Learn to measure risk and develop a plan to protect employees and company interests by applying the advice and tools in Risk and Security Management: Protecting People and Sites Worldwide. In a world concerned with global terrorism, instability of emerging markets, and hazardous commercial operations, this book shines as a relevant and timely text with a plan you can easily apply to your organization. Find a series of strategic to granular level policies, systems, and concepts which identify and address risk, enabling business to occur in a manner which best protects you and your company.
Praise for Corporate Governance Best Practices «A thorough and thoughtful guidebook on the governance lay of the land.» -Professor Charles M. Elson, Woolard Chair in Corporate Governance and Director of Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, University of Delaware «Frederick Lipman provides a comprehensive approach to best corporate governance practices for all organizations, which is current, thoughtful, and practical. Directors and corporate governance personnel of public, private, and not-for-profit organizations must read this book.» -Professor Raphael H. Amit, Director of Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Program, Wharton School of Business «Fred Lipman is considered by many directors and CEOs to be the preeminent expert on corporate governance in the country. His advice on this important topic, which impacts the boards of all types of organizations-public, private, and not-for-profit-is required reading in this day and age.» -Frederick (Ted) Peters, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation (aka The Bryn Mawr Trust Company) «Boards of directors must be aware of best corporate governance practices in order to be effective in their oversight role and that is true for all not-for-profit organizations, including universities, as well as public and private companies. Frederick Lipman has authored a practical and comprehensive guide to 'best practices' for all boards of directors, which is required reading.» -George P. Tsetsekos, PhD, Dean, Bennett S. LeBow College of Business, Drexel University «In a world of 'good,' 'better,' 'best,' where 'good' and 'better' may not be good enough, Fred Lipman's new book is a straightforward, and even comforting, compendium of BEST governance practices for serious directors. It is a handy and reassuring tool for the conscientious.» -Allen R. Freedman, Audit Committee Chairman, StoneMor Partners LP,Founding Director, Association of Audit Committee Members
The healthcare sector is undergoing strong expansion worldwide, as the focus changes from 'treating illness' to 'promoting wellness' and those able and willing to pay for their health make up for the shortcomings of national systems. How things evolve will depend on whether the national systems reinvent themselves around a new model of customer value, or fail to change and become obsolete. Global in scope and insightful in its conclusions, People as Care Catalysts sets out an agenda for how things could develop in the new 'healthcare economy'.
Determine a company's value, what drives it, and how to enhance value during a M&A Valuation for M&A lays out the steps for measuring and managing value creation in non-publicly traded entities, and helps investors, executives, and their advisors determine the optimum strategy to enhance both market value and strategic value and maximize return on investment. As a starting point in planning for a transaction, it is helpful to compute fair market value, which represents a “floor” value for the seller since it by definition represents a value agreed upon by any hypothetical willing and able buyer and seller. But for M&A, it is more important to compute investment value, which is the value of the target company to a strategic buyer (and which can vary with each prospective buyer). Prepare for the sale and acquisition of a firm Identify, quantify, and qualify the synergies that increase value to strategic buyers Get access to new chapters on fairness opinions and professional service firms Find a discussion of Roger Grabowski's writings on cost of capital, cross-border M&A, private cost of capital, intangible capital, and asset vs. stock transactions Inside, all the necessary tools you need to build and measure private company value is just a page away!
Disputes over valuation issues fill the court's dockets and for good reason, fair market valuations are required frequently by the law. The authors believe that approximately 243 sections of the Code and several thousand references in the Regulations explicitly require fair market value determination. Consequently, taxpayers file an estimated 15 million tax returns each year reporting an event involving a valuation related issue. It is no mystery, therefore, why valuation cases are ubiquitous. Today, valuation is an important and highly sophisticated process. Valuators need legitimate guidance to perform their work. The objective of this book is to provide knowledge, and guidance to those who do the valuations as well as those who are affected by them. This unprecedented text provides: Clear guidance and perspective on business valuation from two of the nation’s top authorities, Hon. David Laro and Dr Shannon Pratt. Insightful perspective and discussion on critical issues, procedures and law pertaining to business valuation. An overview of business valuation procedures Law and techniques of Fair Market Value Opinion from the Hon. David Laro and Dr. Shannon Pratt who express their unique and critical views. The business valuer with everything from the basics to the sophisticated. From definitions to valuing complex business interests, what you need to know about business valuation. Everything from empirical market evidence to credible expert business valuation testimony discussed and analyzed by the Hon. David Laro and Dr. Shannon Pratt.
Valuation for Financial Reporting: Intangible Assets, Goodwill, and Impairment Analysis provides guidance and insight in the identification and measurement of intangible assets and goodwill pursuant to the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 141, Business Combinations and (SFAS) No. 142 Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. The new rules are sweeping and complex. Valuation for Financial Reporting will bring clarity to CFOs, auditors, valuation professionals, and CPAs by explaining the valuation aspects of the new financial reporting requirements, including how to identify the characteristics of goodwill and intangible assets, determine if impairment has occurred, and employ specific methods to assess the financial impact of such impairment. While numerous articles and commentaries on the subject have appeared dating back to the time the FASB began considering the issue, Valuation for Financial Reporting is the first to provide «real world» examples of the valuation techniques and methodologies required to perform a purchase price allocation under SFAS No. 141 and an impairment study under SFAS No. 142. Valuation for Financial Reporting will help lift the veil of mystery surrounding these two important pronouncements and provide a practical guide for their implementation. This book: * Shows the CPA and client how to apply the new SFAS 141 rules that pertain to all companies involved in an acquisition (buyer or seller) by analyzing and valuing the tangible and intangible assets acquired. * Teaches the CPA and client how to apply the new SFAS 142 rules that pertain to all companies that recognize and measure intangible assets and goodwill which may now be impaired * Presents detailed case studies and examples on how to apply and implement SFAS 141 and SFAS 142 * Provides a «How To» on the identification and measurement of intangible assets. * Includes a checklist for controlling the gathering of data necessary for the analyses and another checklist guiding the work program for methodologies * Offers guidance and examples for financial reporting purposes.
Essential procedures for the measurement and reporting of fair value in Financial statements Trusted specialists Michael Mard, James Hitchner, and Steven Hyden present reliable and thorough guidelines, case studies, implementation aids, and sample reports for managers, auditors, and valuators who must comply with the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards Nos. 141, Business Combinations; 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets; 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets; and the new 157, Fair Value Measurements. This important guide: * Explains the new valuation aspects now required by SFAS No. 157 * Presents the new definition of fair value and certain empirical research * Distinguishes fair value from fair market value * Provides a case study that measures the fair values of intangible assets and goodwill under SFAS Nos. 141 and 157 * Includes a detailed case study that tests the impairment of goodwill and long-lived assets and measures the financial impact of such impairment under SFAS Nos. 142 and 144 * Cross-references and reconciles the valuation industry's reporting standards among all of the valuation organizations * Includes two sample valuation reports, one of which is a new USPAP- compliant PowerPoint? presentation format * Includes implementation aids for controlling the gathering of data necessary for analyses and for guiding the valuation work program
Inside the Customer Universe reveals how an organization can become ahead of the game by focusing a its strategy on predicting customer needs rather than following them. This book provides a unique contribution to the field of customer management with a departure from current practice towards understanding customers as 'multi-individuals' and hence solving current confusions surrounding customer behaviour. Inside the Customer Universe's easy to implement tools, models and strategies provide the reader with the ability to create stable and sustainable customer understanding and, therefore, sustainable business growth. «CUBEical Thinking is a great concept for developing business and the concept of customer types is intriguing as it provides great insights into the drivers behind true customer loyalty.» Niels Henrik Hansen, Director SAS Corporate Sales, Scandinavian Airlines, Denmark «CUBEical Thinking has given us the platform for developing an effective sales and key account management organization which has delivered significant top and bottom line results based on targeted up and cross sales.» Henrik Hubner, Vice President Sales, Sanist?l «CUBEical Thinking has provided us with great customer insights on which we are benefiting in our daily operations and it has helped our organization focus activities and resources.» Carsten Hetling, Nordic Marketing Manager, Zyxel Communications
Written by best selling author Peter C. Fusaro and renowned energy market expert and commentator Tom James, this book demonstrates that the forces of energy and environmental issues and linked more than ever before. The beginning of European emissions and trading in 2005 and the implementation of the Kyoto protocol have accelerated efforts already underway in the US to use market forces to remediate environmental issues. Topics such as emissions trading, renewable energy trading, the fourth dimension in energy trading, and new outcomes on green project finance will be analyzed in this book.
The most complete, up-to-date guide to risk management in finance Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fifth Edition explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping you better understand the financial markets—and their potential dangers. Inside, you’ll learn the different types of risk, how and where they appear in different types of institutions, and how the regulatory structure of each institution affects risk management practices. Comprehensive ancillary materials include software, practice questions, and all necessary teaching supplements, facilitating more complete understanding and providing an ultimate learning resource. All financial professionals need to understand and quantify the risks associated with their decisions. This book provides a complete guide to risk management with the most up to date information. • Understand how risk affects different types of financial institutions • Learn the different types of risk and how they are managed • Study the most current regulatory issues that deal with risk • Get the help you need, whether you’re a student or a professional Risk management has become increasingly important in recent years and a deep understanding is essential for anyone working in the finance industry; today, risk management is part of everyone's job. For complete information and comprehensive coverage of the latest industry issues and practices, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fifth Edition is an informative, authoritative guide.