
Различные книги в жанре Медицина


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A complete guide to microneedling and its varied roles in modern aesthetic medicine  Microneedling is an increasingly common procedure in the day-to-day practice of dermatologists across the globe. Minimally invasive and requiring minimal downtime, the process can be used to address a range of cosmetic and dermatologic concerns, including rejuvenation of the skin, transdermal delivery of drugs, skin textural irregularities, luminosity, and treatment of dyschromia, melasma, and scarring. Treatment is administered with pens, rollers, and, stamps that have been designed to stimulate the release of growth factors and induce collagen production, working to enhance the appearance of patients of all ages and skin types.  Edited by leading dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand,  Microneedling  brings together practical instruction, top tips, and exciting new research to provide all those working in aesthetic medicine with an essential guide to this multifaceted procedure. The book includes a global approach and insightful discussion of topics including:  The therapeutic benefit of microneedling when skin injury, disease, or aging causes aesthetic changes in the skin The advantages of microneedling, including its decreased risk of pigmentation changes or scarring compared with other procedures The practical skills and technology used in the implementation of different microneedling techniques Tips for applying microneedling to a wide range of skin types The use of microneedling to inject platelet-rich plasma Based upon the latest research and industry practices,  Microneedling  is an invaluable tool for all dermatologists, dermatologic surgeons, and other aesthetic medicine practitioners looking to provide their patients with the best possible care.

Желчный пузырь: нелишний орган

Яна Игоревна Прудникова

Желчный пузырь – маленький, но очень важный орган в нашем организме. В данной книге, вы узнаете все секреты восстановления и поддержания работы желчного пузыря, а также меры профилактики и взаимосвязи с кожей. Откроете для себя много секретов про взаимосвязь микрофлоры кишечника с желчным пузырем.

Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons

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Since the first edition of  Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons  was first published sixteen years ago, the knowledge and clinical management of pancreatic diseases have developed markedly. Thanks to the development of translational research and the “from bench to bedside” concept, much progress from the lab has been applied to clinical practice. Additionally, several highly relevant clinical trials published over the last decade have resulted in the updating and optimisation of clinical guidelines.  A new and validated classification of the severity and complications of acute pancreatitis that is firmly rooted in clinical practice has become the basis for the development of minimally invasive approaches to pancreatic necrosis. The etiopathogenic knowledge of chronic pancreatitis and other pancreatopaties, like that associated with diabetes mellitus, has developed significantly. Increased study of cystic pancreatic tumours, which has been reflected in the publication of several guidelines and consensus reports over the last few years, is especially important. Most research efforts have focused on pancreatic cancer, which have led and will further lead to a significant increase in the therapeutic armamentarium against this devastating disease. Finally, many newly published studies have changed the concept, causes, clinical relevance, diagnosis and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Updates based on these developments and more are included in the new edition of  Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons .  This new edition of  Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons  is a result of the collaboration between the world's leading experts in each area of clinical pancreatology, with the aim of facilitating gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists, internists, nutritionists, diabetologists, paediatricians, radiologists, pathologists and other specialists in their daily clinical practice. This book is an indispensable update providing leading knowledge in clinical pancreatology.

Blood and Marrow Transplantation Long Term Management

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Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) provides curative therapy for a variety of diseases. Over the past several decades, significant advances have been made in the field of HCT, to the point where HCT has become an integral part of treatment modality for a variety of hematologic malignancies and some nonmalignant diseases. HCT remains an important treatment option for a wide variety of hematologic and nonhematologic disorders, despite recent advances in the field of immunologic therapies. Factors driving this growth include expanded disease indications, greater donor options (expanding unrelated donor registries and haploidentical HCT), and accommodation of older and less fit recipients.  The development of less toxic pretransplant conditioning regimens, more effective prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), improved infection control, and other advances in transplant technology have resulted in a rapidly growing number of transplant recipients surviving long-term free of the disease for which they were transplanted. The changes over decades in the transplant recipient population and in the practice of HCT will have almost inevitably altered the composition of the long-term survivor population over time. Apart from an increasingly older transplant recipient cohort, the pattern of transplant indications has shifted from the 1990s when chronic myeloid leukemia made up a significant proportion of allo-HCT indications. Changes in cell source, donor types, conditioning regimens, GVHD prophylaxis, and supportive care have all occurred, with ongoing reductions in both relapse and non-relapse mortality (NRM) have been demonstrated.  These patients have increased risks for a variety of late complications, which can cause morbidity and mortality. Most long-term survivors return to the care of their local hematologists/oncologists or primary care physicians, who may not be familiar with specialized monitoring and management of long complications after HCT for this patient population. As HCT survivorship increases, the focus of care has shifted to the identification and treatment of long-term complications that may affect quality of life and long-term morbidity and mortality.  Preventive care as well as early detection and treatments are important aspects to reducing morbidity and mortality in long-term survivors after allo-HCT. This second edition,  Blood and Marrow Transplantation Long-Term Management: Survivorship after Transplant , provides up-to-date information about diagnosis, screening, treatment, and long-term surveillance of long-term survivors after HCT.

Эффект микробиома

Тони Харман

С каждым днем появляется все больше научных фактов, подтверждающих, что видовой состав нашего микробиома – невидимой микробной экосистемы, обитающей в организме каждого из нас, – играет ключевую роль в состоянии здоровья человека. «Эффект микробиома» – это первая книга, в центре внимания которой – активно появляющиеся сегодня научные данные о том, как на формирование микробиома влияет способ появления человека на свет. Тони Харман и Алекс Уэйкфорд задают важные вопросы о потенциальных отдаленных последствиях таких ставшими обычными вмешательств в роды, как кесарево сечение или применение синтетического окситоцина, и делятся с читателями новой информацией о том, как искусственное вскармливание влияет на видовое разнообразие микробиома младенцев. В книге содержится информация от экспертов из разных стран, в том числе акушерок, разработчиков глобальной политики в сфере здравоохранения, профессионалов в области педиатрии, иммунотоксикологии и генетики. Книга предназначена для родителей, акушерок и других специалистов в области здравоохранения.