Peter Hall’s seminal Cities of Tomorrow remains an unrivalled account of the history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Now comprehensively revised, the fourth edition offers a perceptive, critical, and global history of urban planning and design throughout the twentieth-century and beyond. A revised and updated edition of this classic text from one of the most notable figures in the field of urban planning and design Offers an incisive, insightful, and unrivalled critical history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the underlying socio-economic challenges and opportunities Comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new research published over the last decade Reviews the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth-century and beyond Draws on global examples throughout, and weaves the author’s own fascinating experiences into the text to illustrate this authoritative story of urban growth
Accessible and clearly written, Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology introduces readers to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world through the contemporary theory and practice of linguistic anthropology. A highly accessible introduction to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world Combines classic studies on language and cutting-edge contemporary scholarship and assumes no prior knowledge in linguistics or anthropology Provides a unifying synthesis of current research and considers future directions for the field Covers key topics such as: language and gender, race, and ethnicity; language acquisition and socialization in children and adults; language death and revitalization; performance; language and thought; literacy practices; and multilingualism and globalization
Engagingly and clearly written by a highly respected theologian, God, Sex, and Gender is the first comprehensive introduction to a theology of both sexuality and gender available in a single volume. Makes a theological contribution to understanding the unprecedented changes in sexual and gender relationships of the last fifty years Discusses many topics including: sexual difference; sexual equality; gender and power; the nature of desire; the future of marriage in Christian sexual ethics; homosexuality and same-sex unions; the problems of sexual minorities; contraception in a time of HIV/AIDS; the separation of sexual experience from marriage; and offers new arguments for marriage and for chastity Offers a consistent and engaging introduction at the cutting edge of theological inquiry, which is contemporary, undogmatic, questioning, and relevant to readers' experience, interests, and needs Written lucidly and engagingly by an established and respected academic who has published widely in this area
Jackson traces the lively skirmishes between Madagascar’s political cartoonists and politicians whose cartooning and public oratory reveal an ever-shifting barometer of democracy in the island nation. The first anthropological study of the role of language and rhetoric in reshaping democracy Maps the dynamic relationship between formalized oratory, satire, and political change in Madagascar A fascinating analysis of the extraordinary Ciceronian features of kabary, a style of formal public oratory long abandoned in the West Documents the management by United States Democrat campaign advisors of a foreign presidential bid, unprecedented in the post-colonial era
The first publication to outline the complex global story of human migration and dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory. Utilizing archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence, Peter Bellwood traces the journeys of the earliest hunter-gatherer and agriculturalist migrants as critical elements in the evolution of human lifeways. The first volume to chart global human migration and population dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory, in all regions of the world An archaeological odyssey that details the initial spread of early humans out of Africa approximately two million years ago, through the Ice Ages, and down to the continental and island migrations of agricultural populations within the past 10,000 years Employs archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence to demonstrate how migration has always been a vital and complex element in explaining the evolution of the human species Outlines how significant migrations have affected population diversity in every region of the world Clarifies the importance of the development of agriculture as a migratory imperative in later prehistory Fully referenced with detailed maps throughout
В книге рассматривается структура и номенклатура элитных социальных групп в различных традиционных (до начала ХХ в.) обществах Востока и Запада. Затрагиваются такие вопросы, как правовое обособление элитных групп, их численность и удельный вес в населении, порядок их комплектования и уровень самовоспроизводства. Рассмотрена также взаимосвязь традиционных сословных и новых функциональных (офицерства, чиновничества, неслужилой интеллигенции) элитных групп при разложении традиционных обществ в Европе в XVIII–XIX вв.
Двадцать третий выпуск серии ежегодных аналитических докладов Института демографии НИУ ВШЭ, которые регулярно публикуются с 1993 г. В очередном докладе продолжен углубленный анализ текущей демографической ситуации в России в контексте социально-демографической политики и на фоне ее долговременной эволюции в разрезе основанных демографических процессов – брачности, рождаемости, планирования семьи, смертности, международной и внутрироссийской миграции, изменения численности и возрастной структуры населения страны. Анализ базируется на официальных данных Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), министерств и ведомств Российской Федерации, международных организаций и национальных статистических служб зарубежных стран, собственных расчетных показателях, полученных с использованием этих данных, результатах специальных выборочных исследований, материалах научных публикаций. Для исследователей, работающих в области демографии и смежных дисциплин, лиц, принимающих решения, сотрудников государственных органов всех уровней, преподавателей и учащихся высших и средних профессиональных учебных заведений. This is the 23rd issue of Annual Series of Analytical reports regularly published by the HSE Institute of Demography since 1993. The recent report conducts the detailed analysis of the current situation in Russia’s demography in the context of its long-term evolution and demographic tendencies as seen through the prism of main demographic processes, such as marriage, birth and death rates, family planning, international and internal (intra-Russian) migration, changes in population, and age structure of Russia’s population. The analysis is based on the official data of the Federal State Statistics service of Russian Federation, ministries and government agencies of Russian Federation, international organizations and national statistics services of other countries as well as local estimates (acquired by using these resources), the results of special sampling studies, and the materials of scholarly publications. The book is designed for the researchers that work in the field of demography and similar disciplines as well as decision-making employees, workers of government organizations of all levels, and instructors and students of secondary and postsecondary professional schools.
A captivating look into the society of the Knights Templar Brought to you by the author of Freemasons For Dummies, The Templar Code is more than an intriguing cipher or a mysterious symbol – it is the Code by which the Knights Templar lived and died, the Code that bound them together in secrecy, and the Code that inspired them to nearly superhuman feats of courage and endurance. The Templar Code for Dummies reveals the meaning behind the cryptic codes and secret rituals of the medieval brotherhood of warrior monks known as the Knights Templar. This intriguing guide will cover such topics as who the Knights Templar were, how they rose so high and fell so far, and most importantly why there is so much interest in them today. The Templar Code For Dummies will explore myths and theories of Christian history that appear in the Da Vinci Code such as the quest for the Holy Grail, the Catholic Church's relationship with women that are hotly debated now with special emphasis on the Templar connection. It also explores the surprising part the Templars have played in some of the most important historic events of these past seven centuries, including the French Revolution, the birth of groups such as the Freemasons, and even the American Civil War.
An objective guide to this fascinating science of history and culture Archaeology continually makes headlines–from recent discoveries like the frozen Copper-Age man in the Italian Alps to the newest dating of the first people in America at over 14,0000 years ago. Archaeology For Dummies offers a fascinating look at this intriguing field, taking readers on-site and revealing little-known details about some of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries. It explores how archaeology attempts to uncover the lives of our ancestors, examining historical dig sites around the world and explaining theories about ancient human societies. The guide also offers helpful information for readers who want to participate in an excavation themselves, as well as tips for getting the best training and where to look for jobs.
Covers the latest competing theories in the field Get a handle on the fundamentals of biological and cultural anthropology When did the first civilizations arise? How many human languages exist? The answers are found in anthropology – and this friendly guide explains its concepts in clear detail. You'll see how anthropology developed as a science, what it tells us about our ancestors, and how it can help with some of the hot-button issues our world is facing today. Discover: How anthropologists learn about the past Humanity's earliest activities, from migration to civilization Why our language differs from other animal communication How to find a career in anthropology