Когда-то люди жили по законам природы: поклонялись матушке-земле, радовались солнцу, слушали песни ветра и верили в добро и свет. Среди таких людей в Ярилиной веси и жила Веснянка. Молодая девушка, которая только впервые свой хлеб на освобожденную от снега землю положила. Она знает множество песен, но никому не ведомо, откуда они приходят к ней. Голос Веснянки волшебный, звенит так, что на всю округу слышно. И становится от ее напева светло и чисто на душе. Близкий друг Веснянки, кузнец Ярилка, влюблен в девушку. Правда, прямо не говорит, а все шалостями больше – дурачится. Жизнь в деревне течет спокойно и размеренно. Пока Веснянка не замечает в окрестностях странное создание. Не зверь лесной, но и не человек. Из лесу выходит, а ближе подойти не решается. Может, оборотень? А может, и того хуже… Откуда знать юной девице, что незнакомец, которого она разгадать не может, любит ее. И не ведает, что за ним по пятам идет беда к людям Ярилиной веси. Великий Страх ночной надвигается на деревню, и непросто будет сохранить свет души в этой мгле.
Жизнь у Максима не задалась с самого начала. Его перепутали в роддоме, и целых четыре года он рос в прекрасной семье. Потом, когда все выяснилось, его отдали настоящим родителям, которые, кроме бутылки, ничем не интересовались. Взрослея, Макс все отчетливее понимал, что надо самому решать свою судьбу. Получалось у него не очень. Сначала связался с плохой компанией, потом загремел в тюрьму. Выходя на свободу, пытался примкнуть к какой-нибудь банде, промышлять воровством. Но дальше шухера в иерархии не продвинулся. А ведь он способен на большее, чтоб ему провалиться! Едва сказав эту фразу вслух, Макс и правда провалился. Не сквозь землю, а во времени и пространстве. Великая Воля забросила его в прошлое на Восток, где в пустыне промышляет кровожадная банда, грабя караваны. У парня появляется шанс проявить себя по-настоящему. Пройдя сложный путь, Макс возглавляет отряд головорезов. Правда, на поверку оказывается, что его мечта стать кем-то и доказать свои способности приносит лишь хлопоты. Неужели он хотел от своей судьбы именно этого?
The Story of the Red Fox is an illustrated short story for young children by illustrator and author AJ Stein. This picture book has engaging and artistic images for very young children and an easy story to be read by ages 8-10.<br><br>The Story of the Red Fox is a make believe story about a young wolf who is rejected by her family because she is different. The young wolf wanders off one day and becomes lost in the desert but she finds new friends and makes a new life. As she is wandering she finds herself in the beautiful Red Rock Cliffs of the Arizona desert and the color of her coat changes to the color of the Red Rocks. She meets another Red Rock Fox and they have baby foxes and enjoy life together living in the Red Rocks. <br><br>The message to take away in this lovely illustrated book and magical story is that it's okay to be different and that one can find happiness and fulfillment in life regardless of what may have happened in the past. Life is open to goodness and happiness and fulfillment is available to everyone.<br><br>The Red Fox Story is the first book of a series of children's story books by illustrator, artist and author AJ Stein.
The Elf Archive:<br>It has been nearly five years since Noel Night became head of the new Historical department of the North Pole. The summer solstice brings the start of the Reindeer Games, in which Noel and Spices will be teaming up to compete in one of the events. Santa Nicolas has decided to plunge into the dating game in hopes of finding a Mrs. Claus, with adventurous results. Mistletoe Green continues to plot and interfere from behind the scenes, but for what purpose is still not clear… The North Pole complex is as ancient as its mysteries, some of which are coming to light. Noel will need to solve the secret of a lost library as well as his own human past in order to thwart those who do not wish the elves to regain too much freedom…<br><br>About the series:<br>For over two thousand years the legend of Santa Claus has endured. His is a mission of peace as outlined in the Magi Charter, given to the first Santa by the Child. From humble beginnings following that First Christmas the Santa lineage has been passed down through the ages. This historical sci/fi adventure tells the story of those Santas from the founding of the North Pole and the origin of the ancient elves, to our modern times where the world's problems effect even those in the secluded complex of the North, and concluding in the distant future which finds Santa and the elves committed to their mission on a galactic scale where Christmas traditions are barely recognizable. In every era those committed to the Mission must find a way to deliver that which is needed most to those most deserving.<br>
Bringing the Dao to life for readers of all generations Fables entertain us, enlighten us, and guide us. We recognize ourselves in the characters, be they emperors, village children, or singing frogs. They help us see our own weaknesses, our strengths, and the many possibilities. Their lessons transcend time and culture, touching what it really means to be alive. Whoever we are, wherever we’re going, these short tales help us along the path—the Way. Some offer a moral compass. Some illustrate the dangers in human folly. Others just make us laugh. In this collection of fables, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming shares the stories that have influenced him most as a teacher, a partent, martial artist and lifelong student of the Dao. These fables bring the Dao to life for readers of all generations. The Dao in Action will inspire young readers to refine their character. Older readers will smile and recognize moments of truth. This collection is for anyone who would like to explore the enduring lessons of virtue and wisdom. These lean, concise fables illustrate balance, the duality of yin and yang, always shifting, always in correction. They help us laugh at our human predicaments—and maybe even at ourselves. We can all use some reflection and inspiration from time to time.
A violently poetic English western inspired by the true story of the Cragg Vale Coiners and as wild as the moors on which it is set. Set in the moorland hills of 18th century Yorkshire, The Gallows Pole is the true story of an organized crime of forgers known as the Cragg Vale Coiners. Lead by the charismatic King David Hartley, a man prone to violence and mystical visions, they rise to glory until the bloody murder of a government official brings them to the attention of the authorities. An English western, The Gallows Pole is a poetic and visceral telling of a secret history and a wild landscape. «Myers’s exquisite prose sizzles with tension and the plot unfolds at a perfect pace. Readers will be mesmerized by this stunning page-turner of bleak violence, crisp historical detail, and vibrant characters.» – Publishers Weekly
The Sacred Door and Other Stories: Cameroon Folktales of the Beba offers readers a selection of folktales infused with riddles, proverbs, songs, myths, and legends, using various narrative techniques that capture the vibrancy of Beba oral traditions. Makuchi retells the stories that she heard at home when she was growing up in her native Cameroon. The collection of thirty-four folktales of the Beba showcases a wide variety of stories that capture the richness and complexities of an agrarian society’s oral literature and traditions. Revenge, greed, and deception are among the themes that frame the story lines in both new and familiar ways. In the title story, a poor man finds himself elevated to king. The condition for his continued success is that he not open the sacred door. This tale of temptation, similar to the story of Pandora’s box, concludes with the question, “What would you have done?” Makuchi relates the stories her mother told her so that readers can make connections between African and North American oral narrative traditions. These tales reinforce the commonalities of our human experiences without discounting our differences.
This collection of Japanese short stories reveals a rapidly changing Japanese society and the deep draw of its traditional culture.The first half of this century saw the coming of age of the Japanese short story. Influenced by Western literary techniques, such innovative writers as Shiga Naoya, Ozaki Shiro, Yasunari Kawabata, Shimaki Kensaku, Hayashi Fumiko, Dazai Osamu, and (somewhat later) Kobo Abe reassessed the Japanese story tradition and brought new vigor to the uniquely Japanese sense of the detail and natural context of everyday life.The works of these writers stand at the center of modern Japan's literary development. Despite their differences, it is the simplicity and purity of their natural images-sultry late-summer days, cicadas, lizards, and the sounds of life's routines-that more than anything anchor the emotions and perceptions of their stories.For A Late Chrysanthemum, translator and editor Lane Dunlop has selected twenty-one stories by these seven intriguing and influential authors to convey the depth and range of the modern Japanese story, a discriminating selection which, in Dunlop's sure and masterful English renderings, won this book the Japan-United States Friendship Award for Literary Translation.
This collection of translated tales is from the most famous work in all of Japanese classical literature—the Konjaku Monogatari Shu . This collection of traditional Japanese folklore is akin to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer or Dante's Inferno —powerfully entertaining tales that reveal striking aspects of the cultural psychology, fantasy, and creativity of medieval Japan—tales that still resonate with modern Japanese readers today. The ninety stories in this book are filled with keen psychological insights, wry sarcasm, and scarcely veiled criticisms of the clergy, nobles, and peasants alike—suggesting that there are, among all classes and peoples, similar failings of pride, vanity, superstition and greed—as well as aspirations toward higher moral goals. This is the largest collection in English of the Konjaku Monogatari Shu tales ever published in one volume. It presents the low life and the high life, the humble and the devout, the profane flirting, farting and fornicating of everyday men and women, as well as their yearning for the wisdom, transcendence and compassion that are all part and parcel of our shared humanity. Stories Include: The Grave of ChopsticksRobbers Come to a Temple and Steal Its BellThe Woman Fish Peddler at the GuardhouseFish are Turned into the Lotus SutraA Dragon is Caught by a Tengu GoblinThe Monk Tojo Predicts the Fall of Shujaku GateWasps Attack a Spider in Revenge
This exciting new translation with footnotes is more readable than past versions and will appeal to modern readers. The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical detail the turbulent years at the close of the Han Dynasty when China broke into three competing kingdoms and over half the population were either killed or driven from their homes. Part myth, part fact, readers will experience the loyalty and treachery, the brotherhood and rivalry of China's legendary heroes and villains during the most tumultuous period in Chinese history.Considered the greatest work in classic Chinese literature, The Three Kingdoms is read by millions throughout Asia today. Seen not just as a great work of art, many Chinese view it as a guide to success in life and business as well as a work that offers great moral clarity—while many foreigners read it to gain insights into Chinese society and culture. From the saga of The Three Kingdoms , readers will learn how great warriors motivate their troops and enhance their influence while disguising their weaknesses and turning the strengths of others against them. This third volume concludes the tale of Liu Bei and his sworn brothers-in-arms, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, whose loyalty and fidelity are sorely tested in a society at war for its very survival.