Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Local Online Advertising For Dummies

Court Cunningham

Kick your local online advertising into high gear with this friendly, timely guide! Add the newest means of advertising your business into your marketing mix by developing an online advertising strategy. This get-down-to-business guide will show you how. Written by executives from Yodle, a New York-based firm specializing in online advertising, this book reveals the best and brightest ways to get the word out, from creating a Web presence that draws visitors, to using SEO, to jumping boldly into social media advertising. Online advertising market is estimated to grow to $10-$19 billion by 2011, and you'll want your business to be part of this huge shift Explores how to research your audience, set goals, and build a plan Provides steps and tips on creating an effective Web presence and landing pages-then covers how to drive visitors to your site with search engine optimization, AdWords, e-mail blasts, and social media marketing Examines blogs, chat rooms, video, and other ways to win customers Don't miss the free offer from Yodle that comes with this practical guide!

Behavioral Marketing. Delivering Personalized Experiences At Scale

Dave Walters

Grow revenue by leveraging behavioral marketing during your next campaign Behavioral Marketing guides you in using relatively new marketing tactics to grow revenue and create process efficiencies. An incredibly valuable text, this book defines the key principles of behavioral marketing—including customer journey mapping, channel-level planning, data capture and hygiene, campaign creation, delivery best practices, and measurement/optimization—and shows you how to fix highly inefficient processes while implementing your next marketing initiative. Within the pages of this resource are the secrets to improving processes and becoming more 'revenue predictable'—things that benefit businesses in virtually any industry. Additionally, this book provides you with case studies that spotlight the successes and challenges experienced by other marketing pros, and offer up key lessons to assist you in sharing their triumphs and avoiding their pitfalls. Behavioral marketing, a term first coined in 2008, has become increasingly important as digital marketing tactics have becoming increasingly popular. This particular facet of marketing focuses on responding to the actions, clicks, and behaviors of both current and prospective customers—and allows you to use this data to adapt your marketing efforts to customer preferences. The results of this dynamic marketing approach are often a more predictable revenue stream and a more efficient marketing department, both of which any business would welcome! Understand the key principles of behavioral marketing Create a more 'revenue predictable' business environment Examine case studies across multiple industries Discover how to achieve revenue growth and process efficiencies with the right behavioral marketing tactics Behavioral Marketing is a unique resource that brings value and insight to all marketing professionals using digital marketing tactics.

Facebook Advertising For Dummies

Joel Elad

Profitable ideas and techniques for advertising on Facebook Tap into the explosive growth of social media and reach your customers with effective Facebook advertising campaigns and savvy insights into how to use this social media phenomenon effectively. It’s all here and more in this detailed, easy-to-follow guide from two award-winning marketers. You'll learn what makes a good Facebook ad, how to apply the latest strategies and tactics for effective pay-per-click and cost-per-impression advertising, how to test your ad results, and much more. Explores Facebook advertising inside and out; there are now more than 400 million active Facebook users and over 1.6 million active Pages on Facebook Works as an all-around, hands-on guide for both experienced and new Facebook advertisers Walks you through planning and creating an advertising campaign Explains writing effective ad copy, how to use landing pages, and how to test and optimize your ads Shows you how to use Facebook Insights to understand your results and how to create reports that analyze data Put your company's best face forward with the sound advertising tips and techniques in Facebook Advertising For Dummies.

Тексты, которые продают. Повышение прибыли без бюджета

Алексей Рязанцев

Перед вами – эффективная инструкция к написанию продающих текстов. Автор обобщил собственный опыт в создании не только коммерческих предложений и рассылок, но и новых, эффективных в применении к российскому бизнесу инструментов: маркетинг-кит, видео-копирайтинг (когда каждое видео пишется на основе текста), продающие landing pages и др. Уникальность книги состоит в комплексном подходе ко всем каналам использования продающих текстов в бизнесе. Она не только подскажет вам, как написать крутой текст, но и научит тому, как извлечь из него максимальную прибыль. Книга подходит как для директоров, так и для руководителей отделов продаж, желающих выйти на новый уровень.

Operations Management For Dummies

Geoffrey Parker

Score your highest in Operations Management Operations management is an important skill for current and aspiring business leaders to develop and master. It deals with the design and management of products, processes, services, and supply chains. Operations management is a growing field and a required course for most undergraduate business majors and MBA candidates. Now, Operations Management For Dummies serves as an extremely resourceful aid for this difficult subject. Tracks to a typical course in operations management or operations strategy, and covers topics such as evaluating and measuring existing systems' performance and efficiency, materials management and product development, using tools like Six Sigma and Lean production, designing new, improved processes, and defining, planning, and controlling costs of projects. Clearly organizes and explains complex topics Serves as an supplement to your Operations Management textbooks Helps you score your highest in your Operations Management course Whether your aim is to earn an undergraduate degree in business or an MBA, Operations Management For Dummies is indispensable supplemental reading for your operations management course.

The Buying Brain. Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind

A. Pradeep K.

If You Understand Brain Basics, You'll Sell More As much as 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind. As a result, the world's largest and most sophisticated companies are applying the latest advances in neuroscience to create brands, products, package designs, marketing campaigns, store environments, and much more, that are designed to appeal directly and powerfully to our brains. The Buying Brain offers an in-depth exploration of how cutting-edge neuroscience is having an impact on how we make, buy, sell, and enjoy everything, and also probes deeper questions on how this new knowledge can enhance customers' lives. The Buying Brain gives you the key to • Brain-friendly product concepts, design, prototypes, and formulation • Highly effective packaging, pricing, advertising, and in-store marketing • Building stronger brands that attract deeper consumer loyalty A highly readable guide to some of today's most amazing scientific findings, The Buying Brain is your guide to the ultimate business frontier – the human brain.

Partnership Marketing. How to Grow Your Business and Transform Your Brand Through Smart Collaboration

Ron Kunitzky

Google, Microsoft, Apple, Starbucks, and Wal-Mart are «category killers.» Why? One key to their astounding success is that they have mastered the art of creating highly attractive partner and customer value propositions. They have all built their business on the principles and practices of Partnership Marketing to offer superior products, create long-term distribution opportunities, new revenue streams for their businesses, and increased brand awareness on a world-wide level. Developing an affiliation with the right partner allows both parties to realize successes that they could not have otherwise achieved on their own by transforming their individual strengths into mutual performance. Whether you're an entrepreneur working to expand your customer base and increase value or a corporation looking for cost-effective ways to stimulate growth and brand-presence on a tight budget, Partnership Marketing is a practical in-depth guide to this core business concept. A powerful strategy in good times, partnership marketing is an excellent way to gain competitive advantage and grow your business even in tough, recessionary economic conditions. As marketing resources are being slashed everywhere, coupled with employee lay-offs and cutbacks to existing programs, partnership marketing is a creative way to do more with less. Partnership Marketing provides the complete how-to of collaborating successfully with other organizations, including: how to align PM objectives to your resources; how to assess what you have to offer a partner-brand and how to leverage your core strengths; how to search for the right partner-brand; how to assess the pros and cons of partnering with other brands; and much more.

Клиентоориентированность в цифровой экономике

М. А. Евневич

В статье представлено обобщение, систематизация и развитие теоретических подходов и лучших практик в области клиентоориентированного подхода к управлению бизнесом и в области маркетинга отношений в современной цифровой экономике. Методика исследования базируется на обобщении и анализе социологических и маркетинговых исследований и на изучении систем работы с обращениями потребителей и программ лояльности крупнейших клиентоориентированных компаний России – лидеров в своих отраслях.

The Collaborative Sale. Solution Selling in a Buyer Driven World

Timothy Sullivan T.

Buyer behavior has changed the marketplace, and sellers must adapt to survive The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling in Today's Customer-Driven World is the definitive guide to the new reality of sales. The roles of buyers, sellers, and technology have changed, and collaboration is now the key to success on all sides. The Collaborative Sale guides sales professionals toward alignment with buyers, by helping them overcome their problems and challenges, and creating value. From building a robust opportunity pipeline and predicting future revenues to mastering the nuances of buyer conversations, the book contains the information sales professionals need to remain relevant in today's sales environment. Buyers have become more informed and more empowered. As a result, most sellers now enter the buying process at a much later stage than the traditional norm. The rise of information access has given buyers more control over their purchases than ever before, and sellers must adapt to survive. The Collaborative Sale provides a roadmap for adapting through sales collaboration, detailing the foundations, personae, and reality of the new marketplace. The book provides insight into the new buyer thought processes, the new sales personae required for dealing with the new buyers, and how to establish and implement a dynamic sales process. Topics include: Selling in times of economic uncertainty, broad information access, and new buyer behavior Why collaboration is so important to the new buyers The emergence of new sales personae – Micro-marketer, Visualizer, and Value Driver Buyer alignment, risk mitigation, and the myth of control Situational fluency, and the role of technology Focused sales enablement, and buyer-aligned learning and development Implementation and establishment of a dynamic sales process The book describes the essential competencies for collaborative selling, and provides indispensable supplemental tools for implementation. Written by recognized authorities with insights into global markets, The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling in Today's Customer-Driven World is the essential resource for today's sales professional.

Connected CRM. Implementing a Data-Driven, Customer-Centric Business Strategy

David Williams S.

Praise for Connected CRM “Many books explore the subject of CRM. In this book the ‘m’ is for Marketing and David’s seasoned perspective indeed makes it a capital ‘M.’ Taking core direct response marketing techniques and moving beyond the simple use of data and analytics, he explores how today’s marketers can leverage advances in technology to create successful customer-centric business strategies.” —Ted Ward, VP of Marketing, GEICO “A must-read for CMOs, and more importantly CEOs, to simplify all the buzzwords around ‘big data’ and dimensionalize the organizational change necessary to become truly customer centric.” —Theresa McLaughlin, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Citizens Financial Group “Big Data, Social, and Cloud have become overused buzzwords with ambiguous meaning, but David brings to bear his years of industry leadership and experiences to break down today’s trends and opportunities in a practical, actionable fashion. A must-read for anyone who prefers profit over PowerPoint.” —Manish Bhatt, SVP and Chief Digital Officer, MetLife “In a data-rich world, consumers demand that marketers turn data into highly relevant and personal experiences—‘Don’t talk with me as a member of a segment, talk with me about how you will meet my unique expectations and solve my unique problems.’ For those of us who grew up in the marketing world of mass and broadcast, this is a tall order. Connected CRM helps marketers unpack customer centricity for their organizations, providing real insight into the development of a framework for enterprise customer centricity; a framework that promises true sustainable advantage.” —Tom Lamb, CMO, Lowe’s “Never before has customer data been more available, more necessary to build sales and loyalty, and more confusing to act on. David shows exactly what needs to be done. It’s about time. And we should all thank him. A lot!” —Steve Cone, EVP of Integrated Value and Strategy, AARP “The marketers who truly learn to harness the power of customer analytics and big data will take the spoils in an increasingly digital age. Those who don’t will quickly find themselves on a growing heap of failed marketing plans.” —Paul Guyardo, Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer, DIRECTV