Если вы интересуетесь математикой и физикой и любите решать задачи, то вашим другом и помощником станет научно-популярный физико-математический журнал «КВАНТ». Он выходит с 1970 года и рассчитан на школьников старших классов и их учителей, а также на студентов младших курсов. На страницах журнала – рассказы о достижениях науки и ее применениях, творческие задачи, истории замечательных идей и замечательных людей, головоломки, занятия факультативов и кружков, помощь в трудных вопросах школьной программы, интересные физические опыты, материалы для поступающих, задачи турниров и олимпиад по математике и физике (от городских до международных), полезная информация о научных обществах учащихся, физико-математических турнирах и праздниках, заочных и вечерних школах при различных вузах страны. А задачи раздела «Квант» для младших школьников» обычно интересны всем – от шестиклассников до академиков. Журнал выходит 12 раз в год. В номере: «Квант» для младших школьников Многогранники из трубочек Калейдоскоп «Кванта» Физика атмосферы Школа в «Кванте» Где ошибка? (Алгебра и начала анализа) Физический факультатив Почему ЛЭП гудят на частоте 100 Гц? Математический кружок Доказать делимость поможет комбинаторика Практикум абитуриента Средняя скорость прямолинейного движения и многое другое
Praise for the Second Edition «This book has never had a competitor. It is the only book that takes a broad approach to sampling . . . any good personal statistics library should include a copy of this book.» —Technometrics «Well-written . . . an excellent book on an important subject. Highly recommended.» —Choice «An ideal reference for scientific researchers and other professionals who use sampling.» —Zentralblatt Math Features new developments in the field combined with all aspects of obtaining, interpreting, and using sample data Sampling provides an up-to-date treatment of both classical and modern sampling design and estimation methods, along with sampling methods for rare, clustered, and hard-to-detect populations. This Third Edition retains the general organization of the two previous editions, but incorporates extensive new material—sections, exercises, and examples—throughout. Inside, readers will find all-new approaches to explain the various techniques in the book; new figures to assist in better visualizing and comprehending underlying concepts such as the different sampling strategies; computing notes for sample selection, calculation of estimates, and simulations; and more. Organized into six sections, the book covers basic sampling, from simple random to unequal probability sampling; the use of auxiliary data with ratio and regression estimation; sufficient data, model, and design in practical sampling; useful designs such as stratified, cluster and systematic, multistage, double and network sampling; detectability methods for elusive populations; spatial sampling; and adaptive sampling designs. Featuring a broad range of topics, Sampling, Third Edition serves as a valuable reference on useful sampling and estimation methods for researchers in various fields of study, including biostatistics, ecology, and the health sciences. The book is also ideal for courses on statistical sampling at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.
Provides the tools needed to successfully perform adaptive tests across a broad range of datasets Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS illustrates the power of adaptive tests and showcases their ability to adjust the testing method to suit a particular set of data. The book utilizes state-of-the-art software to demonstrate the practicality and benefits for data analysis in various fields of study. Beginning with an introduction, the book moves on to explore the underlying concepts of adaptive tests, including: Smoothing methods and normalizing transformations Permutation tests with linear methods Applications of adaptive tests Multicenter and cross-over trials Analysis of repeated measures data Adaptive confidence intervals and estimates Throughout the book, numerous figures illustrate the key differences among traditional tests, nonparametric tests, and adaptive tests. R and SAS software packages are used to perform the discussed techniques, and the accompanying datasets are available on the book's related website. In addition, exercises at the end of most chapters enable readers to analyze the presented datasets by putting new concepts into practice. Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS is an insightful reference for professionals and researchers working with statistical methods across a variety of fields including the biosciences, pharmacology, and business. The book also serves as a valuable supplement for courses on regression analysis and adaptive analysis at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.
Praise for the First Edition «. . .will certainly fascinate anyone interested in abstract algebra: a remarkable book!» —Monatshefte fur Mathematik Galois theory is one of the most established topics in mathematics, with historical roots that led to the development of many central concepts in modern algebra, including groups and fields. Covering classic applications of the theory, such as solvability by radicals, geometric constructions, and finite fields, Galois Theory, Second Edition delves into novel topics like Abel’s theory of Abelian equations, casus irreducibili, and the Galois theory of origami. In addition, this book features detailed treatments of several topics not covered in standard texts on Galois theory, including: The contributions of Lagrange, Galois, and Kronecker How to compute Galois groups Galois's results about irreducible polynomials of prime or prime-squared degree Abel's theorem about geometric constructions on the lemniscates Galois groups of quartic polynomials in all characteristics Throughout the book, intriguing Mathematical Notes and Historical Notes sections clarify the discussed ideas and the historical context; numerous exercises and examples use Maple and Mathematica to showcase the computations related to Galois theory; and extensive references have been added to provide readers with additional resources for further study. Galois Theory, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses on abstract algebra at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as an interesting reference for anyone with a general interest in Galois theory and its contributions to the field of mathematics.
Praise for the Second Edition «A must-have book for anyone expecting to do research and/or applications in categorical data analysis.» —Statistics in Medicine «It is a total delight reading this book.» —Pharmaceutical Research «If you do any analysis of categorical data, this is an essential desktop reference.» —Technometrics The use of statistical methods for analyzing categorical data has increased dramatically, particularly in the biomedical, social sciences, and financial industries. Responding to new developments, this book offers a comprehensive treatment of the most important methods for categorical data analysis. Categorical Data Analysis, Third Edition summarizes the latest methods for univariate and correlated multivariate categorical responses. Readers will find a unified generalized linear models approach that connects logistic regression and Poisson and negative binomial loglinear models for discrete data with normal regression for continuous data. This edition also features: An emphasis on logistic and probit regression methods for binary, ordinal, and nominal responses for independent observations and for clustered data with marginal models and random effects models Two new chapters on alternative methods for binary response data, including smoothing and regularization methods, classification methods such as linear discriminant analysis and classification trees, and cluster analysis New sections introducing the Bayesian approach for methods in that chapter More than 100 analyses of data sets and over 600 exercises Notes at the end of each chapter that provide references to recent research and topics not covered in the text, linked to a bibliography of more than 1,200 sources A supplementary website showing how to use R and SAS; for all examples in the text, with information also about SPSS and Stata and with exercise solutions Categorical Data Analysis, Third Edition is an invaluable tool for statisticians and methodologists, such as biostatisticians and researchers in the social and behavioral sciences, medicine and public health, marketing, education, finance, biological and agricultural sciences, and industrial quality control.
Praise for the First Edition “This excellent text should prove a useful accoutrement for any developing mathematics program . . . it’s short, it’s sweet, it’s beautifully written.” —The Mathematical Intelligencer “Erickson has prepared an exemplary work . . . strongly recommended for inclusion in undergraduate-level library collections.” —Choice Featuring a modern approach, Introduction to Combinatorics, Second Edition illustrates the applicability of combinatorial methods and discusses topics that are not typically addressed in literature, such as Alcuin’s sequence, Rook paths, and Leech’s lattice. The book also presents fundamental results, discusses interconnection and problem-solving techniques, and collects and disseminates open problems that raise questions and observations. Many important combinatorial methods are revisited and repeated several times throughout the book in exercises, examples, theorems, and proofs alike, allowing readers to build confidence and reinforce their understanding of complex material. In addition, the author successfully guides readers step-by-step through three major achievements of combinatorics: Van der Waerden’s theorem on arithmetic progressions, Pólya’s graph enumeration formula, and Leech’s 24-dimensional lattice. Along with updated tables and references that reflect recent advances in various areas, such as error-correcting codes and combinatorial designs, the Second Edition also features: Many new exercises to help readers understand and apply combinatorial techniques and ideas A deeper, investigative study of combinatorics through exercises requiring the use of computer programs Over fifty new examples, ranging in level from routine to advanced, that illustrate important combinatorial concepts Basic principles and theories in combinatorics as well as new and innovative results in the field Introduction to Combinatorics, Second Edition is an ideal textbook for a one- or two-semester sequence in combinatorics, graph theory, and discrete mathematics at the upper-undergraduate level. The book is also an excellent reference for anyone interested in the various applications of elementary combinatorics.
Hugely successful and popular text presenting an extensive and comprehensive guide for all R users The R language is recognized as one of the most powerful and flexible statistical software packages, enabling users to apply many statistical techniques that would be impossible without such software to help implement such large data sets. R has become an essential tool for understanding and carrying out research. This edition: Features full colour text and extensive graphics throughout. Introduces a clear structure with numbered section headings to help readers locate information more efficiently. Looks at the evolution of R over the past five years. Features a new chapter on Bayesian Analysis and Meta-Analysis. Presents a fully revised and updated bibliography and reference section. Is supported by an accompanying website allowing examples from the text to be run by the user. Praise for the first edition: ‘…if you are an R user or wannabe R user, this text is the one that should be on your shelf. The breadth of topics covered is unsurpassed when it comes to texts on data analysis in R.’ (The American Statistician, August 2008) ‘The High-level software language of R is setting standards in quantitative analysis. And now anybody can get to grips with it thanks to The R Book…’ (Professional Pensions, July 2007)
Praise for the First Edition «The attention to detail is impressive. The book is very well written and the author is extremely careful with his descriptions . . . the examples are wonderful.» —The American Statistician Fully revised to reflect the latest methodologies and emerging applications, Applied Regression Modeling, Second Edition continues to highlight the benefits of statistical methods, specifically regression analysis and modeling, for understanding, analyzing, and interpreting multivariate data in business, science, and social science applications. The author utilizes a bounty of real-life examples, case studies, illustrations, and graphics to introduce readers to the world of regression analysis using various software packages, including R, SPSS, Minitab, SAS, JMP, and S-PLUS. In a clear and careful writing style, the book introduces modeling extensions that illustrate more advanced regression techniques, including logistic regression, Poisson regression, discrete choice models, multilevel models, and Bayesian modeling. In addition, the Second Edition features clarification and expansion of challenging topics, such as: Transformations, indicator variables, and interaction Testing model assumptions Nonconstant variance Autocorrelation Variable selection methods Model building and graphical interpretation Throughout the book, datasets and examples have been updated and additional problems are included at the end of each chapter, allowing readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. In addition, a related website features the book's datasets, presentation slides, detailed statistical software instructions, and learning resources including additional problems and instructional videos. With an intuitive approach that is not heavy on mathematical detail, Applied Regression Modeling, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses on statistical regression analysis at the upper-undergraduate and graduate level. The book also serves as a valuable resource for professionals and researchers who utilize statistical methods for decision-making in their everyday work.
Learn the skills and acquire the intuition to assess the theoretical limitations of computer programming Offering an accessible approach to the topic, Theory of Computation focuses on the metatheory of computing and the theoretical boundaries between what various computational models can do and not do—from the most general model, the URM (Unbounded Register Machines), to the finite automaton. A wealth of programming-like examples and easy-to-follow explanations build the general theory gradually, which guides readers through the modeling and mathematical analysis of computational phenomena and provides insights on what makes things tick and also what restrains the ability of computational processes. Recognizing the importance of acquired practical experience, the book begins with the metatheory of general purpose computer programs, using URMs as a straightforward, technology-independent model of modern high-level programming languages while also exploring the restrictions of the URM language. Once readers gain an understanding of computability theory—including the primitive recursive functions—the author presents automata and languages, covering the regular and context-free languages as well as the machines that recognize these languages. Several advanced topics such as reducibilities, the recursion theorem, complexity theory, and Cook's theorem are also discussed. Features of the book include: A review of basic discrete mathematics, covering logic and induction while omitting specialized combinatorial topics A thorough development of the modeling and mathematical analysis of computational phenomena, providing a solid foundation of un-computability The connection between un-computability and un-provability: Gödel's first incompleteness theorem The book provides numerous examples of specific URMs as well as other programming languages including Loop Programs, FA (Deterministic Finite Automata), NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automata), and PDA (Pushdown Automata). Exercises at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material, and an extensive bibliography suggests resources for further study. Assuming only a basic understanding of general computer programming and discrete mathematics, Theory of Computation serves as a valuable book for courses on theory of computation at the upper-undergraduate level. The book also serves as an excellent resource for programmers and computing professionals wishing to understand the theoretical limitations of their craft.
Warum bilden sich Staus aus dem Nichts und losen sich genauso unverhofft wieder auf? Warum flie?t Sand und kann dennoch hart wie Beton sein? Die physikalischen Gesetzma?igkeiten hinter diesen und anderen Ereignissen sind spannend zu entdecken.