
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

MRI Registry Review

Stephen J. Powers

MRI Registry Review: Tech to Tech Question and Answers is a comprehensive question and answer book designed to help scanning technologists pass their MRI Board certification examinations, particularly the ‘Registry’ and Continuing Qualifications Requirements (CQR) exams administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). The book provides clear explanations and accurate answers to numerous multiple-choice questions (MCQs) similar to those found in ARRT exams, as well as study tips and additional information on many key topics. The questions are organized into four sections aligned with ARRT content specifications, covering patient care during an MRI, the physical principles of MRI, data acquisition, and imaging procedures. Written for MRI students and working technologists alike, the book is the perfect complement to  MRI Physics: Tech to Tech Question and Answers —the author’s popular guide that explains difficult MRI concepts and topics with a clear and straightforward approach. Offering a wide variety of questions and succinct yet thorough explanations, this valuable study and review guide: Covers the topics technologists need to know in order to pass ARRT exams Offers exam preparation and test-taking suggestions and advice Groups questions together by topic to allow readers to focus on specific areas needing more attention Includes tables, figures, cross-vendor terminology lists, and illustrations that reinforce key points and demonstrate application to practice Links sections to corresponding chapters in the companion  MRI Physics: Tech to Tech Explanations   MRI Registry Review: Tech to Tech  Question and Answers is an indispensable study tool for students and trainees preparing for the ARRT or equivalent advanced MRI placement exams, as well as for technologists needing to re-certify or take CQR exams.

Transfusion Medicine

Jeffrey McCullough

Explore this concise and clinically focused approach to the field of blood banking and transfusion therapy    The Fifth Edition of  Transfusion Medicine  delivers a succinct, thorough, clinically focused, practical and authoritative treatment of a full range of topics in transfusion therapy. This ranges from issues with the blood supply, recruitment of both whole blood and apheresis donors, blood collection and storage, blood testing, blood safety, and transmissible diseases. This edition has been fully updated and revised to include exciting cellular therapies for cancer, transplantation of both hematopoietic cells and solid organs, infectious diseases and regenerative medicine.  The Fifth Edition includes new authors with highly relevant content that provides a solid grounding for readers in the field. The book:  Is an approachable comprehensive guide to the field of blood banking and transfusion medicine Provides complete and timely perspective on crucial topics, including the HLA system in transfusion medicine and transplantation and quality programs in blood banking and transfusion medicine Is extensively referenced, making it simple for readers to conduct further research on the topics of interest to them Includes new chapters on pediatric transfusion medicine and pathogen reduction Has an expended chapter on patient blood management Provides extensive discussions of the clinical use of blood transfusion in a wide variety of clinical situations including recent development In the management of acute traumatic blood loss Provides updated information about blood groups and molecular testing making inroads into clinical practice along with discussions of laboratory detection of blood groups and provision of red cells Perfect for all those working in the field of blood banking, transfusion medicine and hematology or oncology and fellows in pathology, hematology, surgery and anesthesiology.  Transfusion Medicine  is a good introduction for technologists specializing in blood banking and non-medical personnel working in areas related to hematology and transfusion medicine. Transfusion Medicine will also earn a place in the libraries of practicing pathologists with responsibility for blood banks.

Дневник беременной женщины

Группа авторов

В настоящем издании представлена информация, касающаяся важнейшего периода жизни любой женщины, связанного с продолжением человеческого рода. Книга, построенная в виде дневника, в котором отмечены основные вехи беременности, позволит сравнить изменения, происходящие в вашем организме, с еженедельными сдвигами, которые должны отмечаться при нормальном развитии беременности, а также вовремя заметить тревожные признаки и симптомы, которые могут свидетельствовать о неблагополучии в вашем организме или организме малыша. Имея под рукой данную книгу, будущая мать легко сможет решить возникающие вопросы: когда необходимо посещать врача, какие прививки целесообразно сделать и в какие сроки, какие анализы и специальные исследования должны быть проведены, как питаться беременной женщине, что для нее важно в плане поддержания должного физического состояния, а также другие многочисленные проблемы, которые закономерно возникают в этот период перед ней и ее близкими людьми. Издание содержит блок справочной информации, касающейся отдельных аспектов беременности, удобные вспомогательные приспособления для быстрого определения сроков беременности и вероятной даты рождения ребенка. Книга предназначена для женщин, планирующих беременность.

Энциклопедия мамы и малыша

Татьяна Колкова

Книга, которую вы держите в руках, – незаменимый помощник для будущих мам. Что ожидает вас в период беременности, как сохранить и поддержать здоровье в это время, как выносить и родить здорового ребенка, какие проблемы могут возникнуть при воспитании малыша в течение первых трех лет жизни, что делать, если ребенок вдруг заболел – на эти и многие другие вопросы даются взвешенные ответы и практические рекомендации. Настоящее издание не только поможет вам избежать многих ошибок при воспитании ребенка, но и подскажет конкретный выход из сложного положения.

Examination of the Newborn

Группа авторов

Examination of the Newborn  is essential reading for students and practitioners involved in neonatal examinations. Now in its third edition, this practical evidence-based guide reflects the most current Public Health England (PHE) Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Standards to help readers deliver high quality, family-centered care within current national guidelines. Each chapter is firmly placed within the context of the current PHE standards to help ensure good practice in both hospital and community settings.  This fully-revised edition incorporates current educational and healthcare guidelines relevant to the neonatal examination, including up-to-date information on the new Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Education. New and expanded topics include history taking and the examination of the newborn, midwifery professional issues, the use of pulse oximetry, and the importance of observing maternal and infant attachment during examination. An invaluable guide to neonatal examination, this book:  Reflects the most current UK National Screening Committee (UK NCS) Standards of clinical practice Includes contributions from a multidisciplinary team of specialists, covering cardiovascular and respiratory assessment; examinations of skin, head, neck and eyes; chromosomal and genetic problems; newborn behavioural aspects, and more Features full-colour photographs and illustrations, clinical case studies, and an updated and expanded companion website containing interactive questions, checklists, links to video resources, and a wealth of information on all aspects of examining the newborn  Examination of the Newborn   is an indispensable source of authoritative knowledge for nursing students, midwives, neonatal nurses and practitioners, pediatricians, physiotherapists, and general practitioners.

Kelly Vana's Nursing Leadership and Management

Группа авторов

Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition  provides a comprehensive look at the knowledge and skills required to lead and manage at every level of nursing, emphasizing the crucial role nurses play in patient safety and the delivery of quality health care. Presented in three units, readers are introduced to a conceptual framework that highlights nursing leadership and management responsibilities for patient-centered care delivery to the patient, to the community, to the agency, and to the self. This valuable new edition: Includes new and up-to-date information from national and state health care and nursing organizations, as well as new chapters on the historical context of nursing leadership and management and the organization of patient care in high reliability health care organizations Explores each of the six Quality and Safety in Nursing (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics Provides review questions for all chapters to help students prepare for course exams and NCLEX state board exams Features contributions from experts in the field, with perspectives from bedside nurses, faculty, directors of nursing, nursing historians, physicians, lawyers, psychologists and more Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition  provides a strong foundation for evidence-based, high-quality health care for undergraduate nursing students, working nurses, managers, educators, and clinical specialists.