
Различные книги в жанре Социология

Criminology For Dummies

Steven Briggs

Your thorough guide to comprehending and combating crime Are you fascinated by criminology, forensics, and detective work? This you-are-there guide takes you deep into the world of crime, giving you a better understanding of the dark recesses of the criminal mind and how law enforcement officials investigate crime. You'll gain real-world knowledge of the reasons for and consequences of crime, the way society responds to it, and, most important, how crime can be prevented. Enter the world of crime – understand what crime is, how it is measured, and the various ways crime affects victims and society Identify different types of crime – from white-collar crime to organized crime to terrorism, examine the nature of crime and why certain criminals are attracted to specific crimes Know who commits crimes, and why – explore different theories that attempt to explain why people commit crimes Take it to the streets – follow law enforcement officials and federal agencies as they chase and apprehend the bad guys Seek justice – meet the key players in the criminal justice system and see why and how the guilty are punished Deal with juveniles – know the differences between adult and juvenile systems, realize why youths are treated differently, and review modern methods for treatment Open the book and find: Common criminal traits The causes of violent crimes Recent efforts to secure victims' rights The processes used to solve crimes A step-by-step walkthrough of the criminal justice process Ways to recognize and fight back against crime Jobs in the criminal justice field Ten notorious, unsolved crimes

Joining the Resistance

Carol Gilligan

Since the publication of her landmark book In a Different Voice, Carol Gilligan has transformed the way we think about women and men and the relations between them. It was ‘the little book that started a revolution’, and with more than 800,000 copies in print it has become one of the most widely read and influential books ever written on gender and human development. In her new book Joining the Resistance Carol Gilligan reflects on the evolution of her thinking and shows how her key ideas were interwoven with her own life experiences. Her work began with the question of voice: who is speaking to whom, in what body, telling what stories about which relationships? By listening carefully she heard a voice that had been held in silence, and in the process realized the extent to which we – both women and men – had been telling false stories about ourselves. In her subsequent work Gilligan found that adolescent girls resisted pressures to disengage themselves from their honest voices, and by joining their resistance she opened the way for the development of a more humane way of thinking about personal and political relationships. For the central conviction of her work today – and the central thesis of this book – is that the requisites for love and the requisites for citizenship in a democratic society are one and the same. Both voice and the desire to live in relationships inherent in our human nature, together with the capacity to resist false authority. Combining autobiographical reflection with an analysis of key questions about gender and human development, this timely and highly readable book by one of America’s greatest contemporary thinkers will appeal to a wide readership.

Sociology For Dummies

Jay Gabler

Sociology For Dummies helps you understand the complex field of sociology, serving as the ideal study guide both when you're deciding to take a class as well as when you are already participating in a course. Avoiding jargon, Sociology For Dummies will get you up to speed on this widely studied topic in no time. Sociology For Dummies, UK Edition: Provides a general overview of what sociology is as well as an in-depth look at some of the major concepts and theories. Offers examples of how sociology can be applied and its importance to everyday life Features an in-depth look at social movements and political sociology Helps you discover how to conduct sociological research Offers advice and tips for thinking about the world in an objective way

Freemasons For Dummies

Christopher Hodapp

Take the mystery out of the Freemasons Fascinated by Freemasons? Freemasons For Dummies is the internationally bestselling introduction to the Masons, the oldest and largest «secret society» in the world. This balanced, eye-opening guide demystifies Freemasonry, explaining everything from its elaborate rituals and cryptic rites, to its curious symbols and their meanings. With new and improved content, including updated examples and references throughout, this new edition of Freemasons For Dummies provides the most straightforward, non-intimidating guide to the subject on the market. Updated expert coverage of the basic beliefs and philosophy behind Freemasonry Revised information on the history of the society, including updates concerning its founding, famous historical members, and pivotal events New coverage devoted to the recent influx of younger membership The latest and ongoing controversies and myths surrounding Freemasonry The role of women in a Masonic organization, including opportunities for women to participate in Freemasonry The effects cultural and political changes and worldwide events are having on the organization If you're intrigued by the mystery that surrounds the Masons, get ready to learn the facts about this ancient order in Freemasons For Dummies.

Game of Thrones versus History. Written in Blood

Brian Pavlac A.

Since it first aired in 2011, Game of Thrones galloped up the ratings to become the most watched show in HBO’s history. It is no secret that creator George R.R. Martin was inspired by late 15th century Europe when writing A Song of Ice and Fire, the sprawling saga on which the show is based. Aside from the fantastical elements, Game of Thrones really does mirror historic events and bloody battles of medieval times—but how closely? Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood is a collection of thought-provoking essays by medieval historians who explore how the enormously popular HBO series and fantasy literature of George R. R. Martin are both informed by and differ significantly from real historical figures, events, beliefs, and practices of the medieval world. From a variety of perspectives, the authors delve into Martin’s plots, characterizations, and settings, offering insights into whether his creations are historical possibilities or pure flights of fantasy. Topics include the Wars of the Roses, barbarian colonizers, sieges and the nature of medieval warfare, women and agency, slavery, celibate societies in Westeros, myths and legends of medieval Europe, and many more. While life was certainly not a game during the Middle Ages, Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood reveals how a surprising number of otherworldly elements of George R. R. Martin’s fantasy are rooted deeply in the all-too-real world of medieval Europe. Find suggested readings, recommended links, and more from editor Brian Pavlac at gameofthronesversushistory.com.

50 Great Myths of Human Evolution. Understanding Misconceptions about Our Origins

John Relethford H.

50 Great Myths of Human Evolution uses common misconceptions to explore basic theory and research in human evolution and strengthen critical thinking skills for lay readers and students. Examines intriguing—yet widely misunderstood—topics, from general ideas about evolution and human origins to the evolution of modern humans and recent trends in the field Describes what fossils, archaeology, and genetics can tell us about human origins Demonstrates the ways in which science adapts and changes over time to incorporate new evidence and better explanations Includes myths such as “Humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs;” “Lucy was so small because she was a child;” “Our ancestors have always made fire;” and “There is a strong relationship between brain size and intelligence” Comprised of stand-alone essays that are perfect for casual reading, as well as footnotes and references that allow readers to delve more deeply into topics

Выполнение курсовых и выпускных квалификационных работ по социологии

Н. А. Головин

Пособие предназначено для студентов бакалавриата по направлению подготовки «Социология». Оно соответствует требованиям к уровню курсовых и выпускных квалификационных работ студента бакалавриата, содержащимся в государственном образовательном стандарте по социологии и стандарте СПбГУ, апробированным в учебном процессе и итоговой государственной аттестации выпускников. В пособии обобщены содержательные особенности курсовых и выпускных квалификационных работ студентов по социологии. Особое внимание уделяется современным техникам подбора литературы и источников, стандартам оформления научного аппарата. Пособие рекомендовано студентам бакалавриата, а также может быть полезно студентам, изучающим смежные с социологией социальные и гуманитарные дисциплины, в том числе при продолжении обучения в магистратуре и аспирантуре.

Теория поколений. Необыкновенный Икс

Евгений Никонов

Впервые в России выходит книга, в которой собрана и проанализирована информация о Теории поколений. Знаменитая теория, описывающая повторяющиеся поколенческие циклы, была разработана в 1991 году в США. Поколение определено в ней как совокупность людей, объединенных общими ценностями. Евгения Шамис и Евгений Никонов, руководители проекта RuGenerations, с 2003 года занимаются разработкой и адаптацией Теории поколений для России. Эта книга посвящена поколению X (людям, родившимся в 1964–1984 гг.). В ней дан обзор ключевых факторов, повлиявших на формирование этого поколения, приведены примеры практических решений, ориентированных на деловое взаимодействие с его представителями. Решения, предложенные в книге, актуальны для применения в России и других странах. Книга предназначена для профессионалов, работающих с большими группами людей в разных отраслях и сферах – управлении, маркетинге, коммуникациях, стратегическом планировании. Она позволяет понять логику действий, приоритеты, ожидания поколения X, а самим предстваителям этого поколения – осознать себя и свои действия как на работе, так и в личной жизни.

Социально-психологические аспекты геополитической стабильности и ядерного сдерживания в ХХI веке

А. Л. Журавлев

В монографии представлен теоретико-методологический анализ социально-психологических аспектов геополитической стабильности и стратегической безопасности. Особое внимание уделено психологическим особенностям ядерного сдерживания, социально-психологическим механизмам принятия решений по распространению и применению ядерного оружия, психологическим типам и детерминантам отношения личности и группы к ядерной угрозе. Книга адресована специалистам в области социальной, политической и организационной психологии, психологии личности, социологии и культурной антропологии, она будет полезна преподавателям, аспирантам, магистрам и студентам психологических, социологических и политологических факультетов вузов.

Управление общественным мнением

Валерия Франц

В учебном пособии рассматривается эволюция понятия «общественное мнение», излагаются взгляды авторитетных философов, социологов и политологов на этот феномен, раскрываются теоретические аспекты изучения общественного мнения: его характеристики, структура и основные функции. Описываются история развития практических исследований общественного мнения, основные методы и инструменты его изучения, принципы и приемы управления им. Для студентов политологических и социологических факультетов, а также факультетов по связям с общественностью.