Природа и животные

Различные книги в жанре Природа и животные

The story of the little wild boar Max, who doesn't want to get dirty. English-Mongolian. / Бяцхан бодон гахайн түүх Макс хэмээх бохир болохыг үл хүсэх бодон гахай. Англи-Монгол.

Wolfgang Wilhelm

The story of the little wild boar Max, who doesn't want to get dirty.New release of the classic in English-Mongolian!On her search for a bristle Ladybird Marie meets Max, the little wild boar who thinks mud and dirt are disgusting. He doesn't want to get dirty. All the animals laugh at him.Max is not amused. Then Max's friend is drowning in the pond. Can Max save her? Maks hemeeh bohir bolohiig ul huseh bodon gahai Анхны шинэ хэвлэл! Англи-Монгол.Мари цох бохир болохыг үл хүсэх Макс хэмээхбяцхан бодон гахайтай тааралдав.Түүнийгийнхүү бохир болохыг үл хэсэхэд бусад амьтад шоолон инээнэ.Тэгтэл Максын найз нь намагтунан живэх дөхөв. Макс түүний аварч чадах уу?

Die Geschichte vom kleinen Marienkäfer Marie, die überall Punkte malen wollte. Deutsch-Mongolisch. / Бяцхан цохын түүх Мари хэмээх хаа сайгүй толбонууд зурахыг хүссэн цох. Герман-Монгол.

Волфганг Вильхэлм

Die Geschichte vom kleinen Marienkäfer Marie, die überall Punkte malen wollte.Neuerscheinung! Deutsch-Mongolisch.Marienkäfer Marie findet einen Malkasten. Alle Tieren malt sie an. Die Tiere finden das gar nicht lustig.Marie ist darÜber sehr traurig. Sie fliegt von zu Hause weg!Wird Marie einen Ort finden, wo sie ihre Punkte malen darf?Nominiert für das beste europäische Hörspiel beim Prix Europa. Mari hemeeh haa saigui tolbonuud zurahiig chussen tsohАнхны шинэ хэвлэл! Герман-Монгол.Мари хэмээх бяцхан цох амьтан болгонд толбо зурж өгөхийг хүсэвч түүнд нь амьтад ихээр дургүйцэнэ.Ингэж дургүйцэхэд нь машид гомдсон Мари орон гэрээ орхин одов.Хэн хүссэндээ толбо зурж өгч байж болох тийм нэгэн газрыг Мари маань олох болов уу?Уг цуврал нь Европын «Prix Europa» дахь хамгийн шилдэг бүтээлд нэр нь дэвшигдсэн.

The story of Diana, the little dragonfly who wants to help everyone. Russian-English. / История о маленькой стрекозе Лилли, которая всем хочет помочь. Русский-Английский.

Wolfgang Wilhelm

New release of the classic in Russian-English! Ladybird Marie is sick. She can no longer paint. Her hands and wings are in splints. Diana, the dragonfly always helps other animals and helps Marie. Will Marie ever paint again? As the summer comes to an end, Diana feels unwell. Now who can help Diana?История о маленькой стрекозе Лилли, которая всем хочет помочь. Istoria o malenkoj strekoze Lilli, kotoraja wsem xochet pomoch'!. Po-russki i po- po- anglijski.Новое издание! Русский-Английский.Божья коровка Мари в отчаянии. Она больше не может рисовать.Она повредила свою руку икрылышко. Стрекоза Лили, которая помогает всем животным, излечивает Мари.Будет ли Мари когда-нибудь снова по-настоящему рисовать? Когда лето подходит к концу, Лиличувствует себя совсем плохо. Кто же теперь поможет Лили?

The story of Diana, the little dragonfly who wants to help everyone. English-Arabic. / اللغة الإنكليزيَّة - العَربيَّة. قصة اليعسوبة الصغيرة لوليتا التي ترغب بمساعدة الجميع

Wolfgang Wilhelm

New release of the classic in English-Arabic! Ladybird Marie is sick. She can no longer paint. Her hands and wings are in splints. Diana, the dragonfly always helps other animals and helps Marie. Will Marie ever paint again? As the summer comes to an end, Diana feels unwell. Now who can help Diana?فِي العَدَدِ القَادِم مِن سِلْسِلَة القِصَص! اللغة الإنكليزيَّة – العَربيَّة..الخُنْفُسَاء مَاري يَائِسَة. فَهِيَ لَمْ تَعُدْ قَادِرة عَلى الرَّسْمِ ، وَذَلِكَ لأنَ يَدَهَا وَجَنَاحَها مُلتَويَين. أما اليعسوبة لُولِيتا ، التي تساعد دائماً جميع الحيوانات ، فَسَتُطَبِّبُ ماري أيضاً. فهل سَتَتَمَكن ماري مِنَ الرَسْمِ بِشَكلٍ جَيِّد من جَدِيد؟ وَعِندَما قَارَبَ الصَّيف عَلَى الإنْتِهاءِ سَاءَ حَالُ لُولِيتا. فمَن سَيَقُومُ بِمُسَاعَدَتِها الآن؟

La storia della poiana Matteo che non vuole cacciare i topi. Italiano-Inglese. / The story of the little Buzzard Ben, who doesn't like to catch mice. Italian-English.

Wolfgang Wilhelm

Nuova edizione in italiano del classico inglese!Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…New release of the classic in Italian-English!Ladybird Marie meets the little Buzzard Ben who doesn't like to catch mice.He prefers to play with them. His parents don't like this!But then the buzzard family is threatened by crows…

Die Geschichte vom kleinen Bussard Horst, der keine Mäuse fangen will. Deutsch-Italienisch. / La storia della poiana Matteo che non vuole cacciare i topi. Tedesco-Italiano.

Wolfgang Wilhelm

Neuauflage des Klassikers! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft den kleinen Bussard Horst. Der möchte keine Mäuse fangen. Er spielt lieber mit den Mäusen. Seinen Eltern gefällt das gar nicht! Doch dann wird die Bussardfamilie von Krähen bedroht…Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…

Die Geschichte von der kleinen Schwalbe Ina, die nicht in den Süden fliegen will. Deutsch-Italienisch. / La storia della rondinella Sofia, che non vuole volare al sud. Tedesco-Italiano.

Wolfgang Wilhelm

Neuerscheinung! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft die kleine Schwalbe Ina. Keiner möchte mehr Inas Gute-Nacht-Lieder hören, die sie den ganzen Tag über singt.Darüber ist Ina sehr traurig. Als ihre Familie in den Süden fliegen will bleibt Ina bei ihrer kranken Freundin Marie.Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la rondinella Sofia. Sofia è molto triste: nessuno vuole più ascoltare le ninne nanne che la piccola rondine canta per tutta la giornata.Quando la sua famiglia decide di volare al sud, Sofia rimane con la sua amica malata Bella.

Barney the Bulldog Goes to School

Peter J Gray

"Barney is really nervous about his first day of Bulldog Primary School, when Winston the Bulldog asks if he can join him for lunch.Will the two become friends? Join them on their first adventure and see where it leads!"

The Last Kappa of Old Japan Bilingual Edition

Sunny Seki

With unique and playful illustrations this multicultural children's book is a classic Japanese fairy tale that young children and parents alike will love.The Last Kappa of Old Japan is a warmly written and beautifully illustrated bilingual Japanese children's book that introduces many aspects of traditional Japanese culture and folklore, while teaching an important lesson about environmentalism. The story is of a young Japanese farm boy who develops a friendship with a mythical creature— the kappa—a messenger of the god of water. The tale begins in post-Modern Japan when the boy is young and the kappa is healthy and ends when the kappa, now the last one left on Earth, keeps an important promise to his human friend. A story of love, friendship, and adventure, readers of all ages will enjoy this picture book by award-winning author/illustrator, Sunny Seki. This bilingual edition includes Japanese text alongside the english, making it a great way for kids to lean Japanese.