Предлагаемый справочник-каталог дополняет одноименную гравюрную выставку, прошедшую в Москве, являясь при этом самостоятельным проектом.В нем представлено более 90 иллюстраций по теме Рождественской истории из российских частных собраний, среди которых произведения Дюрера, Кранаха, Гольциуса, Рубенса и др.Автор – куратор выставок: «Апокалипсис Дюрера», «Дюрер и его современники», «Благовещение» и др.Книга рассчитана на любителей изобразительного искусства, а также профессиональную аудиторию.
Вторая часть Вятского синодика о памяти родных святых и праведников Вятской земли. Список размещен по календарю и будет дополняться.
Too often we turn prayer into well-intentioned patterns of our own making. Too often we assume prayer is primarily about words. Sometimes there's an almost magical understanding that if we get the words right, if we trust enough or believe enough, God will «answer.» But most of us know that God is not a divine magician or our own personal valet and that prayer is much more than our feeble attempts to make God pay attention to what God already knows. Using the alphabet as a template of descriptive words and actions, Holy Ground: An Alphabet of Prayer invites reflection about prayer as paying Attention, looking for Beauty, showing Compassion, practicing Devotion, celebrating Enthusiasm–all the way to the end of the alphabet and discovering Wonder, X as mystery, and Z as Zeal. These reflections will help readers experience prayer as a place, an action, or attitude, a stance for recognizing and acknowledging God's presence in the midst of ordinary life–something like the sigh of the shoemaker, too busy to drop his worn shoes and kneel in disciplined prayer, but not too busy to sigh his prayer of gratitude. Prayer is so much more than words.
Это вторая заключительная часть исследования Единой Теории Мироздания. Здесь автор исследовал и описал новые типы структур Мирра. Они объединяют между собой все миры Вселенной и позволяют получить полную Структуру Трансцендента. Ими описывается всё планетарное строение Мироздания. Все структуры получили свой матричный аналог. Автору даже удалось составить Глобальную Матрицу Абсолюта, что позволило ему открыть его Единую Силу и исследовать её. Единая Теория Мироздания уже реально существует!
В наше время мало кто сомневается в том, что мир создан Творцом (Богом, Сущим, Жизнью). Однако, не поняв, что такое Бог, невозможно понять, кто он – человек, для чего появился на земле. В книге изложены результаты философско-психологического исследования Библии, проведённого автором, что позволило понять Бога (Жизнь), как процесс поэтапного развития потребности быть, выявить механизм развития (как взаимодействия разных форм Жизни между собой), проследить пути и средства развития Жизни. Все эти знания изложены в Писании. На землю "глаголы вечной жизни" принёс Иисус Христос, который всей своей жизнью, своими делами показал путь к вечной жизни. Именно как теорию и практику построения истинной жизни на земле и надо читать Новый Завет. На основе знаний, изложенных в Библии, автором была разработана "Теория Жизни, как всеобъемлющая теория развития", как новая методология познания, построения общества, формирования человека.
Christmas cheers the birth of Christ with a fresh look at the festive season. English engages the rich theological and biblical themes of Advent as well as family traditions, popular carols, and legends of the holidays. Topics range from a theology of the incarnation of the Word, the role of Mary, the historical origin of December 25, the significance of Bethlehem and the star, the plight of the holy family in a hostile world, and the place of American pop icons like Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus, and Buddy the Elf. Christmas brims with anticipation.
Can there be a spiritually rich engagement between Hindus and Christians? In India there is a long history of interaction between them. In this helpful book, Andrew Wingate shares something of that from his direct experience of living in Tamil Nadu. But the growing economic power of India and of the Indian diaspora throughout the world, reveal how little written material is available about Hindus and Christians as they encounter each other outside India. The Meeting of Opposites? is founded upon experience and research, as well as recent meetings with Hindus, especially in the UK, the United States, and Sweden. The author gives many examples of dialogue and focuses on theological, spiritual, and missiological questions.
In a series of dramatic monologues, first-century men and women–some real, some imaginary–remember, often from the perspective of old age, their encounters with Jesus and reflect on the significance of those encounters. Some comprehend and welcome him as Messiah. Others comprehend him only as an extraordinary figure and remain puzzled by their memories. A few are angered by him and bitterly reject any claim their encounter might make on them. The monologues and songs are arranged to be read simply as a book of poems or as a series of meditations spanning the ministry of Jesus to be read one a day during the season of Lent.
This book is a collection of seven Good Friday homilies by the late Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch. Due to the fact that this respected historian, writer, teacher, and preacher rarely wrote his sermons, this book of printed meditations will be a treasured addition to any library. Here Gritsch captures the essence of Christian theology, highlighting the concepts with his understanding of human history and human foibles. The insights and wit for which this beloved teacher is known abound in this small volume. In this collection, the seven last words of Christ from the cross are made relevant for those in the twenty-first century who live the daily experiences of their lives trying at all times to be faithful Christians. Page by page the good news of Good Friday is made real!
"Michot provides an introduction into the work (Risaleh Dukhaniyyeh) and an outline of the scholarly debates concerning smoking that occured in Turkey in the 16th and 17th centuries." —Islamic Horizons"Against Smoking is a gem of scholarship. This compact book is a major contribution to the study of Islamic pietism in general and Ottoman religious and cultural history in particular." —Professor Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Washington University in St. LouisOne of the earliest Arabic texts against smoking, Ahmad al-Aqhisari's Epistle on Tobacco is presented here for the first time in a scholarly edition, together with a fully annotated English translation. Yahya Michot expertly sets the epistle within its Ottoman social, intellectual, and historical context. Includes thirty illustrations.Yahya Michot is professor of Islamic studies and Christian–Muslim relations at Hartford Seminary, Connecticut.