Prayers for the Living is a novel both grand in its vision and loving in its familiarity. Presented in a series of conversations between grandmother Minnie Bloch and her companions, Alan Cheuse, National Public Radio commentator on All Things Considered, unfolds a layered family portrait of three generations of the Bloch family, whose members are collapsing under everyday burdens and brutal betrayals. Her son Manny is a renowned, almost legendary rabbi. Respected by his congregants and surrounded by family, no one suspects that he yearns for a life of greater personal glory, but when an oracular bird delivers what Manny believes to be a message from his deceased father, he abandons his congregation in pursuit of a life in business and his entire life spirals out of control.As Manny’s fortunes rise in the corporate realm, he falls deeper into an affair with a congregant, a Holocaust survivor, his wife sinks deeper into alcoholism and depression and his daughter, traumatized by a sexual scandal at college, makes Manny the target of a plot to shatter his newly-found empire. The devoted family matriarch, Minnie, observes and recounts the tragic downfall of her family, unable to save them from themselves.
"Hirshberg's debut novel packs both emotional punch and a vivid portrait of Jewish American life in post-WWII Boston. . . . Readers will find connections here to Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and to Saul Bellow's classic The Adventures of Augie March ." — Booklist (ALA), starred review "This amazing mosaic of fact and fiction will hold readers in its grip from the first to last page." — Library Journal , starred review Winner, Independent Press Award 2019 Literary Fiction Gold Medal Winner, Best Regional Fiction, 2018 Independent Press Awards Winner, Best Regional Fiction, 2018 National Indie Excellence Awards Winner, NYC Big Book Award in two categories: 2018 Historical Fiction and Debut Fiction Winner, Three CIPA EVVY Awards: 2019 Literary Fiction First Place; 2019 Historical Fiction Second Place; 2019 Debut Fiction Second place My Mother's Son , the meticulously-crafted debut novel from David Hirshberg, is a story told by a radio raconteur revisiting his past in post-World War II Boston, the playground and battleground for two brothers whose lives are transformed by discoveries they never could have imagined. From the opening line of the book, «When you're a kid, they don't always tell you the truth,» the stage is set for this riveting coming-of-age story that plays out against the backdrop of the Korean War, the aftermath of the Holocaust, the polio epidemic, the relocation of a baseball team, and the shenanigans of politicians and businessmen. Hirshberg deftly weaves together events, characters, and clues and creates a rich tapestry of betrayal, persecution, death, loyalty, and unconditional love that resonates with today's America.
In the tradition of Calvino's <i>Italian Folktales</i>, Greg Sarris, author of the award-winning novel <i>Grand Avenue</i>, turns his attention to his ancestral homeland of Sonoma Mountain in Northern California. In sixteen interconnected original stories, the twin crows Question Woman and Answer Woman take us through a world unlike yet oddly reminiscent of our own: one which blooms bright with poppies, lupines, and clover; one in which Waterbug kidnaps an entire creek; in which songs have the power to enchant; in which Rain is a beautiful woman who keeps people's memories in stones. Inspired by traditional Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo creation tales, these stories are timeless in their wisdom and beauty, and because of this timelessness their messages are vital and immediate. The figures in these stories ponder the meaning of leadership, of their place within the landscape and their community. In these stories we find a model for how we can all come home again. At once ancient and contemporary, <i>How a Mountain Was Made</i> is equally at home in modern letters as the ancient story cycle. Sarris infuses his stories with a prose stylist's creativity and inventiveness, moving American Indian literature in a new and emergent direction.
Whether billed as romance or erotica, the main audience for sex novels is women. Why do they read them? Because often these books, from their cover art to their characters to their plots, are meant to appeal to a female demographic. They're easy to read escapism that speaks to what its audience wants, particularly those who want to experience a little bit of vicarious sex through the leads. Particularly if it's the kind of sex the reader may not have.
The <i>Homeric Hymns</i> have survived for two and a half millennia because of their captivating stories, beautiful language, and religious significance. Well before the advent of writing in Greece, they were performed by traveling bards at religious events, competitions, banquets, and festivals. These thirty-four poems invoking and celebrating the gods of ancient Greece raise questions that humanity still struggles with—questions about our place among others and in the world.<br> <br> Known as «Homeric» because they were composed in the same meter, dialect, and style as Homer’s <i>Iliad</i> and <i>Odyssey</i>, these hymns were created to be sung aloud. In this superb translation by Diane J. Rayor, which deftly combines accuracy and poetry, the ancient music of the hymns comes alive for the modern reader. Here is the birth of Apollo, god of prophecy, healing, and music and founder of Delphi, the most famous oracular shrine in ancient Greece. Here is Zeus, inflicting upon Aphrodite her own mighty power to cause gods to mate with humans, and here is Demeter rescuing her daughter Persephone from the underworld and initiating the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries.<br> <br> This updated edition incorporates twenty-eight new lines in the first <i>Hymn to Dionysos</i>, along with expanded notes, a new preface, and an enhanced bibliography. With her introduction and notes, Rayor places the hymns in their historical and aesthetic context, providing the information needed to read, interpret, and fully appreciate these literary windows on an ancient world. As introductions to the Greek gods, entrancing stories, exquisite poetry, and early literary records of key religious rituals and sites, the <i>Homeric Hymns</i> should be read by any student of mythology, classical literature, ancient religion, women in antiquity, or the Greek language.
A new fairy tale for grownups written in a classic style but with knowing humour and heart Ron Sexsmith is a critically acclaimed singer and songwriter with an international following Potential sales both from fans and curious book lovers Ron has nearly 27,000 Facebook likes for his artist page and 24,000 Twitter followers; he is extremely active on Twitter, posting every day with either photos, puns, or YouTube videos of him performing cover tunes Ron takes his visual way with words that usually is showcased in his award-winning music and applies it to whimsical yet serious story
«В одном большом городе был ботанический сад, а в этом саду – огромная оранжерея из железа и стекла. Она была очень красива: стройные витые колонны поддерживали все здание; на них опирались легкие узорчатые арки, переплетенные между собою целой паутиной железных рам, в которые были вставлены стекла. Особенно хороша была оранжерея, когда солнце заходило и освещало ее красным светом. Тогда она вся горела, красные отблески играли и переливались, точно в огромном, мелко отшлифованном драгоценном камне…»
Про Механічну людину – Тік-Тока казкар Ліман Френк Баум згадує в багатьох своїх книжках. Однак у цій розповіді автор вирішив приділити улюбленому персонажу значно більше уваги, зробивши його одним з головних героїв. Бо щиро захоплюється такими рисами Тік-Тока, як безстрашність і відданість друзям. От і цього разу Механічна людина без зволікань вирушила назустріч небезпеці, аби допомогти Косматому чоловічку знайти зниклого безвісти брата. І хоч першу битву, зустрівшись з ворогом сам на сам, він програв, це не похитнуло віру сміливця в майбутню перемогу.
У кожній своїй розповіді про Країну Оз казкар Ліман Френк Баум знайомить читачів із неймовірними подіями, на які багатий чарівний світ. Проте ця історія особлива. В ній автор вирішив розкрити таємницю найбільшого дива, підвладного тільки чарівникам Країни Оз, – народження нової героїні. Такої честі удостоєна багатобарвна Латочка, яка вважає, що серед загадкових, безглуздих, смішних, унікальних істот, вона, мабуть, найцікавіша. Однак своєю бурхливою появою на світ клаптикова дівчинка спричинила жахливу трагедію. Аби залагодити скоєне, їй разом із друзями довелося докласти неабияких зусиль.
Добрые истории о дружбе и удивительных приключениях! Идеально для первого САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОГО чтения! Юные Повелители драконов ликуют! Король Роланд возьмёт их вместе с драконами на праздник в соседнее королевство. Но Дрейку и его подруге Рори придётся остаться в замке. И кто бы мог подумать, что как только они остались одни, на замок напал тёмный могущественный волшебник! Он хочет поработить драконов и уничтожить королевство. Смогут ли ребята в одиночку справиться с Малдредом?