Working with longitudinal data introduces a unique set of challenges. Once you've mastered the art of performing calculations within a single observation of a data set, you're faced with the task of performing calculations or making comparisons between observations. It's easy to look backward in data sets, but how do you look forward and across observations? Ron Cody provides straightforward answers to these and other questions. Longitudinal Data and SAS details useful techniques for conducting operations between observations in a SAS data set. For quick reference, the book is conveniently organized to cover tools, including an introduction to powerful SAS programming techniques for longitudinal data; case studies, including a variety of illuminating examples that use Ron's techniques; and macros, including detailed descriptions of helpful longitudinal data macros. Beginning to intermediate SAS users will appreciate this book's informative, easy-to-comprehend style. And users who frequently process longitudinal data will learn to make the most of their analyses by following Ron's methodologies.
This book is part of the SAS Press program.
In SAS Statistics by Example, Ron Cody offers up a cookbook approach for doing statistics with SAS. Structured specifically around the most commonly used statistical tasks or techniques–for example, comparing two means, ANOVA, and regression–this book provides an easy-to-follow, how-to approach to statistical analysis not found in other books.
For each statistical task, Cody includes heavily annotated examples using ODS Statistical Graphics procedures such as SGPLOT, SGSCATTER, and SGPANEL that show how SAS can produce the required statistics. Also, you will learn how to test the assumptions for all relevant statistical tests. Major topics featured include descriptive statistics, one- and two-sample tests, ANOVA, correlation, linear and multiple regression, analysis of categorical data, logistic regression, nonparametric techniques, and power and sample size.
This is not a book that teaches statistics. Rather, SAS Statistics by Example is perfect for intermediate to advanced statistical programmers who know their statistics and want to use SAS to do their analyses.
This book is part of the SAS Press program.