
Различные книги в жанре Словари

Французско-русский русско-французский словарь с произношением

С. А. Матвеев

Этот словарь подготовлен автором популярных самоучителей и учебных пособий Сергеем Матвеевым. Французско-русская и русско-французская части содержат примерно по 4000 наиболее употребительных слов. Все слова снабжены транскрипцией русскими буквами, причем и в русско-французской части также дается произношение французских слов. Издание дополнено таблицей неправильных глаголов (с основными их формами). Завершают словарь полезные приложения, среди которых «Буквы и звуки», «Ложные друзья переводчика», «Разговорный французский», «Идиомы», «Управление глаголов», «Французские пословицы и поговорки» и др. Издание предназначено для всех, кто начинает изучать французский язык, и может быть использовано на занятиях с преподавателем или при самостоятельном изучении.

Жизнь загробная и вечная. Свидетельства истины


Что ждет нас после смерти? Что говорили о ней прежде – и что изменилось сейчас? Что говорит о ней православная вера? Как различить веру, призванную вести к жизни вечной, и слепой страх, способный погубить нас еще в жизни земной? Иной мир – где он? Какой он? И в силах ли мы хоть немного его понять? Представить цельной картиной? И если да – то как? К чьим словам нам прислушаться? Что принять как истину? И что отвергнуть – как нелепую выдумку или намеренную ложь? А те, кто говорит, будто побывали «там» и сумели вернуться… слушать ли их? Верить ли им? Почему, если да? Почему, если нет? Вопросы, вопросы, вопросы… Книга не дана как ясный и однозначный ответ – да и такой ответ вряд ли возможен. Скорее, это попытка ответа. Попытка соткать полотно из разрозненных нитей. Представить православное учение о жизни и смерти, о тленном и вечном, о цели и смысле нашей дороги. Вложить в память то, чего мы не знали, – или воскресить в ней нечто давно забытое. Отделить зерна от плевел, а сердцевину – от дешевой шелухи. Ведь если жизнь – это путь, то учение о жизни – это карта, и чем эта карта подробней, тем больше она достойна доверия.

The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries

Heidi Hornik J.

Charting the theological and cultural potency of Acts across the timespan of Christian history, this work of profound scholarship reveals the full extent of the New Testament book’s religious, artistic, literary, and political influence. Reveals the influence of Acts at key turning points in the history of the Christian church Traces the rich and varied artistic and cultural heritage rooted in Acts, from music to literature Analyzes the political significance of the book as a touchstone in the church’s external relations Provides detailed commentary on the exegesis of Acts down the centuries

Heaven on Earth?. Theological Interpretation in Ecumenical Dialogue

Matthew Levering

This collection assembles essays by eleven leading Catholic and evangelical theologians in an ecumenical discussion of the benefits – and potential drawbacks – of today’s burgeoning corpus of theological interpretation. The authors explore the critical relationship between the earthly world and its heavenly counterpart. Ground-breaking volume of ecumenical debate featuring Catholic and evangelical theologians Explores the core theological issue of how the material and spiritual worlds interrelate Features a diversity of analytical approaches Addresses an urgent need to distinguish the positive and problematic aspects of today’s rapidly growing corpus of theological interpretation

Aquinas Among the Protestants

David VanDrunen

The Protestant philosophical and theological heritage of Thomas Aquinas This major new book provides an introduction to Thomas Aquinas’s influence on Protestantism. The editors, both noted commentators on Aquinas, bring together a group of influential scholars to demonstrate the ways that Anglican, Lutheran, and Reformed thinkers have analyzed and used Thomas through the centuries. Later chapters also explore how today’s Protestants might appropriate the work of Aquinas to address a number of contemporary theological and philosophical issues. The authors set the record straight and disavow the widespread impression that Aquinas is an irrelevant figure for the history of Protestant thought. This assumption has dominated not only Protestant historiography but also Roman Catholic accounts of the Reformation and Protestant intellectual life. The book opens the possibility for contemporary reception, engagement, and critique and even intra-Protestant relations and includes: Information on the fruitful appropriation of Aquinas in Anglican, Lutheran, and Reformed theologians over the centuries Important essays from leading scholars on the teachings of Aquinas New perspectives on Thomas Aquinas’s position as a towering figure in the history of Christian thought Aquinas Among the Protestant is a ground-breaking and interdenominational work for students and scholars of Thomas Aquinas and theology more generally.

Catholic Theology. An Introduction

James Buckley J.

Introduction to Catholic Theology is an accessible but in-depth examination of the ways in which Catholic theology is rooted in and informs Catholic practice. Weaves together discussion of the Bible, historical texts, reflections by important theologians, and contemporary debates for a nuanced look at belief and practice within the Catholic faith Provides an overview of all major theological areas, including scriptural, historical, philosophical, systematic, liturgical, and moral theology Appropriate for students at all levels, assuming no prior knowledge yet providing enough insight and substance to interest those more familiar with the topic Written in a dynamic, engaging style by two professors with more than 50 years of classroom experience between them

An Introduction to Ministry. A Primer for Renewed Life and Leadership in Mainline Protestant Congregations

Ian Markham S.

An Introduction to Ministry is a comprehensive and ecumenical introduction to the craft of ministry for ministers, pastors, and priests that make up the mainline denominations in the United States. Ecumenically-focused, It offers a grounded account of ministry, covering areas such as vocation, congregational leadership, and cultivation of skills for an effective ministry. Covers the key components of the M.Div. curriculum, offering a map and guide to the central skills and issues in training Explores the areas of vocation, skills for ministry, and issues around congregational leadership Each topic ends with an annotated bibliography providing an indispensable gateway to further study Helps students understand both the distinctive approach of their denomination and the relationship of that approach to other mainline denominations Advocates and defends a generous understanding of the Christian tradition in its openness and commitment to broad conversation

Understanding Christian Doctrine

Ian Markham S.

The comprehensive and engaging introduction to contemporary Christianity, revised and updated The second edition of Understanding Christian Doctrine presents a completely updated and revised edition that builds on the most popular features of the first edition to offer a lively overview to the central beliefs of Christianity. Ian S Markham, a noted authority of Christianity, discusses the great thinkers of the Christian tradition and puts them in conversation with contemporary progressive theologies in a book that goes from Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther to Liberationist, Feminist, and Queer theologies. Designed to be a basic primer, the text is written in a manner that assumes the reader has no prior knowledge of theology or Christian doctrine. The book is designed to present the basic options in all the key areas of Christianity as well as information on how to make complex theological decisions. The author tackles all the key questions from creation to eschatology. Furthermore, Markham makes his own distinctive contribution: he argues that theodicy (traditionally seen as a major difficulty with belief) is actually a theme that links many aspects of Christian doctrine. The revised second edition includes a wealth of new information, including: A lively and comprehensive introduction to Christianity that assumes no prior knowledge of the faith An overview to the great thinkers of Christian tradition that puts them in conversation with progressive liberationist theologies Suggestions that help even the most skeptical to learn to understand and possibly embrace theological assertions Breakout boxes that explain the significance of the text’s various philosophical ideas and positions The text is ideal for anyone interested in learning about the foundations of Christianity as well as new ideas about the faith. Christianity is presented in a manner that embraces the richness of the tradition and affirms the central claims of the historical creeds, while engaging with liberationist challenges to the tradition.

The Christian Theology Reader

Alister E. McGrath

Regarded as the leading text in Christian theology for the last 25 years, Alister E. McGrath’s The Christian Theology Reader is now available in a new 5th edition featuring completely revised and updated content. Brings together more than 350 readings from over 200 sources that chart 2,000 years of Christian history Situates each reading within the appropriate historical and theological context with its own introduction, commentary, and study questions Includes new readings on world Christianity and feminist, liberation, and postcolonial theologies, as well as more selections by female theologians and theologians from the developing world Contains additional pedagogical features, such as new discussion questions and case studies, and a robust website with new videos by the author to aid student learning Designed to function as a stand-alone volume, or as a companion to Christian Theology: An Introduction, 6th edition, for a complete overview of the subject

Chronicles Through the Centuries

Blaire French A.

Offers a history of the interpretation of Chronicles in theology, worship, music, literature and art from the ancient period to the present day, demonstrating its foundational importance within the Old Testament Explores important differences between the same topics and stories that occur in Chronicles and other biblical books such as Genesis and Kings, including the pious depiction of David, the clear correlation between moral behavior and divine reward, and the elevation of music in worship Examines the reception of Chronicles among its interpreters, including rabbis of the Talmud, Jerome, Martin Luther, Johann Sebastian Bach, Cotton Mather, and others, Features broad yet comprehensive coverage that considers Jewish and Christian, ancient and modern, and secular and pop cultural interpretations Organizes discussions by verse to illuminate each one’s changing meaning across the ages