Общая психология

Различные книги в жанре Общая психология

Психика, сознание, самосознание

Альберт Налчаджян

В книге, на основе достижений различных областей современной психологии и смежных наук, исследуются фундаментальные проблемы психологии: природа сознания, подсознательного, бессознательного и самосознания, их взаимодействия и динамика. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам генезиса подсознательного, процессам осознания человеком своих психических содержаний. Многостороннему исследованию подвергается самосознание личности, ее структура, мотивационные потенции, расщепление «Я» и многие другие вопросы. Выдвигаются также концепция о природе и динамике психической энергии и новая теория воли. Автор предлагает много новых идей, концепций и гипотез, которые представляют интерес не только для специалистов, но и для всех тех читателей, которые следят за развитием современных наук о человеке.

Ролевой тип твоего мужчины. Как наладить отношения

Арик Татонов

Думаете, что поведение вашего партнера для вас загадка, потому что женщине мужчину не понять и наоборот? Нет! Это опасное заблуждение. Стереотип, который может привести вас к серьезным проблемам в личной жизни. Поведение во многом зависит от темперамента и воспитания, не только от пола. Знания об отдельных чертах – вроде «холерик вспыльчив» и «меланхолик обидчив» – мало. Надо иметь представление, чего от человека можно ожидать в разных ситуациях – дома, на работе и отдыхе! И главное – как он относится к вам. Книга «Ролевой тип твоего мужчины» поможет не только объяснить прошлые поступки вашего избранника, но и предвидеть будущие – без гаданий и астрологии. Вы поймете, в чем он способен меняться, а что останется неизменным на всю жизнь. Научитесь умело обращаться к его достоинствам и мириться с тем, что нельзя исправить, – ведь это является частью личности. Обретете счастье с тем, кто уже рядом! Для широкого круга читателей.

Smart But Stuck. Emotions in Teens and Adults with ADHD

Thomas Brown E.

Compelling stories that present a new view of ADHD Smart but Stuck offers 15 true and compelling stories about intelligent, capable teens and adults who have gotten «stuck» at school, work, and/or in social relationships because of their ADHD. Dr. Brown highlights the often unrecognized role that emotions play in this complex disorder. He explains why even very bright people with ADHD get stuck because they can focus well on some tasks that interest them, but often can't focus adequately on other important tasks and relationships. The first book to explain and illustrate the crucial role of emotions in the daily functioning of those living with ADHD Brown, Associate Director of the Yale Clinic for Attention & Related Disorders, is an internationally known authority on ADHD Drawing on the latest research findings, the book describes strategies and treatments for getting «unstuck» to move on to a more rewarding and productive life.

Этногенез и ассимиляция. Психологические аспекты

Альберт Налчаджян

В числе всех этнических процессов этногенез – самый сложный и труднодоступный для научного исследования. Особую трудность представляет исследование психологических механизмов и закономерностей этого процесса, тем более, когда речь идет об этногенетических процессах прошлого. Недаром психологические аспекты этногенеза до сих пор исследованы весьма слабо. В настоящей книге автор попытался сформулировать целый ряд проблем психологии этногенеза, а в ряде случаев предложить свои решения в виде гипотез и концепций. Рекомендуется в качестве учебного пособия для вузов.

Путы материнской любви

Анатолий Некрасов

В этой книге автор рассматривает ту сторону материнской любви, которая приносит много страданий и детям, и родителям, и обществу в целом. Избыточность материнской любви весьма актуальна, ее последствия вы можете встретить практически в каждой семье, ведь такая стратегия воспитания детей передается из поколения в поколение. Благодаря этой книге вы сможете изменить себя и повлиять на жизнь своих детей и родителей, изменить отношения с близкими к лучшему, мудро расставить приоритеты и просто стать счастливыми.

G is for Genes. The Impact of Genetics on Education and Achievement

Robert Plomin

G is for Genes shows how a dialogue between geneticists and educationalists can have beneficial results for the education of all children—and can also benefit schools, teachers, and society at large. Draws on behavioral genetic research from around the world, including the UK-based Twins’ Early Development Study (TEDS), one of the largest twin studies in the world Offers a unique viewpoint by bringing together genetics and education, disciplines with a historically difficult relationship Shows that genetic influence is not the same as genetic determinism and that the environment matters at least as much as genes Designed to spark a public debate about what naturally-occurring individual differences mean for education and equality

Change Your Gambling, Change Your Life. Strategies for Managing Your Gambling and Improving Your Finances, Relationships, and Health

Howard Shaffer

A research-based guide to controlling the destructive urge to gamble From Howard Shaffer, PhD, a noted expert on gambling addiction, and Harvard Health Publications comes Change Your Gambling, Change your Life, a landmark new book which explains how gambling problems are related to other underlying issues: such as anxiety, mood fluctuation, difficulty with impulse control, and substance abuse problems. Dr. Shaffer offers a series of self-tests to help evaluate the degree of gambling problem and analyze the psychological and social context of the behavior, with specific strategies and approaches for ending the problems with simple tools that anyone can do. Explains why many people have a problem controlling their urge to gamble and how that can be corrected Includes a toolbox of resources for anyone who wants to stop the vicious cycle of gambling Offers advice for avoiding slips and preventing backslides and how to deal with the consequences With candor and expert advice, Change Your Gambling, Change Your Life provides proven techniques for controlling the urge to gamble.

Instant Networking. The simple way to build your business network and see results in just 6 months

Stefan Thomas

A fresh take on the vital business skill of networking Networking is something that many of us dread and try to avoid at all costs. But no longer the sole remit of sales people, it has become a vital business skill for us all. Expected to negotiate effectively through our careers, social lives and online presence, networking 24/7 has become a real challenge. Many experts believe that you need to be super confident or a brilliant presenter in order to network to the best of your ability but networking has changed. Let Stefan Thomas show you how to take a fresh look at Networking 2.0 and teach you how networking is no longer just something we do with other people and it's no longer an activity, it's a new way of thinking and acting. Instant Networking will show you how to build networking into all that you do, whether you're self-employed, fresh out of education and ready to take on the world or just ready to make your presence known. Learn how to: Combine networking, social media, marketing, and sales skills to give a full picture of how to network effectively Explore how to establish your personal brand Build networking into your existing day-to-day activities Deal with the key challenges people face at networking events

On Love. A Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century

Luc Ferry

All the great ideals that gave life meaning in earlier societies – God, the nation, revolution, freedom, democracy – are in disarray today, questioned by many and rejected by those who have lost faith in them. But there is another value, rooted in the birth of the modern family and in the passage from traditional to modern marriage, that has transformed our lives in profound and often unrecognized ways: love. It affects not only our personal lives but many aspects of our social and collective life too, from art and education to politics. In this book Luc Ferry shows how the quiet rise of love as the central value in modern societies has created a new principle of meaning and a new definition of the good life that requires a completely different kind of philosophical thinking. It forms the basis for a new philosophy for the twenty-first century and a new kind of humanism for the modern world – not a humanism of reason and rights, but a humanism of solidarity and sympathy. The ideal that this new humanism realizes is no longer that of nationalisms and revolutions, of the perpetrating of organized violence in the name of deadly principles that are pursued over and above humanity. Rather, it is about preparing and ensuring a future for those we love most: our future generations.

50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology. Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior

John Ruscio

50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology uses popular myths as a vehicle for helping students and laypersons to distinguish science from pseudoscience. Uses common myths as a vehicle for exploring how to distinguish factual from fictional claims in popular psychology Explores topics that readers will relate to, but often misunderstand, such as 'opposites attract', 'people use only 10% of their brains', and 'handwriting reveals your personality' Provides a 'mythbusting kit' for evaluating folk psychology claims in everyday life Teaches essential critical thinking skills through detailed discussions of each myth Includes over 200 additional psychological myths for readers to explore Contains an Appendix of useful Web Sites for examining psychological myths Features a postscript of remarkable psychological findings that sound like myths but that are true Engaging and accessible writing style that appeals to students and lay readers alike