A complete Pro Tools reference – from recording to mixing to mastering Pro Tools has long been the recording industry's leading solution for capturing, mixing, and outputting audio. While it was once a tool known and used exclusively by engineers in pro studios, it is now readily available to anyone wishing to create their own recording. This updated edition of Pro Tools All-in-One For Dummies covers the features you’ll encounter in both Pro Tools | First as well as the versions designed for next-level recording. It guides you through the very basics of recording, capturing both live and digital instruments, how to sweeten your sound in mixing, and how to tweak and output your final master. Now get ready to make some beautiful sounds! Get up to speed with recording basics Pick the Pro Tools version that works for you Record acoustic audio Get to know MIDI Discover how to set compression and EQ Sweeten your final product with mastering Create a final file you can stream online Assuming no past experience with audio recording, this book shares the basics of recording and how to capture both live and digital instruments using Pro Tools.
Spend less time learning and more time recording Logic Pro X offers Mac users the tools and power they need to create recordings ready to share with the world. This book provides the know-how for navigating the interface, tweaking the settings, picking the sounds, and all the other tech tasks that get in the way of capturing the perfect take. Written by a Logic Pro X trainer who’s used the software to further his own music career, Logic Pro X For Dummies cuts back on the time needed to learn the software and allows for more time making amazing recordings. Record live sound sources or built-in virtual instruments Arrange your tracks to edit, mix, and master Discover tips to speed the process and record on an iPad Make sense of the latest software updates A favorite among Logic Pro X beginners, this book is updated to reflect the ongoing changes added to enhance Logic Pro X’s recording power.
Творческий коллектив программы «Хочу всё знать»
Историк музыки, композитор, педагог, концертмейстер Елена Шишигина вновь была гостем студии шоу «Хочу все знать». В этот раз мы изучали классику электронной музыки. Порой эти увертюры невозможно назвать музыкой – просто шум. Но тем не менее, это музыка, и еще какая. И, конечно же, не забыли про пионера электронной музыки в нашей стране – Эдуарда Артемьева.
Cлушать музыку – это самое интересное, что есть на свете. Вы убедитесь в этом, читая книгу музыкального журналиста и популярного лектора Ляли Кандауровой. Вместо скучного и сухого перечисления фактов перед вами настоящий абонемент на концерт: автор рассказывает о 600-летней истории музыки так, что незнакомые произведения становятся близкими, а знакомые – приносят еще больше удовольствия.