Discover Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET! I Didn't Know You Could Do That. . . will help you conquer the .NET learning curve quickly as you make the transition to Microsoft's new programming paradigm. Inside you'll find loads of ideas and advice that will teach you the essential aspects of VB.NET. You'll also find a companion CD loaded with more than 60 ready-to-run pieces of code that you can implement in your VB.NET projects. Stop Monkeyin' Around and Get Up to Speed on VB.NET This book covers all the key changes in the new version of Visual Basic. Numerous example projects provide both an excellent teaching aid and a great source library. With the tips and tricks in Visual Basic .NET! I Didn't Know You Could Do That…, you'll be impressing your fellow VB programmers in no time. Go Bananas—Become a VB.NET Expert Inside you'll learn how to: Write smarter code Use new object-oriented language features Understand garbage collection Use databases Use VB objects in ASP.NET pages Write and Consume XML web services And much more!
Python is one of the most powerful, easy-to-read programming languages around, but it does have its limitations. This general purpose, high-level language that can be extended and embedded is a smart option for many programming problems, but a poor solution to others. Python For Dummies is the quick-and-easy guide to getting the most out of this robust program. This hands-on book will show you everything you need to know about building programs, debugging code, and simplifying development, as well as defining what actions it can perform. You’ll wrap yourself around all of its advanced features and become an expert Python user in no time. This guide gives you the tools you need to: Master basic elements and syntax Document, design, and debug programs Work with strings like a pro Direct a program with control structures Integrate integers, complex numbers, and modules Build lists, stacks, and queues Create an organized dictionary Handle functions, data, and namespace Construct applications with modules and packages Call, create, extend, and override classes Access the Internet to enhance your library Understand the new features of Python 2.5 Packed with critical idioms and great resources to maximize your productivity, Python For Dummies is the ultimate one-stop information guide. In a matter of minutes you’ll be familiar with Python’s building blocks, strings, dictionaries, and sets; and be on your way to writing the program that you’ve dreamed about!
If you’ve ever been curious about any of the multitude of internet acronyms, the web technologies they represent, and how they can benefit you, this book is a great place to start. This book covers all the necessary topics to get up and running with HTML, XHTML, and CSS while offering readers a guide to modern, standards-based design. Key tasks covered in the book include setting up a Web page, reducing image resolution, creating radio buttons, adding a hit counter, adding an embedded sound, adding content from other sites such as integrating a blog and creating an RSS feed. Large topics are broken into smaller, more approachable sub-topics that are clearly explained on two pages eliminating the back and forth page flipping required in other references. Arranged so that skills build progressively throughout the book coupled with bold page headers it is simple to flip through and easily find any section or topic you are looking for. Understandable with straightforward terms that avoid intimidating and unexplained jargon, this is a book that will benefit complete novices and advanced users alike. While primarily focused on the technologies outlined in the title, this book goes on to provide tips on integrating with Google, Flickr, social bookmark sites and even creating and implementing RSS feeds. Rest assured, each of these technologies is explained with the benefits of each outlined. A serious resource that quickly and concisely gets to the point, this book helps you gain real skills that will have you online in short order. Best of all, you can be confident that you are doing so the right way. HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Your visual blueprint™ for designing effective Web pages offers visual learners a solid reference that employs straight forward examples to teach you to create and design Web pages with impact. «Apply It» and «Extra» sidebars highlight useful tips and high-resolution screen shots clearly illustrate each task while succinct explanations walk you through the examples. The associated website contains all the needed code to learn HTML.
Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to once they have read the introductory books. Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutions for each pitfall complete with code. All of the pitfalls are cross-referenced within the text as well as outlined in a summary table in the back of the book. Includes background information and troubleshooting tips so programmers can avoid other errors that may also occur. The Web site contains all of the refactored code solutions and links to appropriate tool downloads.
An updated edition of the best tips and tools to plan, build, and execute a structured test operation In this update of his bestselling book, Rex Black walks you through how to develop essential tools and apply them to your test project. He helps you master the basic tools, apply the techniques to manage your resources, and give each area just the right amount of attention so that you can successfully survive managing a test project! Offering a thorough review of the tools and resources you will need to manage both large and small projects for hardware and software, this book prepares you to adapt the concepts across a broad range of settings. Simple and effective, the tools comply with industry standards and bring you up to date with the best test management practices and tools of leading hardware and software vendors. Rex Black draws from his own numerous testing experiences– including the bad ones, so you can learn from his mistakes– to provide you with insightful tips in test project management. He explores such topics as: Dates, budgets, and quality-expectations versus reality Fitting the testing process into the overall development or maintenance process How to choose and when to use test engineers and technicians, contractors and consultants, and external test labs and vendors Setting up and using an effective and simple bug-tracking database Following the status of each test case The companion Web site contains fifty tools, templates, and case studies that will help you put these ideas into action–fast!
Get ready for the wireless Internet revolution with this complete guide to WAP servlets The wireless Internet is expanding rapidly and could be as big or bigger than the wired Internet. The vehicle that will deliver the wireless Internet is the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) with the help of Java servlets. This book provides developers and programmers with the necessary information to prepare for this wireless revolution. It includes in-depth coverage on javax servlets, Wireless Mark-Up Language servlets, and configurations of development environments. Developers will understand the rationale for developing servlets for WAP browsers, how to develop servlets using the Java class, and a description of all the features available in WML. For additional insight, real-world code examples are integrated throughout the book as well. CD-ROM includes JSDK, Phone.Com's SDK, Nokia's SDK, and other useful public domain software.
Алгоритмы правят миром! Эта книга в простой и наглядной форме дает ответы на целый ряд важнейших для начинающего программиста вопросов, начиная с «Что лежит в основе всех современных языков программирования и по каким принципам они строятся и работают?» и заканчивая «Есть ли способ овладеть всеми языками программирования сразу?».
The fun and easy way to learn to use this leading business intelligence tool Written by an author team who is directly involved with SAS, this easy-to-follow guide is fully updated for the latest release of SAS and covers just what you need to put this popular software to work in your business. SAS allows any business or enterprise to improve data delivery, analysis, reporting, movement across a company, data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis, and more. SAS For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you the necessary background on what SAS can do for you and explains how to use the Enterprise Guide. SAS provides statistical and data analysis tools to help you deal with all kinds of data: operational, financial, performance, and more Places special emphasis on Enterprise Guide and other analytical tools, covering all commonly used features Covers all commonly used features and shows you the practical applications you can put to work in your business Explores how to get various types of data into the software and how to work with databases Covers producing reports and Web reporting tools, analytics, macros, and working with your data In the easy-to-follow, no-nonsense For Dummies format, SAS For Dummies gives you the knowledge and the confidence to get SAS working for your organization. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Get the book you need to succeed in any Photoshop endeavor – Photoshop CS3 Bible. In this totally updated edition to the international bestseller, the authors show you how to master every aspect of Photoshop – from image-editing basics to new techniques for working with camera raw images. You'll learn how to retouch, color correct, manipulate, and combine images using Photoshop. You'll discover how to create cutting-edge special effects for digital or film-based images, and use them on the Web or in print. And you'll find out how to use the File Browser, histogram palette, Lens Blur, Match Color, the color replacement tool, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more. The authors' easy and approachable writing style demystifies even the most complex Photoshop tasks. Order today and master Photoshop CS3. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Written by Charles Freedman, a senior Flash developer at Yahoo!, this book provides you with all the information you’ll need to know about APIs in order to build amazing map mashups. You’ll find in-depth coverage of Yahoo! mapping tools and technologies and a variety of techniques for working with the APIs. Yahoo! Maps Mashups explores each API flavor, guiding you through the simple yet comprehensive sets of API calls so that you will gain a strong understanding of the capabilities of each map technology through its respective API.