The new, updated edition of the classic medical terminology reference with over 200,000 copies sold Quick Medical Terminology has long been relied on by students and medical professionals looking to build or update their medical vocabulary. This new fifth edition provides the tools and information needed to understand the simple logic behind hundreds of seemingly incomprehensible words, along with fresh exercises and current examples. Features new review exercises and self-tests, more than 250 new terms, medical measurements, and up-to-date examples Provides the tools necessary for building and sustaining a large working repertoire of medical terms The reference of choice for health practitioners and others who need to expand, improve, or refresh their medical vocabularies Filled with essential information presented in a clear and easy-to-follow format, Quick Medical Terminology is an invaluable learning tool and reference source.
Get up to date on clinical nutrition for school, work, or your own health From the proper function of the major organs and the role that proper nutrition plays in their functioning, to a breakdown of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, Clinical Nutrition For Dummies provides you with the easy-to-read guide you need to immerse yourself in the subject! Written in the fun style that the For Dummies series has become known for, the book is perfect for students in the wide variety of fields that require an in-depth understanding of clinical nutrition, or for those who want to improve their own lives through better nutrition. Dive right into the book for an exploration of the chemical and functional components of food, how to properly assess your nutritional intake, the changing face of nutrition throughout the human lifespan, and so much more! This handy resource offers a wealth of information, and specifically addresses the growing obesity and diabetes epidemics that promise to make the study of clinical nutrition more important than ever. Includes a complete breakdown of the relationship between nutrition and chronic diseases. Explores the nutritional requirements at various life stages, from pediatric through geriatric Features information on the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy Shares tips for modifying dietary intake and health behavior theory, along with properly communicating health information Clinical Nutrition For Dummies is your complete, fun guide to the topic of nutrition—dive in today to get started on the pathway to mastering this increasingly important subject.
How far is too far? 60 cases illustrating modern bioethical dilemmas Bioethics for Beginners maps the giant dilemmas posed by new technologies and medical choices, using 60 cases taken from our headlines, and from the worlds of medicine and science. This eminently readable book takes it one case at a time, shedding light on the social, economic and legal side of 21st century medicine while giving the reader an informed basis on which to answer personal, practical questions. Unlocking the debate behind the headlines, this book combines clear thinking with the very latest in science and medicine, enabling readers to decide for themselves exactly what the scientific future should hold.
AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. Scientific American and Scientific American Mind have good news about getting older! AARP The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain taps into the most current research to present a realistic and encouraging view of the well-aged brain, a sobering look at what can go wrong–and at what might help you and your brain stay healthy longer. Neurologists and psychologists have discovered the aging brain is much more elastic and supple than previously thought, and that happiness actually increases with age. While our short-term memory may not be what it was, dementia is not inevitable. Far from disintegrating, the elder brain can continue to develop and adapt in many ways and stay sharp as it ages. Offers new insights on how an aging brain can repair itself, and the five best strategies for keeping your brain healthy Shows how older brains can acquire new skills, perspective, and productivity Dispels negative myths about aging Explores what to expect as our brains grow older With hope and truth, this book helps us preserve what we’ve got, minimize what we’ve lost, and optimize the vigor and health of our maturing brains.
Good news about getting older from Scientific American and Scientific American Mind The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain taps into the most current research to present a realistic and encouraging view of the well-aged brain, a sobering look at what can go wrong–and at what might help you and your brain stay healthy longer. Neurologists and psychologists have discovered the aging brain is much more elastic and supple than previously thought, and that happiness actually increases with age. While our short-term memory may not be what it was, dementia is not inevitable. Far from disintegrating, the elder brain can continue to develop and adapt in many ways and stay sharp as it ages. Offers new insights on how an aging brain can repair itself, and the five best strategies for keeping your brain healthy Shows how older brains can acquire new skills, perspective, and productivity Dispels negative myths about aging Explores what to expect as our brains grow older With hope and truth, this book helps us preserve what we’ve got, minimize what we’ve lost, and optimize the vigor and health of our maturing brains.
Митохондрии – маленькие батарейки нашего организма. Каждую секунду они вырабатывают в 10 000 раз больше энергии, чем Солнце. Благодаря им мы едим, дышим, гуляем, любим, играем, работаем… одним словом, живем. Когда митохондрии повреждаются, мы стареем и умираем. Когда митохондрии получают неправильное «топливо» (избыток белка и сахара), мы болеем. Эта книга расскажет, как работает наше тело на молекулярном уровне, и поможет понять, какое же питание способно спасти нас от самых страшных заболеваний, сохранить молодость и красоту, активизировать работу мозга и жить счастливо без особых ограничений.
A practical, insightful guide to the moral and ethical standards of healthcare Succeeding in the healthcare field means more than just making a diagnosis and writing a prescription. Healthcare professionals are responsible for convincing patients and their family members of the best course of action and treatments to follow, while knowing how to make the right moral and ethical choices, and so much more. Unlike daunting and expensive texts, Medical Ethics For Dummies offers an accessible and affordable course supplement for anyone studying medical or biomedical ethics. • Follows typical medical and biomedical ethics courses • Covers real ethical dilemmas doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers may face • Includes moral issues surrounding stem cell research, genetic engineering, euthanasia, and more Packed with helpful information, Medical Ethics For Dummies arms aspiring medical professionals with the philosophical and practical foundation for advancing in a field where critical ethical and moral decisions need to be rapidly and convincingly made.
The straight scoop on choosing and implementing an electronic health records (EHR) system Doctors, nurses, and hospital and clinic administrators are interested in learning the best ways to implement and use an electronic health records system so that they can be shared across different health care settings via a network-connected information system. This helpful, plain-English guide provides need-to-know information on how to choose the right system, assure patients of the security of their records, and implement an EHR in such a way that it causes minimal disruption to the daily demands of a hospital or clinic. Offers a plain-English guide to the many electronic health records (EHR) systems from which to choose Authors are a duo of EHR experts who provide clear, easy-to-understand information on how to choose the right EHR system an implement it effectively Addresses the benefits of implementing an EHR system so that critical information (such as medication, allergies, medical history, lab results, radiology images, etc.) can be shared across different health care settings Discusses ways to talk to patients about the security of their electronic health records Electronic Health Records For Dummies walks you through all the necessary steps to successfully choose the right EHR system, keep it current, and use it effectively.
Храп перетворює кожну ніч на пекло. Практично всі подружжя страждають від хропіння одного з пари. Найчастіше хроплять чоловіки. Але причини появи недуги в чоловіків і жінок однакові. Протягом чотирьох років я тестував різні методи лікування, випробувавши на собі їх дію, а скоріше бездіяльність. Результатом стала власна методика. Тільки пересвідчившись у її дієвості, я написав книжку. Подяка моїй дружині. Через її наполегливість я віднайшов спосіб побороти храп. Це було нелегко. Дотримуючись моєї методики та усунувши дію головних факторів, що провокують хропіння, ви зразу отримаєте ефект. Моя книга адресована сімейним парам. Чоловікам та дружинам. Саме дружина може спонукати чоловіка турбуватись про власне здоров’я та повноцінний сон у родині. Покажіть чоловіку мою книжку. Хропіння можна позбутись! Слова моєї тещі у заголовку про тестя стали для мене найкращою мотивацією. Він ніколи не хропів і в нього був один секрет. Я від вас секретів не маю.
Score your highest in a medical dosage calculations course A recent shortage of nurses in a society with an aging population has triggered the demand for students to enter the field of medical study. A dosage calculations course is required for most students earning an applied science degree in nursing, pharmacology, or paramedic programs. Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies tracks a typical dosage calculations course and provides helpful content in an approachable and easy-to-understand format. Plus, you'll get examples of the various calculations made to determine the appropriate quantity of drug or solution that should be administered to patients. Calculating drug dosages utilizing ratio-proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis Systems of measurement, including metric and apothecary and other conversion equivalents for a global audience The ins and outs of the charting systems for MAR (Medicine Administration Records) If you're one of the hundreds of thousands of students aspiring to enter the medical field, Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies is your ticket for scoring your highest on exams.