Muchas oportunidades de inversión han aparecido y desaparecido. Ahora es el momento de las criptomonedas, así que no pierda el tren. Las criptomonedas son la mayor redistribución de la riqueza de la historia, que apenas comienza a llamar la atención. La gente todavía está confundida sobre lo que es la cadena de bloqueo, y muy pocos entienden el potencial que tiene. ¿No es este el momento perfecto para aprender más sobre el tema? Si usted tropezó con este libro, entonces usted debe tener un interés en criptomoneda. Tal vez, sin embargo, el tema no está muy claro para usted. Este libro le informará sobre esta nueva forma de oro digital. Si está considerando invertir o si sólo desea obtener información sobre criptomoneda, este libro es para usted. En este libro, primero le familiarizaremos con los conceptos de criptomoneda, le explicaremos los diversos beneficios y riesgos que conlleva y le daremos los consejos que debe seguir al invertir en criptomonedas. Muchas oportunidades de inversión han aparecido y desaparecido. Ahora es el momento de las criptomonedas, así que no pierda el tren. Las criptomonedas son la mayor redistribución de la riqueza de la historia, que apenas comienza a llamar la atención. La gente todavía está confundida sobre lo que es la cadena de bloqueo, y muy pocos entienden el potencial que tiene. ¿No es este el momento perfecto para aprender más sobre el tema? Si usted tropezó con este libro, entonces usted debe tener un interés en la criptomoneda. Tal vez, sin embargo, el tema no está muy claro para usted. Este libro le informará sobre esta nueva forma de oro digital. Si está considerando invertir o si sólo desea obtener información sobre criptomoneda, este libro es para usted. En este libro, primero le familiarizaremos con los conceptos de criptomoneda, le explicaremos los diversos beneficios y riesgos que conlleva, y le diremos los consejos que debe seguir mientras invierte en criptomonedas. Incluso si usted piensa que la criptomoneda es completamente abrumadora y confusa – este libro lo analiza todo en un lenguaje simple y fácil de entender – a menos que usted quiera otra historia de ”si solo…” – el momento es ahora. Tome el libro hoy mismo.
Your guide to the functional programming paradigm Functional programming mainly sees use in math computations, including those used in Artificial Intelligence and gaming. This programming paradigm makes algorithms used for math calculations easier to understand and provides a concise method of coding algorithms by people who aren't developers. Current books on the market have a significant learning curve because they're written for developers, by developers—until now. Functional Programming for Dummies explores the differences between the pure (as represented by the Haskell language) and impure (as represented by the Python language) approaches to functional programming for readers just like you. The pure approach is best suited to researchers who have no desire to create production code but do need to test algorithms fully and demonstrate their usefulness to peers. The impure approach is best suited to production environments because it's possible to mix coding paradigms in a single application to produce a result more quickly. Functional Programming For Dummies uses this two-pronged approach to give you an all-in-one approach to a coding methodology that can otherwise be hard to grasp. Learn pure and impure when it comes to coding Dive into the processes that most functional programmers use to derive, analyze and prove the worth of algorithms Benefit from examples that are provided in both Python and Haskell Glean the expertise of an expert author who has written some of the market-leading programming books to date If you’re ready to massage data to understand how things work in new ways, you’ve come to the right place!
The ability of future industry to create interactive, flexible and always-on connections between design, manufacturing and supply is an ongoing challenge, affecting competitiveness, efficiency and resourcing. The goal of enterprise interoperability (EI) research is therefore to address the effectiveness of solutions that will successfully prepare organizations for the advent and uptake of new technologies. This volume outlines results and practical concepts from recent and ongoing European research studies in EI, and examines the results of research and discussions cultivated at the I-ESA 2018 conference, “Smart services and business impact of enterprise interoperability”. The conference, designed to encourage collaboration between academic inquiry and real-world industry applications, addressed a number of advanced multidisciplinary topics including Industry 4.0, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, ontology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enterprise modelling for future “smart” manufacturing. Readers will find this book to be a source of invaluable knowledge for enterprise architects in a range of industries and organizations.
Java – один из самых популярных и востребованных языков программирования в мире, но и один из самых сложных для изучения, особенно для новичков. Автор этой книги, Брайсон Пейн, разработал собственный метод обучения, который строится на прохождении материала исключительно на практических примерах. Начните изучать Java, создавая несложные игры для ПК и Android, узнавайте, как работает инструмент JShell, используйте популярные среды разработки Eclipse и Android Studio, учитесь искать и исправлять ошибки в коде и становитесь востребованным программистом с книгой «Легкий способ выучить Java»!
Clear, practical Clojure for the professional programmer Professional Clojure is the experienced developer's guide to functional programming using the Clojure language. Designed specifically to meet the needs of professional developers, this book briefly introduces functional programming before skipping directly to the heart of using Clojure in a real-world setting. The discussion details the read—eval—print workflow that enables fast feedback loops, then dives into enterprise-level Clojure development with expert guidance on web services, testing, datomics, performance, and more. Read from beginning to end, this book serves as a clear, direct guide to Clojure programming—but the comprehensive coverage and detail makes it extraordinarily useful as a quick reference for mid-project snags. The author team includes four professional Clojure developers, ensuring professional-level instruction from a highly practical perspective. Clojure is an open-source programming language maintained and supported by Cognitect., and quickly gaining use across industries at companies like Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Netflix, and more. This guide provides a concise, yet thorough resource for professional developers needing to quickly put Clojure to work. Parse the difference between functional and object-oriented programming Understand Clojure performance and capabilities Develop reactive web pages using ClojureScript Adopt an REPL-driven development workflow Clojure is a modern dialect of Lisp, designed for concurrency and Java compatibility. It can be used with the Java virtual machine, Microsoft's Common Language Runtime, and JavaScript engines, providing a level of both versatility and functionality that is appealing to more and more enterprise-level developers. As requirements grow increasingly complex, stepping away from imperative programming can dramatically streamline the development workflow. Professional Clojure provides the expert instruction that gets professionals up to speed and back to work quickly.
Intelligence is defined by the ability to optimize, manage and reconcile the currents of physical, economic and even social flows. The strong constraint of immediacy proves to be an opportunity to imagine, propose and deliver solutions on the common basis of optimization techniques. Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks analyzes the use of metaheuristics through independent applications but united by the same methodology.
Professional Scala provides experienced programmers with fast track coverage aimed at supporting the use of Scala in professional production applications. Skipping over the basics and fundamentals of programming, the discussion launches directly into practical Scala topics with the most up-to-date coverage of the rapidly-expanding language and related tools. Scala bridges the gap between functional and object-oriented programming, and this book details that link with clear a discussion on both Java compatibility and the read-eval-print loop used in functional programming. You'll learn the details of tooling for build and static analysis. You’ll cover unit testing with ScalaTest, documentation with Scaladoc, how to handle concurrency, and much more as you build the in-demand skill set required to use Scala in a real-world production environment. Java-compliant with functional programming properties, Scala's popularity is growing quickly—especially in the rapidly expanding areas of big data and cluster computing. This book explains everything professional programmers need to start using Scala and its main tools quickly and effectively. Master Scala syntax, the SBT interactive build tool, and the REPL workflow Explore functional design patterns, concurrency, and testing Work effectively with Maven, Scaladoc, Scala.js, and more Dive into the advanced type system Find out about Scala.js A working knowledge of Scala puts you in demand. As both the language and applications expand, so do the opportunities for experienced Scala programmers—and many positions are going unfilled. Twitter, Comcast, Netflix, and other major enterprises across industries are using Scala every day, in a number of different applications and capacities. Professional Scala helps you update your skills quickly to start advancing your career.
A methodologically sophisticated, comprehensive approach to applying the Agile fixed-price contract to IT projects while maximizing customer and supplier relationships «Interesting and necessary for IT managers and IT lawyers.» —Walter J. Jaburek, Dipl.-Ing., Dr. iur., Dr. techn. Approximately 50 percent of software developers use Scrum, an iterative and incremental development method for managing software projects and product or application development, in their work. The benefit of Scrum and other Agile methods is that they can address shifts in a large project that traditional managerial methods cannot. Written by pioneers and leaders in the field of Agile and Scrum, Agile Contracts is the only book dedicated exclusively to the legal, procurement, and project management considerations of Agile contracts. Providing templates, a toolbox, and examples of Agile fixed-price contracts, the book presents an alternative option to fixed-price, time-based, and supply-based contracts—reducing the risk for both the supplier and the customer with a contract that offers the possibility of flux and flexible scenarios as a project progresses. Agile Contracts features in-depth chapter coverage of: The Agile Manifesto of 2001 Agility from the perspective of procurement and the software provider The problems with traditional fixed-price contracts and time material contracts What the Agile fixed-price contract is and how it is set up Tendering based on the Agile fixed-price contract How to negotiate an Agile fixed-price contract Special guidelines for the legal framework of an Agile fixed-price contract Adaptable Scope System The Black Swan scenario Contracts and procedures for the featured methodologies Especially applicable within highly structured business organizations, Agile Contracts is a must-read for project managers, agile practitioners, procurement representatives, and IT lawyers.
A dream come true for those looking to improve their data fluency Analytical data is a powerful tool for growing companies, but what good is it if it hides in the shadows? Bring your data to the forefront with effective visualization and communication approaches, and let Data Fluency: Empowering Your Organization with Effective Communication show you the best tools and strategies for getting the job done right. Learn the best practices of data presentation and the ways that reporting and dashboards can help organizations effectively gauge performance, identify areas for improvement, and communicate results. Topics covered in the book include data reporting and communication, audience and user needs, data presentation tools, layout and styling, and common design failures. Those responsible for analytics, reporting, or BI implementation will find a refreshing take on data and visualization in this resource, as will report, data visualization, and dashboard designers. Conquer the challenge of making valuable data approachable and easy to understand Develop unique skills required to shape data to the needs of different audiences Full color book links to bonus content at Written by well-known and highly esteemed authors in the data presentation community Data Fluency: Empowering Your Organization with Effective Communication focuses on user experience, making reports approachable, and presenting data in a compelling, inspiring way. The book helps to dissolve the disconnect between your data and those who might use it and can help make an impact on the people who are most affected by data. Use Data Fluency today to develop the skills necessary to turn data into effective displays for decision-making.
Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of space application oriented fault tolerance techniques • Experienced expert author working on fault tolerance for Chinese space program for almost three decades • Initiatively provides a systematic texts for the cutting-edge fault tolerance techniques in spacecraft control computer, with emphasis on practical engineering knowledge • Presents fundamental and advanced theories and technologies in a logical and easy-to-understand manner • Beneficial to readers inside and outside the area of space applications