queen? Nance shares stories of how clients resolved conflicts with themselves and others. From body conflicts to marital discord and crime, she shows you how to keep going and keep creating the life you want–from the circumstances you have, not the ones you wish you had.<br><br>In the book, you will be coached to:<br>* Build skill in creating solutions from a broad range of options<br>* Reconnect with your original and unmet expectations<br>* Free yourself from anger, disappointment and distraction when it appears<br>* Discover how to listen for the real obstacles to agreement<br>* Become the Chief Resolution Officer in your life
This book doesn't offer a 10-step plan for a successful project management career because no plan can possibly address every project contingency. This book is a necessary guide for any coordinator of people and projects. You may be a planner, thinker, strategist, project manager, business owner, executive leader, business analyst, athletic coach, parent or simply an individual curious about ways to become more effective at work. Any way you slice it, you'll benefit from reading this book.<br><br>The Effective Project Manager explains in easy-to-understand terms what you need to do in order to become the best project manager you can be—an Effective Project Manager (EPM). The key themes of this book include time management, people management and thoughtful production of work that matters. <br><br>You need to be able to tell what work is the most important during any given hour spent on the job. You'll learn how to accomplish this task by better understanding people and organizations. You'll get people to tell you things by listening, planning and leading. You'll turn into a doer who can handle any situation thrown at you. You'll learn how to organize your thoughts and structure your planning process by using mind maps and pictures. You'll find out how to track progress easily and give your teams proven processes to use. Finally, you'll learn the common traits that all EPMs share.<br><br>The book is split into two parts. Part 1 focuses on how to manage yourself and includes tools that will help you become more effective in both your professional and personal life. Part 2 focuses on how to manage others. If you can manage yourself and manage others effectively, then you can lead almost any project.
Why are we in a leadership crisis? Up to 85% of mergers and acquisitions destroy value, executives are in jail, economies are shaky and politics isn't providing answers.<br><br>This new book provides answers. Based on my doctoral research and work with leaders on 5 continents for 25 years, I also draw on my experiences teaching and learning in a Karate Dojo.<br><br>You will find out why leaders fail and what can be done about it—a blend of Eastern and Western approaches.
This e-book innovatively explores:<br>* Stories that every change leader needs to read<br>* The often unexamined role of the "ordinary" person in change<br>* How stories can help you be a more engaging coach, facilitator, trainer, leader, …<br>* The power of story as a tool for influence<br>* How archetypes provide a way of interpreting stories<br>* The different meaning of first, second and third-person stories<br>* The deeper meanings behind "All stories are true but some actually happened"<br>* Ways of effective story listening and interpreting<br>* Understanding that "What's not said" is as important, or more so, than what is said<br>* How story helps us work more intuitively with organisational systems
The Seeds of GreatnessTM I believe that every human being contains the seeds of greatness. This doesn't necessarily mean that everyone will grow up to become a CEO or President. It does mean that every person out there has the potential to become the best me they can possibly be. <br><br>When the seeds of greatness start to sprout, all kinds of wonderful things start to happen. As individuals begin to grow they start to do better work, they begin to do every task to the best of their ability which helps them to grow faster and stronger. Eventually they begin to flower and set fruit. They start to expand their abilities and knowledge and become better. And then just like vegetables need to cross pollinate in order to bear fruit, they begin to look at others and see how by helping them they can also help themselves. <br><br>While some seeds have the ability to grow wherever they land, usually the seeds for the most desired plants need to be planted correctly and then tended with loving care to get them to grow and produce fruit. As a manager of people, you have the opportunity to provide fertile soil, water, nutrients, and needed supports to help your people grow. And as they grow, you will grow also. Over time, they will nourish you as you have nourished them. <br><br>I believe that every human being contains the seeds of greatness. I love to farm people and help them to develop their greatness. If you would like to do the same, then this book is for you!