The rapid development in various fields of Digital Audio Effects, or DAFX, has led to new algorithms and this second edition of the popular book, DAFX: Digital Audio Effects has been updated throughout to reflect progress in the field. It maintains a unique approach to DAFX with a lecture-style introduction into the basics of effect processing. Each effect description begins with the presentation of the physical and acoustical phenomena, an explanation of the signal processing techniques to achieve the effect, followed by a discussion of musical applications and the control of effect parameters. Topics covered include: filters and delays, modulators and demodulators, nonlinear processing, spatial effects, time-segment processing, time-frequency processing, source-filter processing, spectral processing, time and frequency warping musical signals. Updates to the second edition include: Three completely new chapters devoted to the major research areas of: Virtual Analog Effects, Automatic Mixing and Sound Source Separation, authored by leading researchers in the field . Improved presentation of the basic concepts and explanation of the related technology. Extended coverage of the MATLABTM scripts which demonstrate the implementation of the basic concepts into software programs. Companion website ( which serves as the download source for MATLABTM scripts, will be updated to reflect the new material in the book. Discussing DAFX from both an introductory and advanced level, the book systematically introduces the reader to digital signal processing concepts, how they can be applied to sound and their use in musical effects. This makes the book suitable for a range of professionals including those working in audio engineering, as well as researchers and engineers involved in the area of digital signal processing along with students on multimedia related courses.
Discover new opportunities for building 2D and 3D games with HTML5 The newest iteration of HTML, HTML5 can be used with JavaScript, CSS3, and WebGL to create beautiful, unique, engaging games that can be played on the web or mobile devices like the iPad or Android phones. Gone are the days where games were only possible with plugin technologies such as Flash and this cutting-edge book shows you how to utilize the latest open web technologies to create a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL, and WebSockets. You'll discover how to build a framework on which you will create your HTML5 game. Then each successive chapter covers a new aspect of the game, including user input, sound, multiplayer functionality, 2D and 3D graphics, and more. Aims directly at a new way to develop games for the web through the use of HTML5 Demonstrates how to make iOS and Android web apps Explains how to capture player input; create 3D graphics; and incorporate textures, lighting, and sound Guides you through the process of creating a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL, and WebSockets By the end of this invaluable book, you will have created a fully functional game that can be played in any compatible browser or on any mobile device that supports HTML5.
Written by one of the few top internationally recognized experts in the field, this book concentrates on those topics that will remain fundamental, such as low power computing, reversible programming languages, and applications in thermodynamics. It describes reversible computing from various points of view: Boolean algebra, group theory, logic circuits, low-power electronics, communication, software, quantum computing. It is this multidisciplinary approach that makes it unique. Backed by numerous examples, this is useful for all levels of the scientific and academic community, from undergraduates to established academics.
ARM designs the cores of microcontrollers which equip most “embedded systems” based on 32-bit processors. Cortex M3 is one of these designs, recently developed by ARM with microcontroller applications in mind. To conceive a particularly optimized piece of software (as is often the case in the world of embedded systems) it is often necessary to know how to program in an assembly language. This book explains the basics of programming in an assembly language, while being based on the architecture of Cortex M3 in detail and developing many examples. It is written for people who have never programmed in an assembly language and is thus didactic and progresses step by step by defining the concepts necessary to acquiring a good understanding of these techniques.
При помощи этой книги любой программист, особенно начинающий, может усовершенствовать свои навыки программирования. Автор разработал собственную программу, позволяющую получить навыки креативного решения разнообразных задач. Эти навыки необходимы в первую очередь тем, кто хочет создавать собственный код и действительно понимать и чувствовать основы программирования. Живой язык, множество примеров на языке C++ и уникальное авторское видение сделают чтение этой книги настоящим удовольствием.
Книга «Изучаем Python» – это ускоренный курс, который позволит вам сэкономить время и сразу начать писать работоспособные программы (игры, визуализации данных, веб-приложения и многое другое). Хотите стать программистом? В первой части книги вам предстоит узнать о базовых принципах программирования, познакомиться со списками, словарями, классами и циклами, вы научитесь создавать программы и тестировать код. Во второй части книги вы начнете использовать знания на практике, работая над тремя крупными проектами: создадите собственную «стрелялку» с нарастающей сложностью уровней, займетесь работой с большими наборами данных и освоите их визуализацию и, наконец, создадите полноценное веб-приложение на базе Django, гарантирующее конфиденциальность пользовательской информации. Если вы решились разобраться в том, что такое программирование, не нужно ждать. Ключ на старт и вперед!
Beginning with a basic primer on reverse engineering-including computer internals, operating systems, and assembly language-and then discussing the various applications of reverse engineering, this book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering. The book is broken into two parts, the first deals with security-related reverse engineering and the second explores the more practical aspects of reverse engineering. In addition, the author explains how to reverse engineer a third-party software library to improve interfacing and how to reverse engineer a competitor's software to build a better product. * The first popular book to show how software reverse engineering can help defend against security threats, speed up development, and unlock the secrets of competitive products * Helps developers plug security holes by demonstrating how hackers exploit reverse engineering techniques to crack copy-protection schemes and identify software targets for viruses and other malware * Offers a primer on advanced reverse-engineering, delving into «disassembly»-code-level reverse engineering-and explaining how to decipher assembly language
A how-to guide for Java programmers who want to use design patterns when developing real-world enterprise applications This practical book explores the subject of design patterns, or patterns that occur in the design phase of a project's life cycle. With an emphasis on Java for the enterprise, Mark Grand guides Java programmers on how to apply traditional and new patterns when designing a large enterprise application. The author clearly explains how existing patterns work with the new enterprise design patterns and demonstrates through case studies how to use design patterns in the real world. Features include over 50 design patterns, each mapped out by UML, plus an overview of UML 1.4 and how it fits in with the different phases of a project's life cycle.
A practical, nuts-and-bolts guide to architectural solutions that describes step-by-step how to design robustness and flexibility into an Internet-based system Based on real-world problems and systems, and illustrated with a running case study Enables software architects and project managers to ensure that nonfunctional requirements are met so that the system won't fall over, that it can be maintained and upgraded without being switched off, and that it can deal with security, scalability, and performance demands Platform and vendor independence will empower architects to challenge product-dictated limitations
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer's and Developer's exams. This Study Guide provides: In-depth coverage of every exam objective for the Programmer's Exam for J2SE 1.4 Hundreds of challenging practice questions Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a test engine, sample simulation questions, and the entire book on PDF Authoritative coverage of all Programmer's exam objectives, including: Language fundamentals Operators and assignments Modifiers Converting and casting Flow control, exceptions, and assertions Objects and classes Threads The java.lang and java.util packages In-depth coverage of the topics covered in the Developer's exam, including: Swing components and events Layout managers Enhancing and extending the database Writing the network protocol Building the database server Connecting the client and server Note:CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.