Спорт, фитнес

Различные книги в жанре Спорт, фитнес

Gun Digest's Defensive Handgun Tactical Reload eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden teaches the emergency reload, tactical reload and administrative reload, with photos to demonstrate each.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handgun Sight Picture, Alignment & Trigger Control eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden covers sight picture and alignment, trigger control, and single action vs. double action handguns.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handgun Shooting Stance & Presentation Techniques eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden gives a basic overview of how to get into the defensive handgun stance and how to present or «draw» your handgun.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handgun Techniques Ready Position & Grip eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden teaches the ready position, thumb over thumb grip, the IPSC thumbs forward grip, the AMW grip, and the aggressive modified weaver grip.

Gun Digest's The Future of Defensive Handgun Training Skills eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden gives a quick look at the popularity of concealed carry and armed self-defense and trends to be aware of.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handguns Combat Mindset Training eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden covers Lawrence's Combat Triad and the mindset needed to prevail with your handgun in a violent encounter.

Gun Digest's Principles of Jeff Cooper Defensive Handguns eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden teaches Jeff Cooper's universal rules of firearm safety, color code of mental awareness, modern techniques for the defensive pistol and self-defense principles.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handguns Firearm Safety Course eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden gives Col. Jeff Cooper's four universal rules for firearm safety, plus specific safety rules for semi-automatics and revolvers.

Gun Digest's History of Concealed & Defensive Handguns eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden gives a basic and very useful look at the history of defensive handgun doctrine. Understanding the past will enable you to be better prepared today.

Gun Digest's Defensive Handgun Training Skills Definitions eShort

David Fessenden

In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden defines basic defensive handgunning and puts it into perspective for the student of armed self-defense.