Veterinary Technician’s Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline, Third Edition provides a quick reference to all aspects of a technician’s daily responsibilities in clinical practice. Retaining the tabular format for easy access, the Third Edition adds more in-depth skill descriptions, allowing the technician to reach an even higher level of care. Coverage ranges from anatomy and preventative care to diagnostic and patient care skills, pain management, anesthesia, and pharmacology. Now fully revised and updated, the book is designed to build on a veterinary technician’s current knowledge, acting as a quick refresher in the daily clinic setting. A companion website offers forms and worksheets, training materials, review questions, vocabulary flashcards, links to online resources, and the figures from the book in PowerPoint. The Third Edition is an invaluable practical resource for increasing confidence and improving technical skills for veterinary technicians.
A balanced treatment of the theories, methodologies, and design issues involved in clinical trials using statistical methods There has been enormous interest and development in Bayesian adaptive designs, especially for early phases of clinical trials. However, for phase III trials, frequentist methods still play a dominant role through controlling type I and type II errors in the hypothesis testing framework. From practical perspectives, Clinical Trial Design: Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods provides comprehensive coverage of both Bayesian and frequentist approaches to all phases of clinical trial design. Before underpinning various adaptive methods, the book establishes an overview of the fundamentals of clinical trials as well as a comparison of Bayesian and frequentist statistics. Recognizing that clinical trial design is one of the most important and useful skills in the pharmaceutical industry, this book provides detailed discussions on a variety of statistical designs, their properties, and operating characteristics for phase I, II, and III clinical trials as well as an introduction to phase IV trials. Many practical issues and challenges arising in clinical trials are addressed. Additional topics of coverage include: Risk and benefit analysis for toxicity and efficacy trade-offs Bayesian predictive probability trial monitoring Bayesian adaptive randomization Late onset toxicity and response Dose finding in drug combination trials Targeted therapy designs The author utilizes cutting-edge clinical trial designs and statistical methods that have been employed at the world's leading medical centers as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The software used throughout the book is freely available on the book's related website, equipping readers with the necessary tools for designing clinical trials. Clinical Trial Design is an excellent book for courses on the topic at the graduate level. The book also serves as a valuable reference for statisticians and biostatisticians in the pharmaceutical industry as well as for researchers and practitioners who design, conduct, and monitor clinical trials in their everyday work.
This new edition of the bestselling step-by-step introduction to cardiac pacemakers now includes additional material on CRT and an accompanying website. It retains the effective use of full-page illustrations and short explanations that gained the book such enormous popularity and now provides information on recent advances in cardiac pacing, including biventricular pacing for the treatment of heart failure.
By presenting the latest technological advances and growing national and international regulation, this new book explores state-of-the-art developments in the challenging field of tissue and cell processing. It provides a guide to easier and safer practice in operational principles of preservation, decontamination, and sterilization. Nearly half of the book is devoted completely to tissue- or cell-specific issues relating to processing. With lists of learning points and case studies which consist of sample processing protocols, descriptions of where processing went wrong, sample risk assessments, or validation studies, the authors help you find specific information fast.
This book is the first to be dedicated to the bioinformatics of carbohydrates and glycoproteins. It provides an introduction to this emerging field of science both for the experimentalist working in glycobiology and glycomics, and also for the computer scientist looking for background information for the development of highly sophisticated algorithmic approaches. The book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field, with reviews on databases, and the tools in use for analysis, interpretation, and prediction of the structures of complex carbohydrates, and demonstrates the value of bioinformatics for glycobiology. The availability of comprehensive databases and corresponding bioinformatics tools, to access and analyse the large amounts of experimental data relating to the structure of carbohydrates, will be a prerequisite for the success of the large-scale glycomics projects that aim to decipher new, so far unknown, biological functions of glycans. Efficient bioinformatics descriptions and tools can considerably enhance the efficiency of glycomics research, in terms of data quality, analysis and experimental costs. For a complete understanding of the molecular processes in which carbohydrates are involved, such as protein–carbohydrate interactions and the impact of glycosylation on protein function, knowledge of the 3D structure of the carbohydrate, the protein–carbohydrate complex, or the glycoprotein is often indispensable. This book provides a thorough introduction into methods used for conformational analysis of carbohydrates. Key features: Describes bioinformatic approaches to handle carbohydrate-active enzymes and glycosylation. Provides an overview on bioinformatics tools that facilitate analysis of carbohydrate structures. Gives introduction into molecular modelling of carbohydrate 3D structure and carbohydrates contained in the Protein Databank. Assumes only a basic knowledge of biology and bioinformatics.
Вовсе не обязательно ждать момента наступления болезни. Достаточно лишь выбрать для себя немного времени утром и вечером, добавив к нему ночное время, и превратить свою жизнь в жизнь без болезней.Со своей стороны, я как доктор и человек могу заверить Вас, дорогой читатель, что продолжу свои исследования в огромной сфере Ресурсной Медицины. Новый опыт и новые знания со временем станут доступными для Вас в моих новых книгах об оздоровлении дома.
Данное учебное пособие по физиологии рассчитано на студентов вузов и содержит научные разделы по физиологии, функциональной анатомии, этиологии (причины заболеваний) и патологии, которые можно найти только в научных сборниках и журналах. Данный курс лекций будет полезен студентам, аспирантам и преподавателям, изучающим или преподающим физиологию человека, медицину и физическую культуру. Этот курс является научным базисом для реализации программы «Активное долголетие».
Детский врач-пульмонолог и популярный блогер Елена Орлова отвечает на самые сложные вопросы, которые тревожат родителей. Что чаще всего обсуждают родители малышей, дошкольников и младших школьников? Детские болезни! Кашель, насморк, температура – вот предметы беспокойства большинства мам и пап. Всех пугают эти грозные аббревиатуры – ОРЗ и ОРВИ, но еще больше пугают маячащие за ними еще более грозные перспективы: отит, бронхит, ангина, пневмония, антибиотики, больница… Так ли страшны детские простуды, можно ли их избежать, и как с ними справляться? Часто ли нужно применять антибиотики? Помогают ли иммуномодуляторы предотвратить заболевание? Как помочь иммунной системе ребенка? © Орлова Е., 2018 © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2019 © & ℗ ООО «Аудиокнига», 2019 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта
Редакция журнала Народный Доктор
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Редакция журнала Народный Доктор
На страницах журнала вы найдете народные и традиционные методы лечения и профилактики различных заболеваний, полезную информацию о лекарственных растениях с цветными иллюстрациями, познакомитесь с духовной страничкой. В каждом номере – советы высококвалифицированных специалистов – врачей, психологов, гомеопатов, травников и целителей. У читателей есть возможность бесплатно подать объявления в рубрики «Зов о помощи» и «Для лечения нужны».