En esta obra de divulgación científica converge la ciencia y el arte en la interpretación paleoambiental del miembro superior calcáreo de la Formación Tibasosa. El texto se complementa con ilustraciones científicas sobre conceptos básicos de geología y paleontología que apoyan la comprensión de los análisis bioestratigráficos, los procesos tectosedimentarios y los análisis taxonómicos de la paleofauna marina. Se aplican técnicas de ilustración como puntillismo, diagramación, teoría del color y el uso de software digital, para reconstruir detalles morfológicos de los especímenes analizados y generar recursos visuales para públicos con diferentes grados de especialización en la temática. El análisis de los fósiles permite identificar 12 taxones de la paleofauna marina: cuatro de la clase gasterópoda, cuatro de la clase bivalvia, tres de la clase echinoidea, y uno de la clase cephallopoda; así mismo, se interpreta que el ambiente de depositación corresponde a una plataforma interna de aguas tranquilas y someras con temperatura cálida y salinidad normal. Los autores destacan la importancia de la geología social para dinamizar la relación entre la academia y la comunidad, fomentar la conservación del patrimonio en espacios de apropiación social del conocimiento y visibilizar el potencial fosilífero de Firavitoba, Boyacá, un municipio poco explorado a nivel paleontológico.
Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python A practical, “how-to” reference for anyone performing essential statistical analyses and data management tasks in Python Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python delivers a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of statistical methods performed using Python in a single, one-stop reference. The book contains user-friendly guidance and instructions on using Python to run a variety of statistical procedures without getting bogged down in unnecessary theory. Throughout, the author emphasizes a set of computational tools used in the discovery of empirical patterns, as well as several popular statistical analyses and data management tasks that can be immediately applied.Most of the datasets used in the book are small enough to be easily entered into Python manually, though they can also be downloaded for free from www.datapsyc.com. Only minimal knowledge of statistics is assumed, making the book perfect for those seeking an easily accessible toolkit for statistical analysis with Python. Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python represents the fastest way to learn how to analyze data with Python.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A review of essential statistical principles, including types of data, measurement, significance tests, significance levels, and type I and type II errorsAn introduction to Python, exploring how to communicate with PythonA treatment of exploratory data analysis, basic statistics and visual displays, including frequencies and descriptives, q-q plots, box-and-whisker plots, and data managementAn introduction to topics such as ANOVA, MANOVA and discriminant analysis, regression, principal components analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, among others, exploring the nature of what these techniques can vs. cannot do on a methodological levelPerfect for undergraduate and graduate students in the social, behavioral, and natural sciences, Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and data analysts seeking a quick go-to resource for univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis in Python.
Александр Мечиславович Кытманов
Монография посвящена исследованию алгебраических и трансцендетных систем уравнений. Приведены утверждения об аналогах формул Ньютона для целых функций, о количестве нулей целой функции на комплексной плоскости, их расположении, о результанте двух целых функций. Рассмотрены алгебраические системы уравнений. Подробно изложены модифицированный метод исключения неизвестных, предложенный Л. А. Айзенбергом, и его отличие от классического метода и метода базисов Гребнера. Исследованы различные типы трансцендентных систем уравнений: вычетные интегралы, степенные суммы обратных величин корней и их связь с вычетными интегралами (аналоги формул Варинга), разные примеры трансцендентных систем уравнений. Предназначена для специалистов по многомерному комплексному анализу, а также студентов и аспирантов.
Hier ist die Rede von den großen Männern der griechischen Philosophie, die auf die Frage «Was ist die Welt» geantwortet haben: Wasser, Luft Feuer, Erde. Es geht um den Anfang der Naturforschung, denn Naturwissenschaften sind die griechische Art über die Natur nachzudenken.
WAS IST DIE WELT? Die moderne Antwort auf eine alte Frage. Die Welt besteht aus Atomen, die wiederum nicht unteilbar sind sondern aus Neutronen, Protonen und Elektronen bestehen. Das ist aber immer noch nicht elementar. Aus Demokrits Atomen wurden Quarks und Leptonen.
AM ANFANG WAR DIE KRAFT Vier Grundkräfte regieren die Welt der Dinge: Schwerkraft, starke Kernkraft, schwache Kernkraft und Elektromagnetismus. Das Spiel dieser Kräfte hat alles erschaffen was ist: Galaxien, Sterne, Planeten, Lebewesen und Gehirne.
DER GROSSE ZUSAMMENHANG Naturwissenschaften können viel, aber nicht alles erklären. Wie hängt in dieser Welt auf diesem Planeten Element mit Element zusammen. Was macht das System Erde aus? Ein Blick über die Fächergrenzen hinaus zur Methodik der Wissenschaft.
Die Relativitätstheorien gehören zu den herausragenden Leistungen der Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Durch Albert Einstein sind unsere Vorstellungen von Raum, Zeit und Materie grundlegend revolutioniert worden. Die Einführung in dieses Thema behandelt die Eckpfeiler der Theorien und beschreibt in leichter Art und Weise wesentliche Effekte und Konsequenzen. Es ist eben nicht alles relativ, sondern dann und nur dann, wenn man zwei Uhren miteinander vergleicht und wenn man eben nicht in ein schwarzes Loch fällt. Dann nämlich wäre einem alles relativ egal.
Os textos que se seguem foram escritos nos últimos anos e foram, entretanto, editados para uma melhor compreensão. Da análise dos textos, evidencia-se, entre as preocupações do autor, a irreverência da hierarquia do saber! Na Aviação a palavra-chave é Credibilidade, e estará sempre em questão! Traduz a noção de cumprir e fazer cumprir as regras, na certeza insofismável de que, a Direcção, jamais venha de um dia para o outro, dar um cavalo de pau ou seja, sorrateiramente pretender alterações/disposições não previstas.
Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Healthcare Outcomes Discover a comprehensive overview, from established leaders in the field, of how to use predictive analytics and other analytic methods for healthcare quality improvement. Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Healthcare Outcomes delivers a 16-step process to use predictive analytics to improve operations in the complex industry of healthcare. The book includes numerous case studies that make use of predictive analytics and other mathematical methodologies to save money and improve patient outcomes. The book is organized as a “how-to” manual, showing how to use existing theory and tools to achieve desired positive outcomes.You will learn how your organization can use predictive analytics to identify the most impactful operational interventions before changing operations. This includes: A thorough introduction to data, caring theory, Relationship-Based Care®, the Caring Behaviors Assurance System©, and healthcare operations, including how to build a measurement model and improve organizational outcomes. An exploration of analytics in action, including comprehensive case studies on patient falls, palliative care, infection reduction, reducing rates of readmission for heart failure, and more—all resulting in action plans allowing clinicians to make changes that have been proven in advance to result in positive outcomes.Discussions of how to refine quality improvement initiatives, including the use of “comfort” as a construct to illustrate the importance of solid theory and good measurement in adequate pain management.An examination of international organizations using analytics to improve operations within cultural context. Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Healthcare Outcomes is perfect for executives, researchers, and quality improvement staff at healthcare organizations, as well as educators teaching mathematics, data science, or quality improvement. Employ this valuable resource that walks you through the steps of managing and optimizing outcomes in your clinical care operations.