La diabetes es hoy en día una enfermedad bien conocida, que no entraña ningún riesgo si se toman las debidas precauciones. Por ello, es conveniente conocer perfectamente no sólo las medidas terapéuticas y farmacológicas recomendadas, sino también los diferentes tipos de diabetes que existen y sus particularidades. Este libro explica de una forma sencilla y amena cómo prevenir las posibles complicaciones y atenuarlas, cómo procurar los primeros auxilios y cuáles son las terapias más avanzadas para tratar la enfermedad.
Do you think that you or someone you love may suffer from and eating disorder? Eating Disorders For Dummies gives you the straight facts you need to make sense of what’s happening inside you and offers a simple step-by-step procedure for developing a safe and health plan for recovery. This practical, reassuring, and gentle guide explains anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder in plain English, as well as other disorders such as bigorexia and compulsive exercising. Informative checklists help you determine whether you are suffering form an eating disorder and, if so, what impact the disorder is having or may soon have on your health. You’ll also get plenty of help in finding the right therapist, evaluating the latest treatments, and learning how to support recovery on a day-by-day basis. Discover how to: Identify eating disorder warning signs Set yourself on a sound and successful path to recovery Recognize companion disorders and addictions Handle anxiety and emotional eating Survive setbacks Approach someone about getting treatment Treat eating disorders in men, children, and the elderly Help a sibling, friend, or partner with and eating disorder Benefit from recovery in ways you never imagined Complete with helpful lists of recovery dos and don’ts, Eating Disorders For Dummies is an immensely important resource for anyone who wants to recover – or help a loved one recover – from one of these disabling conditions and regain a healthy and energetic life.
Practical tools for leading a happy, productive life Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental disorder that afflicts one percent of the population, an estimated 2.5 million people in America alone. The firsthand advice in this reassuring guide will empower the families and caregivers of schizophrenia patients to take charge, offering expert advice on identifying the warning signs, choosing the right health professional, understanding currently available drugs and those on the horizon (as well as their side effects), and evaluating traditional and alternative therapies.
В наш век техники и технологий никто не застрахован от несчастных случаев и болезней – за удобства, которые предоставляет технический прогресс, надо платить. В результате полученная травма, шок или, в лучшем случае стресс, надолго выводят пострадавшего из строя. Поэтому в любой экстремальной ситуации каждый человек должен знать, как себя вести, ведь часто от этого зависит его жизнь. Автор данной книги не задается целью научить кого-то ставить диагноз самостоятельно и заниматься самолечением, он хочет дать общее представление о распространенных заболеваниях и типичных несчастных случаях, травмах и осветить меры по оказанию первой помощи в ситуациях, когда нет возможности обратиться к врачу или надо срочно принимать решение, чтобы спасти жизнь пострадавшего.
Тема данного выпуска – работа нейропсихолога с особым ребенком. Представлены не только традиционные формы нейропсихологической диагностики и коррекции, но также новые виды работы (кулинарное, музыкальное занятие, песочная терапия и др.), позволяющие включить в занятие детей с самыми разными нарушениями развития. Сборник посвящен памяти замечательного нейропсихолога Антонины Андреевны Цыганок – первого научного руководителя Центра лечебной педагогики. Книга будет полезна специалистам, работающим в сфере помощи детям с нарушениями развития, родителям таких детей, а также студентам – психологам, специальным педагогам и др.
A revolutionary program that can indefinitely postpone the need for dialysis If you've been diagnosed with kidney failure, this book could save your life. If you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, obesity, or any of a host of conditions that put you at risk for kidney disease, you owe it to yourself to read what is in this book. If you are among the 60,000 North Americans who go on dialysis each year, the information in this book could substantially improve your quality of life. In Coping with Kidney Disease, a leading expert tells you, in plain English, what you need to know to: * Understand kidney failure * Recognize early warning signs of kidney failure * Get a proper diagnosis * Talk with your doctors about it * Confidently evaluate treatment options * Take charge of your treatment * Delay dialysis or even avoid the need for it altogether The centerpiece of Coping with Kidney Disease is Dr. Walser's revolutionary 12-step program for avoiding dialysis. Based on treatments he has pioneered with his own patients at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the program calls for a supplemented low-protein diet supported by treatments to control blood pressure and correct high cholesterol. So effective has this breakthrough strategy proven to be that in many patients it actually worked to slow or arrest the progression of kidney failure to the end stage. Knowledge is power. Coping with Kidney Disease empowers you with what you need to take charge of kidney disease.
Ми звикли, що з мікробами слід боротися. А якщо насправді вони – ваші захисники? Ця книжка переверне уявлення людства про мікроби й гігієну. Наводячи цікаві факти з наукових досліджень, Джессіка Снайдер Сакс розповідає, які мікроби є гарними, а які не дуже, звідки вони беруться і як потрапляють до нашого тіла; чи дійсно вони сприяють появі хвороб, або, навпаки, можуть їх подолати; як позбутися мікробів і чи варто взагалі це робити.
Expand your working medical vocabulary Work at your own pace to master the latest terms and techniques Learn all the essential Greek and Latin building blocks Learn at your own pace with the guidebook that has sold over 400,000 copies What word is used to describe a fatty tumor? Why are qualifiers necessary in medical terminology? How does kinesialgia occur? What does «involution» mean? With Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, Fourth Edition, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more. Using a unique word-building system that begins with a review of Greek and Latin word roots, Shirley Steiner provides the tools necessary for building and sustaining a large working repertoire of medical terms. This new fourth edition helps readers understand the simple logic behind hundreds of seemingly incomprehensible words, featuring new review exercises and up-to-date examples. The step-by-step, clearly structured format of Quick Medical Terminology makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Quick Medical Terminology allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for practitioners and students who need to expand, improve, or refresh their medical vocabularies.
The United States spends more money on health care by far than any other country and yet nearly 50,000,000 Americans are uninsured at least part of the time each year. Health Care Reform Now! is written for anyone who cares enough about our health care situation to consider serious alternatives to the current system. In this book George Halvorson—an internationally known health care leader and author—offers a sensible approach to health care reform and universal coverage that can work for all stakeholders. Step by step, George Halvorson outlines a game plan for a truly world-class health care system that will appeal to policy makers on both ends of the political spectrum and will deliver health care with improved quality, better access, provider accountability, performance transparency, consumer choice, and individual empowerment.
Эта книга для тех, кто не смирился с безысходной болезнью и не пал духом перед лицом безжалостного недуга. Не всегда можно надеяться на лекарства. Есть болезни, которые очень трудно лечить и тогда приходится помимо химических средств использовать травы, продукты пчеловодства и другие воздействия. Обереги, изготовленные мной, служат одним из полезных механизмов в сложном комплексе лечебных воздействий на пациента. Об этом и рассказывается в книге, предназначенной для широкого круга читателей.