
Различные книги в жанре Религиоведение

Железнодорожные храмы Транссибирской магистрали (конец XIX – начало XX века)

Николай Магазинер

Книга посвящена истории создания православных храмов и церковно-приходских школ на станциях и в поселках, тяготеющих к Транссибирской магистрали. Проведена систематизация описания железнодорожных церквей по типу епархиальных историко-статистических справочников. Показана роль инженеров путей сообщения в организации строительства церквей и школ. Впервые составлен список выявленных священно- и церковнослужителей железнодорожных храмов. Книга предназначена для специалистов в области истории железнодорожного строительства, краеведов, студентов железнодорожных вузов, снабжена обширным иллюстративным материалом.

Дивеево. История места и святынь. Наставления святых. Современная жизнь

Группа авторов

Поражающие красотой величественные храмы, множество святых источников, чудесные исцеления, святые мощи и реликвии. Все это – Дивеево. Знаменитая Дивеевская обитель почитается верующими как «четвертый» земной удел Богородицы. Это место, находящееся под особым святым покровительством и заступничеством Божией Матери. Каждый год сюда приезжают сотни тысяч людей со всех уголков земли, чтобы пройти с молитвой по Богородичной Канавке, прикоснуться к мощам преподобного Серафима и святых, ощутить благодать святого места. В этой книге вы познакомитесь с удивительной историей монастыря, от чудесного основания, великолепного духовного расцвета, через трудные времена – к торжествующему возрождению. Прочитаете о преподобном Серафиме Саровском, покровителе обители, преподобных Александре, Марфе и Елене и других святых, чья судьба была неразрывно связана с Дивеево. Узнаете о знаменитой чудотворной иконе «Серафимово Умиление», о появлении Святой Канавки, услышите рассказ о камне, на котором преподобный Серафим провел тысячу дней и ночей в подвиге столпничества. Эта книга для тех, кто мечтает поехать в Дивеево, кто уже побывал там, кто хочет больше узнать об этом уникальном месте. Открывайте книгу и отправляйтесь в путешествие!

Advent A Calendar of Devotions 2018 (Pkg of 10)

Sue Mink

The season of Advent provides an opportunity for spiritual renewal for followers of Christ. But often what happens is that we get so caught up in the hurry and rush, the hustle and bustle, the frantic pace of the season that we emerge more spiritually exhausted than refreshed and more disillusioned than inspired to face the coming of a new year. We may have tried so hard to enjoy the holiday season, to recapture a sense of wonder and mystery, only to end up asking, «Is that all there is?» The purpose of Advent A Calendar of Devotions 2018 is to help you focus on the things that truly matter during this busy season so that you can experience spiritual renewal.

Almost Christmas Devotions for the Season

Ingrid McIntyre

In 1741, John Wesley preached his famous sermon titled “The Almost Christian” in which he encouraged people to follow Christ wholeheartedly. We should not be satisfied with being almost Christian but rather strive towards being altogether a Christian. In Almost Christmas: A Wesleyan Advent Experience , author and pastor Magrey deVega leads a group of authors to explore how we can make the same commitment to Christ during Advent, connecting our Wesleyan heritage with the traditional Advent themes of Love, Hope, Joy, and Peace. In this book, perfect for Advent, deVega and the other authors break down the barriers that prevent us from experiencing an “altogether” love, hope, joy, and peace in Christ in our lives and in the world around us. They demonstrate the promises God offers to us that makes those longings a reality, inviting us to claim those promises for ourselves this Advent and celebrate an altogether Christmas. The devotional contains 28 daily devotions for the four weeks of Advent corresponding to the themes of Altogether Love, Altogether Hope, Altogether Joy, and Altogether Peace. Written by pastors and other leaders, the devotions celebrate and bring together the season of Advent and the best of our Wesleyan heritage.  

All I Really Want

Quinn G. Caldwell

Sometimes the happiest and holiest time of the year is also the hardest for people to enjoy. These daily readings offer the skeptic, the over-committed the opportunity to make room-perhaps just enough room-for God to show up. The weeks leading up to Christmas can spark a strong spiritual longing for more. Although it may never be articulated, we sense beneath those longings is a yearning for an experience of God. These brief writings address the challenges and realities of the season and include a simple action, ritual or meditation designed to gently steer the reader toward the deeper meaning that underlies the season. Smart, witty, edgy—and always hopeful—readings by Quinn Caldwell include a brief prayer for each morning and evening during the entire Christmas season. This book takes seriously the modern person’s hunger for meaning and import in a season that feels increasingly frivolous. Includes a calendar with one easy task to do each day.

One Surprising Night

Peg Augustine

  One Surprising Night retells the story of Christ’s birth as the fulfillment of a promise God made to his people long ago. Yet, Jesus’ arrival brought – A surprise to Mary & Joseph when an angel announced his coming A surprise to the shepherds tending their flocks A surprise visit from traveling wise men from the east. (Each page opening of One Surprising Night features story segments in both English and Spanish so that more children may be included.)

Take Time for Christmas

Peg Augustine

Too often our children get caught up in the hustle and bustle that surrounds the Advent season and miss what it means to really prepare our hearts and minds to welcome the Christ child. This year help your child to 'Stop, look, and listen" by reading how the characters in the Christmas story stopped what they were doing and looked and listened to the messages from God. Contemporary text along with the traditional Christmas story help children connect what is being done at home and at church to what happened so long ago when God gave us the first and best Christmas gift.

Wonder of Easter

Peg Augustine

The Wonder of Easter uses a child’s “wonder” questions to think about what it must have felt to be a part of the biblical story, and uses a prayer to make a connection to how we honor Jesus today. It includes Bible verses on every page and is in both English and Spanish text.

Wonder of Christmas

Peg Augustine

A look at the Christmas story with the emphasis on the “wonder” of the season. Each page begins with “I wonder…” and journeys chronologically from Mary and Joseph’s trip to Bethlehem through the Wise Men’s return home. A short prayer and biblical text follow this on each page. Each facing page has the Spanish translation of the story.