
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery. Targeting Pain and Other Pathological Disorders

Gomtsyan Arthur

Examines the emerging therapeutic role of TRPV1 TRPV1 is considered an integrator of noxious stimuli and therefore may be at a crossroads for pain transmission pathways. Because of its potential for managing multiple pain types, including osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain, and cancer pain, some consider it «the holy grail» of pain management. This dedicated reference summarizes available data related to the potential therapeutic utility for TRPV1 ligands. With contributions from many of the world's leading experts on TRP channels, Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery covers the important TRPV1 target for drugs to treat painful conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, and cancer pain. The book discusses: Recent advances in biology, chemistry, and pharmacology at both the preclinical and clinical stage of the dynamic area of TRPV1 drug discovery research The potential for drugs targeting TRPV1 in painful conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, and cancer The development of analgesic drugs Other applications for TRPV1, including the treatment of respiratory disease and diabetes Featuring data relevant to the therapeutic potential of TRPV1 and the medicinal chemistry involved in designing TRPV1 antagonists, Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery is a key tool for researchers in the pharmaceutical industry and academia involved in pain, ion channels, and analgesic drug development.

Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team

Dial Sharon M.

Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team is a concise, reliable resource for technical team members performing clinical diagnostic evaluation. Focusing on sample handling, machinery calibration, normal physiology and anatomy, clinical diagnostics, and disease processes, the book helps technical team members to consistently achieve high-quality results in small animal lab work. An essential bench-side reference for in-house laboratories, the book includes a DVD with interactive cases to build skills in reading and interpreting digital slides. With chapters on blood counts, chemistry, urinalysis and electrolytes, advanced diagnostics, and cytology, Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team offers key technical information for consistently obtaining and evaluating samples. The book is a practical resource for anyone performing lab work, including veterinary technicians, technician and veterinary students, and veterinarians.

A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours

Williams Jonathan O.H.

Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Williams) with higher qualifications in general practice, child neuropsychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry, with one (Peter Hill) with higher qualifications in medicine, paediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry, the book draws on many thousands of multidisciplinary case discussions, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in the Children’s Multispecialty Assessment Clinic in North London, and in private practice. The book is ideal for the busy mental health professional working in a small team. Organised to allow rapid look-up of behaviours with comprehensive lists of their possible causes, it synthesizes research evidence and clinical experience. The authors interpret behaviour broadly, including not just voluntary actions, but also actions whose voluntary nature is questionable (such as drop attacks, personal preferences, and pseudobehaviours). They also include problems that lead to referral through their behavioural manifestations (e.g. aggression, anxiety, or a poor relationship with mother). Overall, the book spans the behavioural, cognitive, social and emotional problems of children and adolescents. With the child and family in the room, and with detailed school reports and psychometric results available, it is usually possible to identify causes of symptoms that are specific to the child and his environment, and which can guide behavioural, cognitive, social, and family interventions. Purchasers of the book will also be entitled to a Wiley Desktop Edition—an interactive digital version featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms.

Cyclic-Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in the Central Nervous System. From Biology to Drug Discovery

West Anthony R.

This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and their therapeutic applications. A range of expert authors from both academia and industry describe these, then focus on the areas of greatest scientific and medical interest to provide more detailed coverage. Therapeutic and drug discovery applications are covered for diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, erectile dysfunction, and spinal cord injuries. There is also a chapter on drug discovery tools such as in vitro assays and X-ray structures for medicinal chemistry studies.

Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team

Crump Kenneth

Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team is a clinically relevant and practical manual designed as a guide for the safe and effective administration of cancer chemotherapy. Coverage includes patient assessment, chemotherapy equipment, drug preparation, safety considerations, handling, administration, waste disposal, and management of chemotherapy side effects. An alphabetical listing of common chemotherapy agents offers information on their uses, indications, and toxicities, as well as administration guidelines for methods, routes, and speeds. With background information for effectively communicating with clients, including coverage of veterinary cancer surgery and radiation therapy, the book provides specific strategies that address the challenging emotional issues surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in pets. With particular insight into the technician's role, Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team is a must-have reference for any practice offering chemotherapy.

Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery

Hendrickson Dean A.

Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawings to demonstrate the principles discussed, the book addresses general aspects of surgery such as anesthesia and equipment and provides descriptions of surgical conditions and techniques commonly encountered in large animal practice. Now including a website with interactive review questions and the figures from the book in PowerPoint, the Fourth Edition is a highly practical, reliable guide for veterinary students and veterinary practitioners with a large animal caseload. The Fourth Edition includes eight new techniques and completely rewritten chapters on anesthesia, equine wound management, and surgical techniques in bovine and swine patients, as well as revisions to reflect advances throughout the book and updated references. Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery continues to supply students and practitioners alike with a valuable resource on the fundamental techniques of farm animal surgery.

Диабет. Образ жизни. №2/2018 март-апрель


«Диабет. Образ жизни» – научно-популярный медицинский журнал (издается с 1991 г.), предназначенный в первую очередь для людей с сахарным диабетом, их родственников, врачей-специалистов, а также для всех тех, кто привержен здоровому образу жизни. Цель журнала – повышение качества жизни при сахарном диабете, распространение знаний о заболевании, практические рекомендации по питанию, физической нагрузке, самоконтролю, лечению и профилактике осложнений диабета. Выходит 6 раз в год. В журнале регулярно публикуются статьи по основам медицинских знаний для пациентов, в том числе об эндокринных заболеваниях, их диагностике, лечению и профилактике, рекомендации по здоровому образу жизни, гигиене труда и быта, рекомендации психолога, новости науки и технологий в медицине и т.п. Авторский коллектив – доктора и кандидаты медицинских наук, сотрудники кафедры эндокринологии и диабетологии ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, ведущие специалисты московских клиник и учебных заведений, а также Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. В номере: Чем опасен атеросклероз? Жир: балласт или эндокринный орган? Безглютеновая диета: кому, зачем, для чего? Гиперпаратиреоз: причины, симптомы, диагностика и лечение. Современный взгляд на проблему Диабетическая ретинопатия: эпидемиология и факторы риска и многое другое

Мама и малыш №6/2018


Издание для молодых мам «Мама и малыш» – это логическое продолжение популярного журнала о беременности и родах «9 месяцев», но ориентированное на тех, кто уже испытал ни с чем не сравнимое счастье материнства, успел прижать к груди долгожданного малыша, увидел его первые шаги, услышал первое слово. Профессиональные врачи, педагоги, детские психологи помогут разобраться с тем, что волнует молодую маму как новорожденного крохи, который только начинает знакомиться с окружающим миром, так и пятилетнего сорванца – любознательного и вездесущего. Тема номера: «Я же мать!»: где границы допустимого В номере: – Первый год: Нюансы летнего кормления грудью – Укусы насекомых: первая помощь – Развивающие игры на природе – Меню маленького путешественника – 10 советов по решению конфликтов в песочнице и многое другое

Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

Albanese Alberto

Hyperkinetic movement disorders comprise a range of diseases characterized by unwanted and uncontrollable, or poorly controllable, involuntary movements. The phenomenology of these disorders is quite variable encompassing chorea, tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, tics, other dyskinesias, jerks and shakes. Discerning the underlying condition can be very difficult given the range and variability of symptoms. But recognizing the phenomenology and understanding the pathophysiology are essential to ensure appropriate treatment. Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders provides a clinical pathway for effective diagnosis and management of these disorders. The stellar international cast of authors distils the evidence so you can apply it into your practice. The judicious use of diagnostic criteria algorithms rating scales management guidelines Provides a robust framework for clear patient management. Throughout the text, QR codes* provide smartphone access to case-study videos of hyperkinetic symptoms. Purchase includes an enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition.* This is an interactive digital version featuring: all text and images in fully searchable form integrated videos of presentations View a sample video: www.wiley.com/go/albanese highlighting and note taking facilities book marking linking to additional references Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders provides you with the essential visual and practical tools you need to effectively diagnose and treat your patients. *Full instructions for using QR codes and for downloading your digital Wiley DeskTop Edition are inside the book.

Haematology Nursing

Brown Marvelle

Haematology Nursing is a comprehensive handbook, with a nursing focus, on the care and management of patients with haematological disorders. Divided into four sections, the first provides an introduction to haematology, looking at haemopoiesis, immunology and genetics. Section Two covers non-malignant haematology, including anaemia, haemoglobinopathies and haemochromatosis. Section Three explores the pathophysiology, care and management of myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative disorders, including leukaemia, myeloma, and lymphoma. The final section provides information on various nursing care interventions, including blood transfusion, venous access devices, and palliative care. Aimed principally at nurses working in a variety of settings including haematology/oncology wards, medical/haematology wards, specialist bone marrow transplant centres, and community settings, Haematology Nursing is an essential and much-needed reference guide.