This book outlines the creative process of making environmental management decisions using the approach called Structured Decision Making. It is a short introductory guide to this popular form of decision making and is aimed at environmental managers and scientists. This is a distinctly pragmatic label given to ways for helping individuals and groups think through tough multidimensional choices characterized by uncertain science, diverse stakeholders, and difficult tradeoffs. This is the everyday reality of environmental management, yet many important decisions currently are made on an ad hoc basis that lacks a solid value-based foundation, ignores key information, and results in selection of an inferior alternative. Making progress – in a way that is rigorous, inclusive, defensible and transparent – requires combining analytical methods drawn from the decision sciences and applied ecology with deliberative insights from cognitive psychology, facilitation and negotiation. The authors review key methods and discuss case-study examples based in their experiences in communities, boardrooms, and stakeholder meetings. The goal of this book is to lay out a compelling guide that will change how you think about making environmental decisions. Visit to access the figures and tables from the book.
Praise for the First Edition «. . . an enchanting book for those people in computer science or mathematics who are fascinated by the concept of infinity.»—Computing Reviews «. . . a very well written introduction to set theory . . . easy to read and well suited for self-study . . . highly recommended.»—Choice The concept of infinity has fascinated and confused mankind for centuries with theories and ideas that cause even seasoned mathematicians to wonder. The Mathematics of Infinity: A Guide to Great Ideas, Second Edition uniquely explores how we can manipulate these ideas when our common sense rebels at the conclusions we are drawing. Continuing to draw from his extensive work on the subject, the author provides a user-friendly presentation that avoids unnecessary, in-depth mathematical rigor. This Second Edition provides important coverage of logic and sets, elements and predicates, cardinals as ordinals, and mathematical physics. Classic arguments and illustrative examples are provided throughout the book and are accompanied by a gradual progression of sophisticated notions designed to stun readers' intuitive view of the world. With an accessible and balanced treatment of both concepts and theory, the book focuses on the following topics: Logic, sets, and functions Prime numbers Counting infinite sets Well ordered sets Infinite cardinals Logic and meta-mathematics Inductions and numbers Presenting an intriguing account of the notions of infinity, The Mathematics of Infinity: A Guide to Great Ideas, Second Edition is an insightful supplement for mathematics courses on set theory at the undergraduate level. The book also serves as a fascinating reference for mathematically inclined individuals who are interested in learning about the world of counterintuitive mathematics.
An insightful guide to understanding and visualizing multivariate statistics using SAS®, STATA®, and SPSS® Multivariate Analysis for the Biobehavioral and Social Sciences: A Graphical Approach outlines the essential multivariate methods for understanding data in the social and biobehavioral sciences. Using real-world data and the latest software applications, the book addresses the topic in a comprehensible and hands-on manner, making complex mathematical concepts accessible to readers. The authors promote the importance of clear, well-designed graphics in the scientific process, with visual representations accompanying the presented classical multivariate statistical methods . The book begins with a preparatory review of univariate statistical methods recast in matrix notation, followed by an accessible introduction to matrix algebra. Subsequent chapters explore fundamental multivariate methods and related key concepts, including: Factor analysis and related methods Multivariate graphics Canonical correlation Hotelling's T-squared Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) Multiple regression and the general linear model (GLM) Each topic is introduced with a research-publication case study that demonstrates its real-world value. Next, the question «how do you do that?» is addressed with a complete, yet simplified, demonstration of the mathematics and concepts of the method. Finally, the authors show how the analysis of the data is performed using Stata®, SAS®, and SPSS®. The discussed approaches are also applicable to a wide variety of modern extensions of multivariate methods as well as modern univariate regression methods. Chapters conclude with conceptual questions about the meaning of each method; computational questions that test the reader's ability to carry out the procedures on simple datasets; and data analysis questions for the use of the discussed software packages. Multivariate Analysis for the Biobehavioral and Social Sciences is an excellent book for behavioral, health, and social science courses on multivariate statistics at the graduate level. The book also serves as a valuable reference for professionals and researchers in the social, behavioral, and health sciences who would like to learn more about multivariate analysis and its relevant applications.
Solutions manual to accompany Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Concise Introduction This book features a unique combination of comprehensive coverage of logic with a solid exposition of the most important fields of discrete mathematics, presenting material that has been tested and refined by the authors in university courses taught over more than a decade. Written in a clear and reader-friendly style, each section ends with an extensive set of exercises, most of them provided with complete solutions which are available in this accompanying solutions manual.
This is the first text to examine the use of statistical methods in forensic science and bayesian statistics in combination. The book is split into two parts: Part One concentrates on the philosophies of statistical inference. Chapter One examines the differences between the frequentist, the likelihood and the Bayesian perspectives, before Chapter Two explores the Bayesian decision-theoretic perspective further, and looks at the benefits it carries. Part Two then introduces the reader to the practical aspects involved: the application, interpretation, summary and presentation of data analyses are all examined from a Bayesian decision-theoretic perspective. A wide range of statistical methods, essential in the analysis of forensic scientific data is explored. These include the comparison of allele proportions in populations, the comparison of means, the choice of sampling size, and the discrimination of items of evidence of unknown origin into predefined populations. Throughout this practical appraisal there are a wide variety of examples taken from the routine work of forensic scientists. These applications are demonstrated in the ever-more popular R language. The reader is taken through these applied examples in a step-by-step approach, discussing the methods at each stage.
Книга-самоучитель – Полное руководство со схемами счета на абакусе. Знакомство с абакусом. Простое сложение и вычитание. Методы «помощь брата», «помощь друга», упрощенные методы счета.С помощью этой книги вы сможете обучить своего ребенка ментальной арифметикой дома.
Профессор Иэн Стюарт в увлекательной манере и с юмором рассказывает о том, как развивалась математика – с древнейших времен и до наших дней. Он рассматривает наиболее значимые темы и события, обращая особое внимание на их прикладной характер. Вы познакомитесь с виднейшими математиками своих эпох, а также узнаете, как то или иное математическое открытие повлияло на нас и нашу историю. Эта книга для математиков и всех, кто интересуется историей математики и науки вообще. На русском языке публикуется впервые.
Монография посвящена проблеме поиска точной нормы доходности активов в условиях высокой неопределенности экономики. Предложен и обоснован принципиально новый механизм учета рисков – через поправку в виде скидки за риск. Издание состоит из трех глав, выделенных в соответствии с различными аспектами рассмотрения базового понятия процентной ставки. Адресована специалистам в области финансового менеджмента, оценочной деятельности, арбитражным управляющим и студентам, обучающимся по специальности «Финансы и кредит».
Данное универсальное пособие окажет неоценимую услугу не только учащимся начальных классов и учителям, но и родителям, занимающимся со своими детьми самостоятельно. Книга включает в себя большое количество контрольных и проверочных работ по математике, которые помогут учащимся проверить и закрепить все необходимые знания и навыки. Весь материал в книге дается в строгом соответствии с требованиями школьной программы. Контрольные и проверочные работы сгруппированы по разделам, сложность которых увеличивается по мере изучения предмета. Задания в них интересны и разнообразны. Они включают в себя примеры, задачи, уравнения – все то, что необходимо знать учащимся начальной школы.
Стабильность обменного курса национальной валюты имеет большое значение для устойчивого роста экономики. В стране-экспортере нефти валютный курс в значительной степени определяется валютными поступлениями от продажи нефти и, следовательно, ценой нефти на международном рынке. В настоящей работе одномерные GARCH модели и двумерные VAR-BEKK модели используются для анализа зависимости волатильности валютного курса рубля от волатильности цены нефти. Показано, что эта зависимость не постоянна во времени и определяется различными макроэкономическими факторами. Зависимость усиливается при низких ценах нефти и ослабляется при высоких. Введение санкций усилило волатильность обменного курса рубля и ее зависимость от волатильности цены на нефть. Показано, что со временем влияние санкций убывает, что можно интерпретировать как адаптацию экономики России к санкциям.