Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Ценные решения. Как работать с ценами, чтобы прибыль росла

Роман Тарасенко

Роман Тарасенко – маркетолог, опытный консультант и бизнес-спикер – занимается маркетингом более 8 лет. Его продукты четко структурированы, а предлагаемые им техники максимально понятны и легко воспроизводимы в российских реалиях. И эта книга, написанная по материалам тренинга «Как работать с ценами, чтобы прибыль росла», тому подтверждение. Автор чрезвычайно умело, буквально на пальцах, показывает механизм грамотного ценообразования и его тесной связи с таким понятием, как ценность продукта. Он разбирает кейсы ведущих компаний, анализирует слагаемые успеха и предлагает 16 работающих стратегий, чтобы максимизировать прибыль. Ценовое позиционирование, с его точки зрения, должно быть результатом серьезной аналитической работы, а не следствием озарения или интуиции. Роман Тарасенко объясняет, как увеличить объем продаж, воздействуя на эмоции клиентов. Рассказывает, что такое скидки и как правильно снижать цены, зачем нужны бонусы, можно ли демпинговать тактично и для чего вообще это делать. «Ценные решения» идеально подойдут тем, кто стремится расширить свое присутствие на рынке, настроен максимально использовать эмоциональные преимущества своего продукта и добиться прогресса в сфере продаж. То есть всем, кто хочет продавать больше и продавать дорого.

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. Practical Applications

Jim Sterne

A straightforward, non-technical guide to the next major marketing tool Artificial Intelligence for Marketing presents a tightly-focused introduction to machine learning, written specifically for marketing professionals. This book will not teach you to be a data scientist—but it does explain how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will revolutionize your company's marketing strategy, and teach you how to use it most effectively. Data and analytics have become table stakes in modern marketing, but the field is ever-evolving with data scientists continually developing new algorithms—where does that leave you? How can marketers use the latest data science developments to their advantage? This book walks you through the «need-to-know» aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and the power of Machine Learning to show you how to make the most of this technology in a practical, tactical way. Simple illustrations clarify complex concepts, and case studies show how real-world companies are taking the next leap forward. Straightforward, pragmatic, and with no math required, this book will help you: Speak intelligently about Artificial Intelligence and its advantages in marketing Understand how marketers without a Data Science degree can make use of machine learning technology Collaborate with data scientists as a subject matter expert to help develop focused-use applications Help your company gain a competitive advantage by leveraging leading-edge technology in marketing Marketing and data science are two fast-moving, turbulent spheres that often intersect; that intersection is where marketing professionals pick up the tools and methods to move their company forward. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide a data-driven basis for more robust and intensely-targeted marketing strategies—and companies that effectively utilize these latest tools will reap the benefit in the marketplace. Artificial Intelligence for Marketing provides a nontechnical crash course to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Work That Works. Emergineering a Positive Organizational Culture

Geil Browning

Use cognitive diversity to your advantage and transform your organization Work That Works is a guide to building better teams and an exceedingly positive workplace culture. Based on the tools and principles of Emergenetics, this book helps you improve communication, connection, and performance through an enlightening process of self-discovery and sharing. You'll discover the unique combination of strengths you bring to the table, and understand the power of your Thinking and Behavioral Preferences to gain greater clarity and a better understanding of your skills, habits and behavior. As people understand and share their Profiles, the real magic happens—teams can be built synergistically, and team members can collaborate more effectively by «borrowing another person's brain.» Cognitive diversity is a given whenever a group of people work together toward a common goal; the critical factor is whether those differences become an obstacle or a catalyst. By bringing each person's «true self» to light, you provide a window through visible elements of diversity and shine a light on their gifts—and it's only then that those gifts can be leveraged to their utmost capacity. Dr. Geil Browning's second book outlines this process of discovery, effective communication, using thoughtful language, addressing challenges and instituting long-term behavioral change. By honoring the Preferences and Attributes of all employees, you lay the groundwork for enhanced performance and engagement. Learn how changing your language changes your thought patterns, and eventually leads to changes in behavior Dig into the real differences between you and your co-workers at the cognitive and behavioral levels Discover the strengths each person brings to the table, and synergize those strengths to collaborate more effectively Learn how to apply these same principles to social activities and family life to improve all communications and connections Work That Works provides a blueprint for the transformation, and the practical guidance you need to build a better organization.

The Ways to New. 15 Paths to Disruptive Innovation

Jean-Marie Dru

Break free and lead the market with the roadmap to Disruption The Ways to New gives you a blueprint for innovation, helping you dig your organization out of the quicksand and get on the fast track to growth. Author Jean-Marie Dru is the originator the Disruption methodology, which he shares here; he is also an international authority on breaking the mold and leading the market, and this book is his guide to making it happen. Too many companies are too slow with innovation. They lag behind, creating at a snail's pace, and thus miss out on any kind of organic growth. They approach new ideas too conservatively, and focus innovation on products only—when there is a whole world out there waiting to be disrupted. This book shows you how to steer your organization toward continued innovation, creation, growth, and success, with 15 proven paths to disruption. Each is illustrated with case studies from companies like L'oreal, Procter & Gamble, and Salesforce.com, to show you the glaring differences between disruption and stagnation. We like to think that we live in a world where innovation happens at a staggering pace. The reality is that we don't, but that leaves an opening that your organization can fill if you're willing to break from the herd. This book shows you how start turning in a new direction, toward sustained, forward-thinking growth. Foster organic growth within your organization Become more proactive about innovation Understand the famous «Disruption» methodology Learn the specific, proven paths to disruption Everyone loves to cite Apple, Google, and Amazon as proof of high-speed innovation. But companies like this represent only 20% of companies worldwide—the other 80% are still floundering and failing to move forward. The Ways to New gives you a roadmap to innovation, and the tools to make it work.

CRM For Dummies

Lars Helgeson

Save time, save money, and grow your business with more effective CRM CRM For Dummies is the small business leader's guide to managing customer interactions. Customer relationship management is a critical part of any business, and it encompasses everything from business strategy and HR to sales, marketing, events, and more. Solutions exist for businesses of any size, but how do you know which one is right for you? What features do you need? Do you have the people and processes in place to get the most out of whichever one you choose? This book is designed to help business leaders better understand effective CRM and identify the right solution for their business—but it's about much more than software; effective CRM requires appropriate team structures, intradepartmental collaboration, and process efficiency. Packed with tactics and strategies that will save your company thousands of dollars and man-hours, these chapters answer the most pressing questions that will make the biggest impact on your sales. Building relationships with current and future customers is the critical point of business. This book helps you bring sales, marketing, and operations together to work toward that common goal, and shows you the tools and techniques that make your efforts more effective. Define your market segments, buyer personas, and voice Build an effective internal structure, and choose the right CRM solution Optimize leads and conduct effective email marketing Streamline processes, automate where possible, and employ analytics Your customers are the lifeblood of your company; you need to reach them, engage them, and retain them—without wasting precious time or money. CRM For Dummies gets you up to speed on the latest, most effective CRM tools and techniques to help your business succeed.

Marketing For Dummies

Jeanette McMurtry

The classic, bestselling marketing guide, updated for the digital era Marketing For Dummies, 5th Edition is the ultimate handbook for boosting your business. Whether you're a small mom-and-pop shop, a local nonprofit, or a mid-size business looking to grow, the right marketing approach can make your company or organization stand out from the crowd. This book shows you how to find, reach, and engage with your customers in a way that brings in business. This new edition, updated to align with the latest marketing revolution, introduces you to essential techniques including search engine, guerilla, global, and behavior marketing. You'll learn where to find your people, and how to give them what they want—how they want it—using behavioral techniques. You'll discover inexpensive online marketing and promotion tools, proving that budget doesn't have to be an insurmountable obstacle. You'll find up-to-date marketing plans, resources, and examples throughout to help you get out there and get your business noticed today! Today's marketing treats every aspect of customer interaction—including customer service and the product itself—as an opportunity to grow. This book shows you how to harness the power of these techniques to drive traffic, boost sales, and move your business forward. Turn web visibility into real-world traffic and sales Reach the right people at the right time Develop a cohesive marketing plan for any budget Source locally, market dynamically, and connect with your community Whether you're looking for fundamental marketing skills, seeking guidance on social media and analytics, or need a full-blown comprehensive web marketing strategy, this book has you covered. Marketing For Dummies, 5th Edition helps you open the door to a new, more successful phase of business.

Book Yourself Solid. The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling

Michael Port

Kick off the cycle of success with serious self-promotion that works Book Yourself Solid is a handbook for self-promotion that translates into results. We tend to think of «busy» as the equivalent of «successful»—but that's not always the case. The key lies in what you're busy doing. Success means spending your time doing work that gets you closer to your goals, and the critical driving force behind that success is self-promotion. This book shows you how to promote more than just your skills—you need to sell your reputation, your service, your very self. It starts with laying a foundation so potential clients know you can give them what they want and need. How do people see you, and how does that diverge from what you would like them to think? Once you know where you are, you can map out a plan for getting where you need to be, and this book shows you how to build the reputation you need to be the go-to person in your field—and keep the business coming in long-term. Book Yourself Solid has been one of the most popular marketing books in the world for service-based businesses since its initial release in 2006. This new third edition includes updated and expanded strategies, techniques, and skills to help you get more clients and increase your take-home profits. Build a solid foundation for a stellar public image Enhance your reputation for trust and credibility Perfect your pitch and pricing to attract higher-caliber clients Adopt the six core strategies that will keep you booked solid Spending just a small amount of time on self-promotion is an investment. You build a reputation that attracts high-quality clients, which boosts your profits, your track record, and your reputation, which in turn attracts even more high-quality clients. Book Yourself Solid shows you how to kick off this cycle of success, and maintain it for the long term.

The Data Driven Leader. A Powerful Approach to Delivering Measurable Business Impact Through People Analytics

David Swanson

Data is your most valuable leadership asset—here's how to use it The Data Driven Leader presents a clear, accessible guide to solving important leadership challenges through human resources-focused and other data analytics. This engaging book shows you how to transform the HR function and overall organizational effectiveness by using data to make decisions grounded in facts vs. opinions, identify root causes behind your company’s thorniest problems and move toward a winning, future-focused business strategy. Realistic and actionable, this book tells the story of a successful sales executive who, after leading an analytics-driven turnaround (in Data Driven, this book’s predecessor), faces a new turnaround challenge as chief human resources officer. Each chapter features insightful commentary and practical notes on the points the story raises, guiding you to put HR analytics into action in your organization. HR and other leaders cannot afford to overlook the power and competitive advantages of data-driven decision-making and strategies. This book reflects the growing trend of CEOs choosing analytics-minded business leaders to head HR, at a time when workplaces everywhere face game-changing forces including automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. It is urgent that human resources leaders embrace analytics, not only to remain professionally relevant but also to help their organizations successfully navigate this digital transformation. HR professionals can and must: Understand essential data science principles and corporate analytics models Identify and execute effective data analytics initiatives Boost HR and company productivity and performance with metrics that matter Shape an analytics-centric culture that generates data driven leaders Most organizations capture and report data, but data is useless without analysis that leads to action. The Data Driven Leader shows you how to use this tremendous asset to lead your organization higher.

Marketing to Millennials For Dummies

Corey Padveen

Market effectively to the millennial mindset Millennials make up the largest and most valuable market of consumers in the United States —but until you understand how to successfully market to them, you may as well kiss their colossal spending power away! Packed with powerful data, research, and case studies across a variety of industries, Marketing to Millennials For Dummies gives you a fail-proof road map for winning over this coveted crowd. Millennials are projected to have $200 billion buying power by 2017, and $10 trillion over their lifetimes – and yet industries across the board are struggling to garner their attention. Revealing what makes this darling demographic tick, this hands-on guide shows you how to adapt to new media, understand the 'sharing economy,' and build meaningful relationships that will keep your brand, product, or service at the forefront of the millennial mind. Identify key millennial characteristics and behaviors Grasp and adapt to millennial economic realities Reach your target audience with integrated strategies Build deep, lasting connections with millennials Get ready to crack the code —millennials are a mystery no more!

The New Rules of Marketing and PR. How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly

David Meerman Scott

The international bestseller—now in a new edition When it comes to marketing, anything goes in the Digital Age, right? Well, not quite. While marketing and public relations tactics do seem to change overnight, every smart businessperson knows that it takes a lot more than the 'next big thing.' The New Rules of Marketing & PR is an international bestseller with more than 375,000 copies sold in twenty-nine languages. In the latest edition of this pioneering guide to the future of marketing, you'll get a step-by-step action plan for leveraging the power of the latest approaches to generating attention for your idea or your business. You'll learn how get the right information to the right people at the right time—at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. The Internet continues to change the way people communicate and interact with each other, and if you're struggling to keep up with what's trending in social media, online videos, apps, blogs, or more, your product or service is bound to get lost in the ether. In The New Rules of Marketing & PR, you'll get access to the tried-and-true rules that will keep you ahead of the curve when using the latest and greatest digital spaces to their fullest PR, marketing, and customer-communications potential. Keeping in mind that your audience is savvy and crunched for time, this essential guide shows you how to cut through the online clutter to ensure that your message gets seen and heard. Serves as the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and non-profit managers Offers a wealth of compelling case studies and real-world examples Includes information on new platforms including Facebook Live and Snapchat Shows both small and large organizations how to best use Web-based communication Finally, everything you need to speak directly to your audience and establish a personal link with those who make your business work is in one place.