Общая психология

Различные книги в жанре Общая психология

Child Psychology and Development For Dummies

Laura Smith L.

A complete and comprehensive guide to why kids behave and think the way they do-and how to bring out the best in them. In the U.S., more than 10% of children are diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, while countless others remain undiagnosed. Defining what is «normal» and what is not is of great concern to anyone who works with, guides, nurtures, teaches, or parents children. With new discoveries in mental disorders that affect children, Child Psychology & Development For Dummies provides an informational guide to cognitive development at every stage of a child's life, as well as how to diagnose, treat, and overcome the cognitive barriers that impede learning and development. How to identify and treat mental disorders Covers behavior disorders, autism, attention deficit disorder, reading disabilities, bipolar disorder, and more Guidance on helping a child control impulses, develop self esteem, and have good relationships An essential guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers, Child Psychology & Development For Dummies provides a detailed overview of an average child's cognitive development, how to detect abnormalities, and what to do next.

Лекция «Зачем взрослеть?»

Александр Ройтман

Вам случалось обманывать себя? Бывало ощущение какой-то нелепой игры, в которую вас втягивают окружающие? Такое бывает почти с каждым. Как разорвать этот заколдованный круг? В чем заключаются модели поведения и мировосприятие людей, живущих полной жизнью? В мире нет случайностей. В любом проявлении себя (жесте, почерке, манере одеваться) человек проявляется целостной личностью. В чем выгода этой кажущейся случайности? В освобождении от ответственности. В мире нет справедливости. Справедливость – еще один выгодный способ перекладывать ответственность с себя на других людей, Бога, начальника, мужа, свекровь. Если со мной поступили несправедливо, значит, я не ответствен за это. Значит, можно спокойно идти дальше, не задумываясь. Там, где вы совершенны, нет поводов учиться. И только ошибки дают возможность взлететь. Любое «знаю» – ограничитель. Там, где есть «знаю», нет места чему-то новому. В праве на ошибку – огромная выгода. Свобода, ответственность, плата и риск – вот основные системы координат взрослого человека. Из своего огромного опыта работы я вывел эту модель и буду рад поделиться ею с вами. Александр Ройтман – клинический психолог и психотерапевт. Автор, преподаватель и ведущий метода ведения группового тренинга «Марафон Ройтмана» с 1983 года. Создатель практического семинара «Алгоритм Ройтмана».

4 на 4, или Вперёд, на полном приводе! Всего за 8 дней вы соберёте пазл жизни своей мечты

Катя Уоллис

Книга «4 на 4» представляет собой авторскую методику, разработанную специально для женщин. Вы получите феноменальный результат всего за 8 дней, выполнив несложные упражнения. С «4 на 4» вы определитесь со своими желаниями и целями; избавитесь от всего лишнего; познакомитесь с собой; у вас откроются безграничные финансовые возможности, а личная жизнь выйдет на качественно новый уровень. Всего за 8 дней вы соберёте пазл жизни своей мечты и начнёте мастерски ловить волны успеха!

Само́развитие. Как изменить свою жизнь без усилий

Елена Агафонова

Эта книга опровергает популярные призывы гуру саморазвития: «выйти из зоны комфорта», «прокачать себя» или «жить на пределе». Если вас замучили бесконечные придирки окружения и неудовлетворённость собой, изматывающие движения в сторону успеха, расслабьтесь. Тогда вы и не заметите, как станете внимательным наблюдателем, глубоким исследователем и бесстрашным экспериментатором, в жизни которого все изменения происходят сами по себе. Развитие – естественный процесс. Научитесь ему не мешать.

Willpower For Dummies

Frank Ryan

Develop rock-solid willpower with evidence-based techniques Willpower For Dummies shows you how to train, strengthen, and improve your willpower in seven easy steps! Written by a clinical psychologist and cognitive therapist, the book proves that willpower can be learned like any other skill, and provides tons of practical exercises and strategies you can start using today. You'll learn how willpower works inside the brain, and how choosing goals and identifying challenges can affect your success. The book stresses the importance of patience, rewards and being kind to yourself, and walks you through the techniques that will keep you on the right track, even on your worst days. The mind works in two different ways: the long view and the short view. Controlling which aspect wins out is the key to willpower. Willpower For Dummies breaks this complex science down into easily digestible bits, written in plain English with a dash of humour. You'll find scientifically robust guidance toward strengthening your willpower just like a muscle, and expert advice on training your brain to work with you instead of against you. Discover the most important factors in building self-discipline Learn how to set goals and how to train your willpower Practice simple willpower-strengthening exercises Employ coping strategies for when you're about to break Whether you're trying to lose weight, quit smoking or just work harder, rest assured that you can do it—regardless of past failures and false starts. Willpower is not a trait, but a skill. Everyone can learn it, and everyone can make it stronger. Willpower For Dummies walks you through the process, teaching you the skills you need for lasting success.

Psychology For Dummies

Adam Cash

Understand why you feel and act the way you do Psychology For Dummies is a fun, user-friendly guide to the basics of human behavior and mental processes. In plain English—and using lots of everyday examples—psychologist Dr. Adam Cash cuts through the jargon to explain what psychology is all about and what it tells you about why you do the things you do. With this book as your guide, you'll: gain profound insights into human nature; understand yourself better; make sense of individual and group behaviors; explore different approaches in psychology; recognize problems in yourself and others; make informed choices when seeking psychological counseling; and much more. Shows you how understanding human psychology can help you make better decisions, avoid things that cause stress, manage your time to a greater degree, and set goals Helps you make informed choices when seeking psychological counseling Serves as an invaluable supplement to classroom learning From Freud to forensics, anorexia to xenophobia, Psychology For Dummies takes you on a fascinating journey of self discovery.

Social Psychology For Dummies

Daniel Richardson

Written for psychology students, Social Psychology For Dummies is an accessible and entertaining introduction to the field. Social Psychology For Dummies follows a typical university course, which makes it the perfect reference if you're in need of a clear (and enjoyable) overview of the topic. Whether you plan is to get ahead of the game or make up for lost time, we have you covered. Online accessible review questions for each chapter are available to consolidate learning.

Persuasion and Influence For Dummies

Elizabeth Kuhnke

Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether you're convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, the power of persuasion can help improve and increase your successes. Elizabeth Kuhnke, author of the bestselling Body Language For Dummies, guides the reader through easy-to-implement techniques that can turn a timid person into someone bursting with self confidence and the ability to influence. Topics covered will include: The key elements in becoming more persuasive – body language, listening skills, using persuasive words and actions Finding a common ground and establishing a connection with your audience Capturing their attention and keeping them interested Putting yourself across convincingly Getting things done through others Identifying the type of person you're dealing with – and responding in an appropriate manner

Increase Your Influence In A Day For Dummies

Elizabeth Kuhnke

Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether you're convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, the ability to influence those around you can help improve and increase your successes. Increase Your Influence In a Day For Dummies is a cut-down version of Persuasion & Influence For Dummies. It covers: Laying the groundwork for persuasion and influence Getting things done with the help of others Quietly creating big change Online content: 10 Sure fire ways to influence anyone

Positive Psychology For Dummies

Gladeana McMahon

Why do some people achieve greater success and happiness than others? The key is positive psychology. For most of its history, psychology has focused mainly on the darker side of human behaviour – depression, anxiety, psychosis and psychopathic behaviour. In 1998, Martin Seligman became president of the American Psychological Association and inspired a movement to focus on the positives in human behaviour. Positive Psychology For Dummies: Taps into the burgeoning media focus on happiness and positive mental attitude Provides key information on the origins, theory, methods, practitioners and results of positive psychology Demonstrates how to understand what makes you tick, how to hone positive emotions and how to use positive philosophy for success in both your personal and working lives. Is perfect for a wide audience, from those wanting to get more out of their life, to psychology students or counsellors About the author Gladeana McMahon is co-author of Performance Coaching For Dummies. She is regarded as one of the UK’s top ten coaches. Averil Leimon is co-author of Performance Coaching For Dummies. She is a business psychologist and a leading UK leadership coach.