Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

The Handbook of Risk Management

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This handbook shows a firm how to repurpose its risk management in order to design and implement a corporate culture which involves all business units and individuals at each level of the hierarchy, how to analyse its risk appetite, translate it into risk policies and risk targets and distribute responsibilities and capabilities accordingly. The book explains how to identify risk exposure across the enterprise; how to empower each business unit with risk management capabilities; how to create an information workflow for preventative decision making; how to align funding strategies and liquidity management tactics with corporate risk policies and finally, how to deal with risk management in external communications.

Learning and Development for Managers

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This text describes, analyses and synthesises a wide range of contemporary issues from research and practice in the field of individual and collective workplace learning and development. Enables students and managers of learning and development (L&D) to understand the theory and practice of L&D in organizations. Explores the concept of learning from a variety of perspectives through the use of examples of research and practice from all over the world. Takes a broad view of learning as encompassing both explicit and implicit and individual and collective learning processes. Argues that the practice of L&D should be based upon a rigorous theoretical and empirical base. Each chapter uses synopses of research studies and case studies from businesses to illustrate the most important theories, concepts and models. Lists of key concepts, knowledge outcomes, ‘perspectives from practice’, ‘perspectives from research’, discussion points (for individual or class use), and concept checklists to benefit both students and teachers. Is illustrated throughout with diagrams, tables and ‘L&D facts and figures’.

The Next Generation of Corporate Universities

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The objective of this book is to provide innovative approaches for developing people and expanding organizational capabilities. If you also have this objective, this book is for you, because each chapter is written by a qualified author to provide the information you need. —Donald L. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin, and author, Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels

Training Older Workers and Learners

Joan Dessinger C.

Training Older Workers and Learners is a groundbreaking resource that focuses exclusively on age 40-plus workers. This much-needed resource offers trainers expert guidance and practical tools designed to deliver effective training and re-training to older worker-learners (OWLS). Based on sound theory and best practices, the book shows how to maximize the workplace learning and performance potential of late-life learners.

Advanced Web-Based Training Strategies

Margaret Driscoll

Advanced Web-Based Training Strategies fills the gap in the literature available on this topic by offering a volume that includes meaningful, applicable, and proven strategies that can take the experienced instructional designer to the next level of web-based training. Written by Margaret Driscoll and Saul Carliner – internationally acclaimed experts on e-learning and information design- – Advanced Web-Based Training Strategies provides instructional designers, e-learning developers, technical communicators, students, and others with strategies for addressing common challenges that arise when designing e-learning. Balancing educational theory with the practical realities of implementation, Driscoll and Carliner outline the benefits and limitations of each strategy, discuss the issues surrounding the implementation of these strategies, and illustrate each strategy with short scenarios drawn from real-world online learning programs representing a wide variety of fields including technology, financial services, health care, and government.

The Brave New World of eHR

Eduardo Salas

The Brave New World of eHR is an important resource, filled with the most current information and practical advice on eHR for human resource professionals and industrial and organizational psychologists. Written by an expert group of scholars, practitioners, and subject matter experts, this book offers an overview of the major technological trends in eHR, and shows how to use technology to enhance organizational effectiveness. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes information on a wide variety of topics and Reviews the transformation of human resources from manual processes to sophisticated CRM and ERP systems Examines the effectiveness of online strategies for attracting talent Offers valuable guidelines that can help organizations design, deliver, implement, and sustain e-selection systems Includes a review of the recent research on the effectiveness of distance learning in educational and organizational settings Analyzes the potential advantages and disadvantages of using eHR to manage employee performance Shows how technology supports the administration of compensation systems Outlines recent trends in delivering HR products and services Considers the functional and dysfunctional consequences of using eHR to attract, select, and manage the performance of employees in organizations Presents a fascinating and futuristic look at HR and technology for decades to come

How to Design and Deliver Training for the New and Emerging Generations

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This much-needed resource helps trainers cut through the jungles of their own generational learning habits and clear a path to the emerging generations of learners. How to Design and Deliver Training for the New and Emerging Generation gives “old-school” trainers the tools they need to change their training style¾from linear to random access, trainer-centered to learner-centered, text-oriented to graphics-oriented, and so forth¾and accomplish this transition with ease. Author Susan El-Shamy, an international training expert, shows you how to create training sessions that will pick up the pace, increase interaction, link to the learner, offer options, and make learning fun. How to Design and Deliver Training for the New and Emerging Generations is an innovative resource that · Translates generational differences into strategies, techniques, and tips for designing and delivering training · Describes five key needs of learners from the emerging generations · Shows how to design and deliver training that meets the needs of younger learners · Presents hundreds of engaging tips, tricks, and simple techniques · Contains quotes and comments from the “Nintendo” generation of learners · Presents user-friendly call-outs, checklists, and quick tips · Offers twenty invovative games on a variety of topics designed to engage learners of all ages

Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments

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In this book, Gilbert Paquette?an internationally recognized expert in the field of technology-based training?offers IT professionals, trainers, and consultants a revolutionary method for going beyond simple information management. Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments introduces the instructional engineering method that elicits knowledge from subject matter experts to make information more widely available for training other people and transfering knowledge through formal and informal training using a variety of media and information sources. Throughout the book, Paquette shows that instructional engineering is based on the use of transferable graphic models that demonstrate how this engineering works in an environment with human networks and diversified information sources. This important book also includes illustrative examples of “artifacts” ? the actual jobs aids that hold an organization’s knowledge ? and provides numerous easily reproducible tools.

The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior

Anne O'Leary-Kelly

In one comprehensive collection, The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior provides a framework for understanding the most current thinking on the negative consequences of organizational behavior. Written by experts in the field, the contributors to The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior focus on the causes, processes, and consequences of behaviors in organizations that have a negative effect on the organization and the people in them.

Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing

Dave Ulrich

In Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing, Edward E. Lawler III, Dave Ulrich, Jac Fitz-enz (the foremost experts in the human resource field) and James C. Madden V (the CEO of the top HR outsourcing firm), clearly show how outsourcing offers an effective, low-cost alternative to traditional administration and provides HR managers with new opportunities to contribute directly to their companies' overall strategy and business performance. Step by step, the authors explore how the HR function in corporations is structured and include a template for analyzing a HR department’s value, value added, and cost-to-serve. In this important resource, the authors explain new approaches organizations can take to improve HR administration and demonstrate how HR functions can be best organized.