Вниманию учащихся и педагогов предлагается «Детский альбом» для домры и фортепиано, подготовленный в 2015 году. В него вошли не только новые пьесы,но и ранее издававшиеся, ставшие хрестоматийными. Предлагаемое издание – не простой набор лёгких пьес для детей, а своеобразное учебное пособие, построенное по дидактическому принципу «от простого к сложному». Особое внимание здесь уделено первоначальному этапу обучения на домре. Не секрет, что именно в первый год обучения ребёнок решает учиться ему дальше – или нет. Во многом это решение бывает связано с репертуаром. Увлечь его и призваны простейшие мелодические обороты и ритмические последовательности с насыщенным красками аккомпанементом фортепиано. Для детей старшего возраста в «Детском альбоме» размещены яркие разнообразные виртуозные пьесы. В «Детский альбом» вошли четыре различных по сложности сюиты: «Открытые струны», «Пальцы просыпаются» – для малышей. «В ритмах джаза», «Персонажи „Золотого ключика“ – для среднего возраста». «Детский концерт» и «Вариации на тему Н. Будашкина» для старших. Кроме того в альбоме вы найдёте ряд разнообразных по характеру и сложности концертных пьес.
Get down with rock, R&B, jazz, blues, funk, and Latin rhythms! Groove to the beat in no time with this ultimate rockin' guide! Whether you're dreaming of starting a band, striking the snares, or simply playing a hand drum, this interactive book-and-CD package makes it easy to pick up the basics. Complete with new information on contemporary rock styles and beats as well as rhythms from around the world, this guide is all you need to become a talented, versatile drummer. Discover how to Bang out basic rhythms –with or without sticks Understand fundamental drumming techniques Explore other percussion instruments Find the perfect drum set Purchase, tune, and maintain your drums All this on the CD-ROM MP3 files of each rhythm and beat that you can play along with Rhythms for hand drums – from the bongos and congas to the surdo, tar, and udu Solos to amaze the other members in the band Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From novice to nightclub – without the nightmares. Whether you're a bedroom DJ looking to improve, or an accomplished amateur making the transition to playing live, DJing For Dummies has the accessible information you need. From what to buy (and what not to buy), mastering the beat, and reading a crowd, to all the tricks, techniques, and flourishes of a pro DJ, you'll be turning noise into notoriety in no time. Discover how to: * Buy the essential equipment * Set up your kit * beatmatch seamlessly * scratch with vinyl and CD * make a great demo * Market yourself as a DJ * Explanations in plain English ' * Get in get out' information * Icons and other navigational aids * Tear-out cheat sheet * Top ten lists * A dash of humour and fun Get Smart!@www.dummies.com * Find listings of all our books * Choose from many different subject categories * Browse out free articles
Want to go beyond «Chopsticks?» This visual guide to tickling the ivories will show you the way. By Chapter 2, you'll be playing simple pieces and practicing scales. You'll progress from getting familiar with notes, symbols, and keys to playing basic chords and reading music like a pro. Without getting bogged down in boring theory, you'll learn what you need to know and enjoy playing as you go! Whether you like Bach or rock, jazz or country, golden oldies or new age, you'll love learning to play the fun, visual way. Concise two-page lessons show you all the crucial skills and are ideal for quick review Each skill, chord, or technique is clearly described Concise and understandable instructions accompany each photo Detailed color photos demonstrate proper fingering technique Helpful tips provide additional guidance
«Русская Рапсодия» для домры и оркестра русских народных инструментов закончена в 2012 году. Представляет собой концертную фантазию на темы известных русских народных песен «Калинка», «Светит месяц», связанных между собой виртуозными каденциями и ярким оригинальным тематизмом автора. «Эстрадный концерт» для домры и оркестра русских народных инструментов состоит из трёх частей: 1.«Регтайм» – подвижная,лёгкая музыка с джазовыми ритмами и гармониями; 2 «Откровение» – лирическая,проникновенная,чувственная; 3. Яркие джазовые вариации на тему пьесы «Зайка-попрыгайка» из «Детского альбома» для балалайки Виктора Панина.
Эта книга – мои мемуары о своем музыкальном творчестве еще до 90-х г, является переизданием ранее опубликованных мною же своих мемуаров об этом… В книге приведены воспоминания и множество фактов из моей ранней творческой музыкальной биографии, а также много цветных и черно-белых фотографий составов групп,в которых есть мои фото, т.е множество фактов из истории музыкального творчества.
Electronic musicians, rockers, rappers, and regular folks use Reason virtual studio software to create and self-record studio-quality music on PCs and Macs. This book shows you how to harness all the tools of this popular package to produce your own professional sound. Veteran studio engineer and professional musician Cliff Truesdell explains everything you need to get going?from Reason's full array of virtual instruments, effects, and functions to priceless inside-the-studio insights and tips you can use to start creating original pieces right away.
Want to turn that haunting tune in your head into an awesome sound in your ear? You can! Music Composition For Dummies demystifies the process of composing music and writing songs. It guides you through every step of writing your own music, from choosing the right rhythm and tempo to creating melodies and chord progressions and working with instruments and voices. In this fun and practical guide, you’ll learn how to match keys and chords to the mood you want to convey, work a form without limiting your creativity, and hammer out a musical idea, even when your mind is drawing a blank. You’ll find out how to create popular songs, classically structured pieces, and even film, TV, and video game soundtracks. And, you’ll learn what you need to know about music composition software, including Finale, Sebelius, Pro Tools, and more. Discover how to: Preserve and organize your musical ideas Work with established chord progressions or create your own Develop great rhythms Select the right instruments Find melodies in your head, your instrument, and the world around you Use major and minor scales Work with modes and moods Build melodic motifs and phrases Use the circle of fifths to harmonize Write for multiple voices Make a demo recording Filled with creative exercises to build your composing skills, Music Composition for Dummies is the resource you need to get that melody out of your head and into the world.
Do you wish you could play your favorite blues music on guitar? Even if you don’t read music, it’s not difficult with Blues Guitar for Dummies. With this hands-on guide, you’ll pick up the fundamentals instantly and start jamming like your favorite blues artists! Blues Guitar for Dummies covers all aspects of blues guitar, showing you how to play scales, chords, progressions, riffs, solos, and more! It’s packed with musical examples, chords charts, and photos that let you explore the genre and play the songs of the great blues musicians. This accessible guide will give you the skills you need to: Choose the right guitar, equipment, and strings Hold, tune, and get situated with your guitar Play barre chords and strum to the rhythm Recognize the structure of a blues song Tackle musical riffs Master melodies and solos Make your guitar sing, cry, and wail Jam to any type of blues In addition to this must-have book, a bonus CD is included so that you can listen to famous songs, practice your riffs and chords, and develop your style as a blues musician. It also features a quick guide to musical notation and suggestions on albums, artists, and guitars for further enjoyment. With Blues Guitar for Dummies, you can re-create the masterpieces of the blues legend without the expensive lessons!
Guitar Exercises For Dummies includes over 300 exercises along with lots of technique-building practice opportunities. It starts off with warm-up exercises (on and off-instrument) and then logically transitions to scales, scale sequences, arpeggios, arpeggio sequences, and chords, with a focus on building strength and consistency as well as refining technique.