
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Диабет. Образ жизни. №6/2016 ноябрь-декабрь


«Диабет. Образ жизни» – научно-популярный медицинский журнал (издается с 1991 г.), предназначенный в первую очередь для людей с сахарным диабетом, их родственников, врачей-специалистов, а также для всех тех, кто привержен здоровому образу жизни. Цель журнала – повышение качества жизни при сахарном диабете, распространение знаний о заболевании, практические рекомендации по питанию, физической нагрузке, самоконтролю, лечению и профилактике осложнений диабета. Выходит 6 раз в год. В журнале регулярно публикуются статьи по основам медицинских знаний для пациентов, в том числе об эндокринных заболеваниях, их диагностике, лечению и профилактике, рекомендации по здоровому образу жизни, гигиене труда и быта, рекомендации психолога, новости науки и технологий в медицине и т.п. Авторский коллектив – доктора и кандидаты медицинских наук, сотрудники кафедры эндокринологии и диабетологии ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, ведущие специалисты московских клиник и учебных заведений, а также Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. В номере: Физические нагрузки у больных с сахарным диабетом 2 типа и сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями: «старая песня о главном» и инструкция по применению Роль напитков в питании: что и когда лучше пить? Кальциноз сосудов как компонент атеросклероза у больных сахарным диабетом Высокие технологии на страже здоровья: обзор новых гаджетов для пациентов с сахарным диабетом Жировая ткань у мужчин Семейная жизнь и сахарный диабет и многое другое

30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations

Veronica Larsson

First, you need to understand that the determining factors for any posture are such as: convenience; relative ease of execution; pleasure. Many people do not change their preferences, I use the missionary posture «for all occasions.» It is worth noting that it is one of the most optimal, but the body lovers very quickly get used to it, because of what the amount of pleasure is reduced.

Ⴕართული Ⴍტო-Ⴐინო-Ⴆარინგოლოგიური ლიტერატურის ბიბლიოგრაფია. 1927-1989 წწ.

Ⴇამაზ Ⴋჭედლიძე

Ⴁიბლიოგრაფიულ ცნობარში ასახულია 254 ბიბლიოგრაფიული წყარო, გამოცემული 62 წლის პერიოდის განმავლობაში (1927–1989 წწ.). Ⴑახელთა საძიებელი მოიცავს ავტორების გვარებს. Ⴚნობარის ბოლოში მოთავსებულია ლიტერატურული წყაროების და ქრონოლოგიური საძიებლები.

IV Therapy For Dummies

Deborah Trendel-Leader

The fast and painless way to ace your IV Therapy course Are you an aspiring nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant struggling with IV therapy? Help is here! IV Therapy For Dummies tracks to a typical IV therapy course and gives you current, easy-to-follow guidance on everything you'll encounter in class, such as delivery methods, flow rates, legal issues, profession standards, and documentation. IV Therapy For Dummies also discusses the necessary components of peripheral and central venous therapy, including access sites, equipment, preparation, maintenance, and the discontinuation of therapy. Plus, you'll get the 4-1-1 on the administration of IV medications, including special considerations for pediatric, elderly, and home care patients. Tracks to a typical IV Therapy course Provides current, comprehensive information in plain English If you're enrolled in an IV Therapy course or a healthcare worker looking for a refresher on this important form of medical treatment, IV Therapy For Dummies has you covered.

Краткая и вольно изложенная история лабораторной диагностики от сотворения мира до наших дней

Дмитрий Витальевич Решетняк

Я люблю свою специальность – клиническую лабораторную диагностику, и потому мне интересно, какие предпосылки были для её появления, как она зарождалась, как медицинская наука пришла к необходимости создания системы клинических лабораторий, кто стоял у истоков того или иного направления, кем вообще были наши предшественники…

Управление продолжительностью жизни

Виктор Никонец

Изложены научные основы и методология управления продолжительностью жизни человека с позиции всемирных законов разума. Приведены особенности жизнедеятельности и управление здоровьем пожилого человека, а также закон о бессмертном разуме. Показано, что человек задуман Природой как разумное и бессмертное существо, интеллект которого зависит от его продолжительности жизни. Монография содержит большое количество высказываний известных ученых и философов по рассматриваемой проблеме.

Biostatistics For Dummies

John Pezzullo

Score your highest in biostatistics Biostatistics is a required course for students of medicine, epidemiology, forestry, agriculture, bioinformatics, and public health. In years past this course has been mainly a graduate-level requirement; however its application is growing and course offerings at the undergraduate level are exploding. Biostatistics For Dummies is an excellent resource for those taking a course, as well as for those in need of a handy reference to this complex material. Biostatisticians—analysts of biological data—are charged with finding answers to some of the world's most pressing health questions: how safe or effective are drugs hitting the market today? What causes autism? What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease? Are those risk factors different for men and women or different ethnic groups? Biostatistics For Dummies examines these and other questions associated with the study of biostatistics. Provides plain-English explanations of techniques and clinical examples to help Serves as an excellent course supplement for those struggling with the complexities of the biostatistics Tracks to a typical, introductory biostatistics course Biostatistics For Dummies is an excellent resource for anyone looking to succeed in this difficult course.

Medical Transcription For Dummies

Anne Martinez

The fast and easy way to explore a medical transcription career Flexibility is one of the most enticing aspects of a career in medical transcription. Perfect for in the office, at home, or on vacation, medical transcriptionists can often create lifestyle-appropriate schedules. The transcription field also appeals as a part-time, post-retirement income source for ex-healthcare-industry workers. If you're interested in a career in this growing field, Medical Transcription For Dummies serves as an accessible entry point. With guidance on getting through training and certification and exploring opportunities within the myriad different kinds of employment arrangements, Medical Transcription For Dummies gives you everything you need to get started in medical transcription. Guides you on getting though medical transcription training and certification Includes expert advice and tips on how to approach complex medical jargon and understand procedures Plain-English explanations of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, and treatment assessments Whether used as a classroom supplement or a desk reference, students and professionals alike can benefit from Medical Transcription For Dummies.

Get into UK Nursing School For Dummies

Andrew Evered

The need for nurses is always great, but so is the competition to secure a place in a pre-registration programme at university. If you’re considering a career in nursing, Get into UK Nursing School For Dummies can provide you with the vital edge you need to succeed at getting into nursing school. This compact book provides you with expert advice at each step along the way, including: Career assessment – is nursing for you? Choosing a field to specialize in – adult, children's, mental health or learning disability nursing. Long term planning – A-levels, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and work experience – that can make you a more attractive candidate Considerations for mature/non-traditional students. Personal statement – Plenty of insight and examples to help you create a winning and – truly personal – personal statement Research – Put together a plan that ensures you find a university that’s right for you. Test preparation – Brush up on your literacy and numeracy skills. The interview – Common questions and how to tackle them whether you’re in a one-on-one and group interview. From «How do I get started?» to «When can I expect to be offered a place?» Get into Nursing School For Dummies answers the questions you have with the information you need.

Microbiology For Dummies

Jennifer Stearns

Microbiology is the study of life itself, down to the smallest particle Microbiology is a fascinating field that explores life down to the tiniest level. Did you know that your body contains more bacteria cells than human cells? It's true. Microbes are essential to our everyday lives, from the food we eat to the very internal systems that keep us alive. These microbes include bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses, and nematodes. Without microbes, life on Earth would not survive. It's amazing to think that all life is so dependent on these microscopic creatures, but their impact on our future is even more astonishing. Microbes are the tools that allow us to engineer hardier crops, create better medicines, and fuel our technology in sustainable ways. Microbes may just help us save the world. Microbiology For Dummies is your guide to understanding the fundamentals of this enormously-encompassing field. Whether your career plans include microbiology or another science or health specialty, you need to understand life at the cellular level before you can understand anything on the macro scale. Explore the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Understand the basics of cell function and metabolism Discover the differences between pathogenic and symbiotic relationships Study the mechanisms that keep different organisms active and alive You need to know how cells work, how they get nutrients, and how they die. You need to know the effects different microbes have on different systems, and how certain microbes are integral to ecosystem health. Microbes are literally the foundation of all life, and they are everywhere. Microbiology For Dummies will help you understand them, appreciate them, and use them.