
Различные книги в жанре Словари

Christian Theology. An Introduction

Alister E. McGrath

Christian Theology: An Introduction, one of the most internationally-acclaimed Christian theology textbooks in use, has been completely rewritten for the 6th edition. It now features new and extended material and companion resources, ensuring it retains its reputation as the ideal introduction for students. A new edition of the bestselling Christian theology textbook to celebrate its 25th anniversary Rewritten throughout for exceptional clarity and accessibility, and adds substantial new material on the Holy Spirit Features increased coverage of postcolonial theology, and feminist theology, and prodigious development of world theology Increases the focus on contemporary theology to complement the excellent coverage of historical material A new 2-color design includes more pedagogical features including textboxes and sidebars to aid learning Expanded online resources for instructors and students available at www.wiley.com/go/mcgrath

Eclipse of Grace. Divine and Human Action in Hegel

Nicholas Adams

Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to Hegel through a focus on three of his seminal texts: Phenomenology of Spirit, Science of Logic, and Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Presents brilliant and original insights into Hegel’s significance for modern theology Argues that, theologically, Hegel has been misconstrued and that much more can be gained by focusing on the logic that he develops out of an engagement with Christian doctrines Features an original structure organized as a set of commentaries on individual Hegel texts, and not just presenting overviews of his entire corpus Offers detailed engagement with Hegel’s texts rather than relying on generalizations about Hegelian philosophy Provides an illuminating, accessible and lucid account of the thinking of the major figures in modern German philosophy and theology

Aquinas and the Supreme Court. Biblical Narratives of Jews, Gentiles and Gender

Eugene F. Rogers, Jr.

This new work clarifies Aquinas’ concept of natural law through his biblical commentaries, and explores its applications to U.S. constitutional law. The first time the use of Aquinas on the U.S. Supreme Court has been explored in depth, and its applications tested through a rigorous reading of the biblical commentaries Shows how key judgments in the Supreme Court have rested on medieval natural law, and applies critical gender theory to discuss problems with these applications Offers new research data to give a different picture of Aquinas and natural law, and a fresh take on Aquinas’ biblical commentaries New research based on passages in the biblical commentaries never before available in English

From Jesus to the Internet. A History of Christianity and Media

Peter Horsfield

From Jesus to the Internet examines Christianity as a mediated phenomenon, paying particular attention to how various forms of media have influenced and developed the Christian tradition over the centuries. It is the first systematic survey of this topic and the author provides those studying or interested in the intersection of religion and media with a lively and engaging chronological narrative. With insights into some of Christianity?s most hotly debated contemporary issues, this book provides a much-needed historical basis for this interdisciplinary field.

The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion

Justyn Terry

This uniquely comprehensive reference work provides a global account of the history, expansion, diversity, and contemporary issues facing the Anglican Communion, the worldwide body that includes all followers of the Anglican faith. An insightful and wide-ranging treatment of this dynamic global faith, offering unrivalled coverage of its historical development, and the religious and ethical questions affecting the church today Explores every aspect of this vibrant religious community – from analyzing its instruments of Unity, to its central role in interfaith communication Spans the Anglican Communion’s long history through to 21st century debates within the church on such issues as sexual-orientation of clergy, and the pastoral role of women Features a substantial articles on the Church’s 44 provinces, including a brief history of each Brings together a distinguished and international team of contributors, including some of the world’s leading Anglican commentators

After Enlightenment. The Post-Secular Vision of J. G. Hamann

John Betz R.

After Enlightenment: Hamann as Post-Secular Visionary is a comprehensive introduction to the life and works of eighteenth-century German philosopher, J. G. Hamann, the founding father of what has come to be known as Radical Orthodoxy. Provides a long-overdue, comprehensive introduction to Haman's fascinating life and controversial works, including his role as a friend and critic of Kant and some of the most renowned German intellectuals of the age Features substantial new translations of the most important passages from across Hamann's writings, some of which have never been translated into English Examines Hamann's highly original views on a range of topics, including faith, reason, revelation, Christianity, biblical exegesis, Socrates, theological aesthetics, language, sexuality, religion, politics, and the relationship between Judaism and Christianity Presents Hamann as the 'founding father' of a distinctly post-modern, post-secular theology and, as such, as an alternative to the 'postmodern triumvirate' of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida Considers Hamann's work as a touchtone of modern Jewish-Christian dialogue, in view of debates with his friend Moses Mendelssohn Explores Hamann's role as the visionary founder of a 'metacritical' movement that radically calls into question the basic principles of modern secular reason, and thus reprises the debate between those defending Hamann's views and those labeling him the bête noir of the Enlightenment

Emil Brunner. A Reappraisal

Alister E. McGrath

In Emil Brunner: A Reappraisal, renowned theologian Alister E. McGrath presents a comprehensive intellectual history of Emil Brunner, the highly influential Swiss theologian who was instrumental in shaping modern Protestant theology. Explores Brunner’s theological development and offers a critical engagement of his theology Examines the role that Brunner played in shaping the characteristics of dialectical theology Reveals the complex and shifting personal and professional relationship between Brunner and Barth Delves into the reasons for Brunner’s contemporary neglect in theological scholarship Represents the only book-length study of Brunner’s works and significance in the English language

Святые отцы о страстях и борьбе с ними. Преподобный Иоанн Кассиан Римлянин

Алексей Захаров

«Цель, единственная цель нашей жизни, – говорит преподобный Варсонофий Оптинский, – заключается в том, чтобы искоренить страсти и заменить их противоположным – добродетелями». Данная книга содержит святоотеческое учение о борьбе со страстями, которое поможет благоразумно искоренять эти греховные навыки человека. Для желающих подготовиться к Таинству Покаяния в книгу включено самоиспытание по заповедям и страстям, составленное Георгием, затворником Задонским.

Евангелие от Александра

Александр И.

Четыре беседы автора с самим собой о Боге, истине и человеке.Беседы происходили следующим образом: автором задавался вопрос или тема, ответ и рассуждения приходили откуда-то сами. Откуда они появлялись, пусть каждый читающий судит сам.

O Treinamento Da Motivação

Andrzej Budzinski

Eis o novo tema do nosso percurso e a mim parece muito importante. Tenho vontade – então faço? É sempre assim? Do querer ao fazer há um grande oceano… O que significa? Que não é assim fácil realizar aquilo que queremos. Dizem que as paredes do inferno são construídos pela boa vontade nunca realizada.. queria! gostaria! seria bom! MAS AQUI ACABA-SE NO MUNDO DOS SONHOS. Infelizmente, falta a concreticidade e a motivação. E no final, PARA TER AQUILO QUE DESEJO, NÃO BASTA SÓ DESEJAR! Não basta ficar no mundo dos sonhos! A MOTIVAÇÃO!!! 1 O que é? O que nos dá? Para que nos serve? A palavra motivação é formada por duas palavras: 1. motivo – O que leva a fazer ou a não fazer algo, causa, motivo, 2. ação – O fato de agir, operar. A palavra motivação deriva da palavra latina 'mover' – que significa colocar em movimento, levar. Antes de começar uma ação, devo ter um motivo concreto que me leva a fazer ou não alguma coisa. Agora, as contas matemática. motivo + ação = motivação. Os psicólogos indicam três elementos da motivação: 1. a direção – que desejo realizar, onde quero chegar. 2. o esforço – o empenho que dedico para realizá-la. 3. a constância – o tempo que dedico para realizá-la, não largo até não conseguir.