
Различные книги в жанре Программы

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Third Edition

Clifford A. Shaffer

With its focus on creating efficient data structures and algorithms, this comprehensive text helps readers understand how to select or design the tools that will best solve specific problems. It uses Microsoft C++ as the programming language and is suitable for second-year data structure courses and computer science courses in algorithm analysis.Techniques for representing data are presented within the context of assessing costs and benefits, promoting an understanding of the principles of algorithm analysis and the effects of a chosen physical medium. The text also explores tradeoff issues, familiarizes readers with the most commonly used data structures and their algorithms, and discusses matching appropriate data structures to applications. The author offers explicit coverage of design patterns encountered in the course of programming the book's basic data structures and algorithms. Numerous examples appear throughout the text.

Advanced C Concepts and Programming


This book is for readers of IT Fields.<br><br>Key features of this book include:<br><br>Used systematic approach throughout the book<br><br>Programming advances in C without requiring prior knowledge in C language<br><br>Simple language has been adopted to make the topics easy and clear to the readers<br><br>This book covers virtually most of the advanced features of Advanced C Programming including:<br><br>Multidimensional Arrays<br><br>Pointers<br><br>Functions<br><br>Structures<br><br>Union<br><br>Preprocessing<br><br>File Management<br><br>Topics have been covered with more than 100 illustrations and tested C programs with screen display<br><br>Enough examples have been used to explain various advanced concepts effectively. <br><br>Provides exercises, review questions and exercises as the end of each chapter equipped with more than 200 questions in various patterns and more than 120 programming exercises

Software Engineering & Object Oriented Modeling

Jitendra JD Patel

Software Engineering and Object Oriented Modeling: This book is specially written for those who are interested in understanding software engineering and Object Oriented Modeling concepts using UML in the Computer Engineering and Information technology field and want to gain enhanced knowledge about the power of UML Language in software development. <br><br>Also everyone with interest in learning UML for Software Engineering for application development can refer to this book to get the knowledge about various features of this subject.

Microsoft Access 2003

Jitendra CDN Patel

Microsoft Access is a Window based program created by Microsoft. It helps you store & manage a large collection of information.<br><br>A systematically arranged database helps you manage the stored information in an efficient way so that It can access quickly whenever needed.<br><br>You can easily create such a database using Access.<br><br>A good Database design ensure that you will be able to perform various tasks on it efficiently and accurately and without any hindrance.

From Fractals and Cellular Automata to Biology

Alberto Strumia

The didactical level of exposition, together with many astonishing images and animations, accompanied by the related simple computer programming codes (in Python and POV-Ray languages) make this book an extremely and unique useful tool to test the power of algorithmic information in generating ordered structure models (2D and 3D) like regular geometric shapes, complex shapes like fractals and cellular automata, and biological systems as the organs of a living body. Informational biologists besides mathematicians and physicists of complexity may learn to test their own capabilities in programming and modelling ordered structures starting from random initial conditions at different scale of each system: from elementary particles, to biological systems, to galaxies and the whole universe. Moreover the philosophical comments comparing some aspects of modern information theory to the Aristotelian notion of 'form are very appealing also for the epistemologist and the philosopher involved in complexity matters.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Information Towards Aristotelian Form</li><li>Two-Dimensional Structures from Algorithms</li><li>Three-Dimensional Structures from Algorithms</li><li>3<i>D</i> Fractal Landscapes</li><li>3<i>D</i> Fractals with Cylindrical Symmetry</li><li>Three-Dimensional Fractals from Quaternions and Double Complex Numbers</li><li>Fractal Structures from Cellular Automata</li><li>Heart Structure Models from Cellular Automata</li><li>A More Realistic Model of Heart Structure</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Mathematicians, Physicists, Biologists, Bioengineers, Computer Programmers, Science philosophers (of all graduate level).Information and Aristotelian Form;Fractals;Cellular Automata;Chance and Order;Complex Organized Systems;Informatic Biology;Heart Modelling00

Start Concurrent

Barry Wittman

Multicore microprocessors are now at the heart of nearly all desktop and laptop computers. While these chips offer exciting opportunities for the creation of newer and faster applications, they also challenge students and educators. How can the new generation of computer scientists growing up with multicore chips learn to program applications that exploit this latent processing power? This unique book is an attempt to introduce concurrent programming to first-year computer science students, much earlier than most competing products. This book assumes no programming background but offers a broad coverage of Java. It includes over 150 numbered and numerous inline examples as well as more than 300 exercises categorized as «conceptual,» «programming,» and «experiments.» The problem-oriented approach presents a problem, explains supporting concepts, outlines necessary syntax, and finally provides its solution. All programs in the book are available for download and experimentation. A substantial index of at least 5000 entries makes it easy for readers to locate relevant information. In a fast-changing field, this book is continually updated and refined. The 2014 version is the seventh «draft edition» of this volume, and features numerous revisions based on student feedback. A list of errata for this version can be found on the Purdue University Department of Computer Science website.

Formatting for File Conversion and Publication

Helen Wisniewski

For some years we at Energion Publications have struggled with the process of converting manuscripts from the author's format to the final, production ready layout. There are an amazing arrays of software solutions to help clean up text, but there's nothing quite like having it done right in the first place. Many of the things in this booklet will be extremely familiar to those who regularly use word processing software, but writers often operate with the assumption that if it looks good on the screen, what you see is what you get. That lasts until the first format change. We commissioned this book to help writers use some basic, automatic formatting: Automatic footnotes, paragraph styles, and bibliographical formatting. We ask our authors to keep it simple. Choose a «Style» for your headings, use bold and italics, but above all, position nothing using the spacebar. If you use the information in this booklet, you'll have little difficulty, and we'll be able to efficiently format your book for publication. We do hope these simple steps will be useful for others as well. There are two sections, one for Micorosft Word and one for OpenOffice. The latter will generally be applicable to OpenOffice derivatives, such as LibreOffice.

Software Testing

Peter Williams

Bestselling software testing title The only official textbook of the ISTQB-BCS Certified Tester Foundation Level certificate Updated with new syllabus content, standards and example test questions ISBN of previous edition – 9781780172996 9781906124762 9781906124762 97819061247629781906124762

Relational Database Systems

Jitendra Inc. Patel

This book is specially written for students of Computer Engineering (CE) and Information Technology.<br><br>Also every one with interest in Database Management System can refer this book to get the knowledge about RDBMS.<br><br>It covers virtually most of core features and some of the advanced features of RDBMS for administrator development including more than hands on examples tested through Oracle 9i. Most of code samples are presented in easy to use through Oracle. Throughout the book most of the features are explained through syntax and examples to develop state-of-the-art Database using advanced concepts like E.R. Modeling, Normalization, Transaction management, Security and other authentication features.

C Programming Concepts

Jitendra Inc. Patel

C Programming Concepts : This book is specially written for Students who are new in the Computer Engineering and Information technology and Programmers to gain fundamentals knowledge about C programming language. <br><br>Also every one with interest in C Programming can refer this book to get the knowledge about Various features the subject.<br><br>It covers virtually most of High level language features and some of the advanced features like Preprocessor, Structures, Unions, Pointers and File handling etc… including more than hands on examples tested. Samples are presented in easy to use way through Turbo C 3.0.