О бизнесе популярно

Различные книги в жанре О бизнесе популярно

Open Windows, Closed Doors

Guntur Sugiyarto

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has signed mutual recognition arrangements in the tourism sector and in six regulated occupations: accountancy, architecture, dentistry, engineering, medicine, and nursing. By setting standardized rules for mutual recognition, ASEAN members have made it easier for professionals to have their qualifications recognized across the region. Although these arrangements share nearly identical objectives, not all are created equal and come with varying levels of openness to foreign professionals.This report is the latest in a project by the Asian Development Bank and the Migration Policy Institute to improve understanding of the barriers to free movement of professionals within ASEAN and to support the development of strategies to overcome these hurdles. The report draws on insights of nearly 400 ASEAN and state officials, private-sector employers, training directors, and others who participated in focus group discussions, meetings, and surveys.

Обезьяны в бизнесе. Как запускать проекты по лучшим стратегиям Кремниевой долины

Антонио Гарсиа Мартинес

Что нужно для создания прибыльного стартапа? Как создать продукт, который станет хитом на рынке? Как найти деньги для реализации своей идеи? Никто не ответит на эти вопросы лучше, чем инсайдер Кремниевой долины. Бывший консультант Twitter и менеджер по продукту Facebook Антонио Гарсиа Мартинес знает все о том, как запускать прибыльные проекты и зарабатывать. Теперь узнаете и вы!

Суть экономической теории как основа капитализма

Вячеслав Селянин

Суть экономической теории. В этой книге разбирается экономическая теория как основа капитализма. Рассматриваются противоречия этой теории. Показывается неспособность экономической теории капитализма управлять экономикой, политикой, обществом в государстве.

Остановить кризис – 2022

Pavel Zimin

Данная публикация не претендует на охват всех сторон столь сложного предмета деятельности менеджмента предприятий, как антикризисное управление.Павел Зимин (Riga) старался обобщить имеющуюся информацию в области антикризисного управления в сжатой форме. Вместе с тем, автор поставил перед собой задачу ознакомить с наиболее важными вопросами в системе предупреждения и выхода из кризиса.

Неудача – не повод сдаваться

Анастасия Буркова

Как сражаться с неудачами? Что делать, чтобы мы достигли, чего мы хотим? Как переступить через наши поражения, чтобы прийти к нашим победам?

@ksushishi. Как я провела декрет в социальных сетях?

Ксения Алыпова

Эта книга о том, как обычная девушка в декрете смогла развиться в социальных сетях и поменять свою жизнь на 180 градусов.


Vusi Thembekwayo

‘I have learned the truth about the world: that it isn’t as round as a tennis ball, and it isn’t shaped like itself. It is shaped the way we shape it, according to the way we see it, the way we mould it to our ambitions and our destiny. I know the colour of who I am. I am a black man, running for my life, for my freedom, for opportunity born from struggle, possibility born from sacrifice. And I am running too, for my father, who never became what he hoped to be, and who never got to see what his children would one day become.’ Maverick. Leadership genius. Self-made millionaire. Dragon. The rock star of public speaking. Vusi Thembekwayo has been called many things. Join him in his inspiring journey from the township to the top echelons of South African business, to becoming one of youngest directors of a listed company and CEO of a boutique investment firm. As a 'Dragons' Den' judge and a sought-after public speaker across the globe, Vusi doesn't just talk business – he lives it. Now you can learn the secret of his success and how to shape your own destiny.


Clem Sunter

With «Flagwatching», top-selling author Clem Sunter breaks new ground. Building on the more abstract discipline of scenario planning for which he is internationally known, this book offers an innovative, highly practical method for decoding the future. Flagwatching is something we do every day. Whether it is detecting a change of facial expression during a conversation with a friend, spotting the potential dangers when driving a car or monitoring our own health, we are on the alert for significant flags. Now Sunter weaves a persuasive and entertaining case for applying this natural habit to the field of organisational strategy. Learn to identify the flags that are changing the game, play the different scenarios and consider your options before taking action. This book provides a diverse set of flags to watch in the world at large and in South Africa. It will help your business or organisation become a leader in anticipating our fast-changing times.

From Corner Café to JSE Giant

Carié Maas

Famous Brands Ltd, as it is known today, started as a single Steers restaurant in the early 1960s, and now comprises more than 2100 restaurants across a portfolio of 20 brands, as well as extremely lucrative logistics, manufacturing and retail components.
George Halamandres's family came to South Africa from Greece with practically nothing but big ideas. The company they founded grew, restaurant by restaurant, eventually achieving unimagined success on a national and international scale.
From Corner Café to JSE Giant chronicles the birth and rebirth of some of South Africa's best known brands, and tells the story of the people who inspired and managed them.
These brands include:
Steers · Wimpy · Debonairs Pizza · FishAways · tashas · Europa · Giramundo · KEG · McGinty's · Milky Lane · House of Coffees · Mugg & Bean · Turn 'n Tender · Vovo Telo · Fego Caffé · Trufruit · The Brewers Guild · Brazilian Café · Juicy Lucy · The Bread Basket · Aqua Monte · Baltimore