
Различные книги в жанре Программы

Understanding GIS

David Smith

The first single-project GIS textbook on the market,  Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS Pro Project Workbook , third edition is an excellent resource for students and educators seeking a guide for an advanced, single-project-based course that incorporates GIS across a wide range of disciplines. It allows readers to progress through nine lessons using ArcGIS Pro software from Esri to find the best location for a new park along the Los Angeles River in Southern California. Each exercise offers step-by-step instructions, graphics to confirm exercise results, and explanations of key concepts. The book includes access to ArcGIS Desktop software, which includes ArcGIS Pro. Project data (real data, all of it updated) is downloadable from the book's resource web page. Note:  This e-book requires ArcGIS software. You can download the ArcGIS Trial at http://www.esri.com/arcgis/trial, contact your school or business Esri Site License Administrator, or purchase a student or individual license through the Esri Store.

Practical Data Analysis with JMP, Third Edition

Robert Carver

Master the concepts and techniques of statistical analysis using JMP Practical Data Analysis with JMP, Third Edition, highlights the powerful interactive and visual approach of JMP to introduce readers to statistical thinking and data analysis. It helps you choose the best technique for the problem at hand by using real-world cases. It also illustrates best-practice workflow throughout the entire investigative cycle, from asking valuable questions through data acquisition, preparation, analysis, interpretation, and communication of findings. The book can stand on its own as a learning resource for professionals, or it can be used to supplement a college-level textbook for an introductory statistics course. It includes varied examples and problems using real sets of data. Each chapter typically starts with an important or interesting research question that an investigator has pursued. Reflecting the broad applicability of statistical reasoning, the problems come from a wide variety of disciplines, including engineering, life sciences, business, and economics, as well as international and historical examples. Application Scenarios at the end of each chapter challenge you to use your knowledge and skills with data sets that go beyond mere repetition of chapter examples. New in the third edition, chapters have been updated to demonstrate the enhanced capabilities of JMP, including projects, Graph Builder, Query Builder, and Formula Depot.

SAS Statistics by Example

Ron Cody, EdD

In SAS Statistics by Example, Ron Cody offers up a cookbook approach for doing statistics with SAS. Structured specifically around the most commonly used statistical tasks or techniques–for example, comparing two means, ANOVA, and regression–this book provides an easy-to-follow, how-to approach to statistical analysis not found in other books.

For each statistical task, Cody includes heavily annotated examples using ODS Statistical Graphics procedures such as SGPLOT, SGSCATTER, and SGPANEL that show how SAS can produce the required statistics. Also, you will learn how to test the assumptions for all relevant statistical tests. Major topics featured include descriptive statistics, one- and two-sample tests, ANOVA, correlation, linear and multiple regression, analysis of categorical data, logistic regression, nonparametric techniques, and power and sample size.

This is not a book that teaches statistics. Rather, SAS Statistics by Example is perfect for intermediate to advanced statistical programmers who know their statistics and want to use SAS to do their analyses.

This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition

Lora D. Delwiche

[b]Hone your SAS skills with Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition ! [/b] Now in its sixth edition, the best-selling The Little SAS Book just keeps getting better. Readers worldwide study this easy-to-follow book to help them learn the basics of SAS programming. Rebecca Ottesen has once again teamed up with the authors of The Little SAS Book , Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter, to provide a way to challenge and improve your SAS skills through thought-provoking questions, exercises, and projects. Each chapter has been updated to match The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition . The book contains a mixture of multiple-choice questions, open-ended discussion topics, and programming exercises with selected answers and hints. It also includes comprehensive programming projects that are designed to encourage self-study and to test the skills developed by The Little SAS Book . Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition is a hands-on workbook that is designed to improve your SAS skills whether you are a student or a professional.

SAS Programming with Medicare Administrative Data

Matthew Gillingham

SAS Programming with Medicare Administrative Data is the most comprehensive resource available for using Medicare data with SAS. This book teaches you how to access Medicare data and, more importantly, how to apply this data to your research.

Knowing how to use Medicare data to answer common research and business questions is a critical skill for many SAS users. Due to its complexity, Medicare data requires specific programming knowledge in order to be applied accurately. Programmers need to understand the Medicare program in order to interpret and utilize its data.

With this book, you'll learn the entire process of programming with Medicare data—from obtaining access to data; to measuring cost, utilization, and quality; to overcoming common challenges. Each chapter includes exercises that challenge you to apply concepts to real-world programming tasks.

SAS Programming with Medicare Administrative Data offers beginners a programming project template to follow from beginning to end. It also includes more complex questions and discussions that are appropriate for advanced users. Matthew Gillingham has created a book that is both a foundation for programmers new to Medicare data and a comprehensive reference for experienced programmers.

This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Fundamentals of Programming in SAS

James Blum

Unlock the essentials of SAS programming! Fundamentals of Programming in SAS: A Case Studies Approach gives a complete introduction to SAS programming. Perfect for students, novice SAS users, and programmers studying for their Base SAS certification, this book covers all the basics, including: working with data creating visualizations data validation good programming practices Experienced programmers know that real-world scenarios require practical solutions. Designed for use in the classroom and for self-guided learners, this book takes a novel approach to learning SAS programming by following a single case study throughout the text and circling back to previous concepts to reinforce material. Readers will benefit from the variety of exercises, including both multiple choice questions and in-depth case studies. Additional case studies are also provided online for extra practice. This approach mirrors the way good SAS programmers develop their skills—through hands-on work with an eye toward developing the knowledge necessary to tackle more difficult tasks. After reading this book, you will gain the skills and confidence to take on larger challenges with the power of SAS.

JMP Essentials

Curt Hinrichs

Grasp the essentials of JMP to generate rapid results. JMP Essentials: An Illustrated Guide for New Users, Third Edition, is designed for new or novice JMP users who need to generate meaningful analysis quickly. The book focuses on the most commonly used platforms and typical workflow of the user, from data importing, exploring, and visualizing to modeling and sharing results with others. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize results over theory, providing just the essential steps with corresponding screenshots. In most cases, each section completes a JMP task, which maximizes the book’s utility as a reference. This edition has new instructions and screenshots reflecting the features added to the latest release of JMP software, including updated sections on JMP Dashboard Builder, Query Builder, the Fit Model platform, JMP Public and JMP Live, and a more detailed look at the JMP website. Each chapter contains a family of features that are carefully crafted to first introduce you to basic features and then move on to more advanced topics. JMP Essentials: An Illustrated Guide for New Users, Third Edition, is the quickest and most accessible reference book available.

SAS Administration from the Ground Up

Anja Fischer

Learn SAS® administration from the ground up! Those who are new to SAS platform administration may find themselves full of questions. SAS® Administration from the Ground Up: Running the SAS®9 Platform in a Metadata Server Environment will save you time, money and frustration. This book walks the reader through setting up and maintaining a SAS platform from scratch. The author includes tips on best practices and troubleshooting to show you simple ways to streamline your SAS environment and make your work more manageable. Written for both new administrators and seasoned professionals, this book covers: SAS® 9.4 architecture SAS administration tools such as SAS® Management Console, SAS® Environment Manager and SAS® Deployment Manager Users, groups, and roles Metadata library administration Security Also included is a master administration checklist, with helpful resources provided for each task.

A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS Studio

Ron Cody

Point and click your way to performing statistics! Many people are intimidated by learning statistics, but A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS Studio is here to help. Whether you need to perform statistical analysis for a project or, perhaps, for a course in education, psychology, sociology, economics, or any other field that requires basic statistical skills, this book teaches the fundamentals of statistics, from designing your experiment through calculating logistic regressions. Serving as an introduction to many common statistical tests and principles, it explains concepts in a non-technical way with little math and very few formulas. Once the basic statistical concepts are covered, the book then demonstrates how to use them with SAS Studio and SAS University Edition’s easy point-and-click interface. Topics included in this book are: How to install and use SAS University Edition Descriptive statistics One-sample tests T tests (for independent or paired samples) One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) N-way ANOVA Correlation analysis Simple and multiple linear regression Binary logistic regression Categorical data, including two-way tables and chi-square Power and sample size calculations Questions are provided to test your knowledge and practice your skills.