Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers

Ray Poynter

Drawing together the new techniques available to the market researcher into a single reference, The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research explores how these innovations are being used by the leaders in the field. This groundbreaking reference examines why traditional research is broken, both in theory and practice, and includes chapters on online research communities, community panels, blog mining, social networks, mobile research, e-ethnography, predictive markets, and DIY research. «This handbook fills a significant learning gap for the market research profession and Ray Poynter has once again proven that he is a guiding light. The practical and pragmatic advice contained within these pages will be relevant to new students of research, young researchers and experienced researchers that want to understand the basics of online and social media research. Ray’s views on 'how to be better with people' and ‘how to maximise response rates’ are vital clues that are likely to shape the future of market and social research.» —Peter Harris, National President, Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) «It's hard to imagine anyone better suited to covering the rapidly changing world of online research than Ray Poynter. In this book he shows us why. Whether you are new to online or a veteran interested in broadening your understanding of the full range of techniques—quant and qual—this book is for you.» —Reg Baker, President and Chief Operating Officer, Market Strategies International «Finally, a comprehensive handbook for practitioners, clients, suppliers and students that includes best practices, clear explanations, advice and cautionary warnings. This should be the research benchmark for online research for some time. Poynter proves he is the online market research guru.» —Cam Davis, Ph.D., former Dean and current instructor of the online market research course for the Canadian Marketing Research and Intelligence Association «Ray Poynter's comprehensive, authoritative, easy to read, and knowledgeable handbook has come to our rescue … it is a must read for anyone who needs to engage with customers or stakeholders in a creative, immediate and flexible way that makes maximum use of all the exciting, new technology now open to us. Market researchers need to know this stuff now. I can guarantee that anyone who buys the book will find it a compelling read: they will be constantly turning to the next page in order to find yet another nugget of insight from Ray’s tour de force.» —Dr David Smith, Director, DVL Smith Ltd; Professor, University of Hertfordshire, Business School

Business Intelligence. The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations

Corine Cohen

Following a long process of qualitative, quantitative, and empirical research next to Strategic Intelligence (SI) experts and large companies, this book proposes a way to improve SI and its impact on the performance of an organization. From an exploration, description and evaluation model of SI, a measurement tool in two parts has been built. For all kind of firms and all advancement levels of SI, it explains the construction of a control panel which can be used to pilot SI and its impact on the performance of an organization.

Three Threats to Brand Relevance. Strategies That Work

David Aaker A.

Threats to brand relevance are always lurking around the corner. Your brand is virtually never immune from the risk of fading instead of being energized or being damaged instead of strengthened.—David Aaker From branding guru David Aaker comes Three Threats to Brand Relevance, a provocative new offering in the Jossey-Bass Short Format series. In Three Threats Aaker reveals that the key to an organization's sustained growth is to learn what it takes to bring «big» innovation to market and create barriers to competitors. Aaker also shows how well-established companies can avoid becoming irrelevant in the face of the continuing parade of marketing dynamics led by others. Building on his full-length book Brand Relevance, Aaker offers a guide for confronting the three threats if they emerge and shows how to put in place the strategies that will keep the threats at bay. Threat #1: A decline in category or subcategory relevance. Customers simply no longer want to buy what you are making, despite the fact you are offering a quality product and some customers love it. Threat #2: The loss of energy relevance. Without energy the brand simply does not come to mind as other more visible brands and a decline in energy can create a perception that it is locked in the past, suitable for an older generation. Threat #3: The emergence of a «reason-not-to-buy.» The brand may have a perceived quality problem or be associated with a firm policy that is not acceptable. Whether your brand is just breaking into the marketplace or has a long held place in the hearts of its consumers, any forward-thinking company can implement Aaker's proven methods and strategies as part of their organization's ongoing review of brand strategy with the help of this succinct and to-the-point resource. About the Jossey-Bass Short Format Series Written by thought leaders and experts in their fields, pieces in the Jossey-Bass Short Format Series provide busy, on-the-go professionals, managers and leaders around the world with must-have, just-in-time information in a concise and actionable format.

The Marketer's Handbook. Reassessing Marketing Techniques for Modern Business

Laurie Young

This book, written by a senior marketer with over thirty years experience of using marketing techniques and concepts, sets out to describe, contextualize and rate them. Its prime emphasis is on understanding their status so that they can be used to direct the use of shareholder funds effectively. Its conclusion is that seasoned professionals must use their judgement about when and how to use them, but they also need to understand them in depth if they are going to make well-rounded, effective investment decisions. Above all it asks: “how useful and relevant is this concept? Will it improve decision making? Does the damn thing have any credibility and does it work?” “This book combines a rigorous review of a wide range of marketing concepts with many practical examples and case studies. It can be read or dipped into both by seasoned professionals and by those just embarking on their marketing career.” Sir Paul Judge, President, Chartered Institute of Marketing “Laurie Young casts an experienced and skeptical eye on many cherished marketing concepts and techniques. He provides an antidote to the tendency to adopt them without understanding their limitations and possibilities.” Professor George Day, The Wharton School, Chairman of the American Marketing Association “Laurie Young has produced nothing less than the A-Z of marketing. He has journeyed far and wide mapping out hundreds of business, marketing and communications models to produce an extremely useful industry atlas. Certainly it will find a well-thumbed home on my bookshelf.” Hamish Pringle, Director General, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising “This book is much needed by marketing. Its value is in challenging concepts, some of which have been the accepted norm for a long time. But as this book shows, some of these may no longer be relevant and appropriate for marketers in today’s consumer environment.” Mike Johnston, CEO, Dairy Council of Northern Ireland and former Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing “Senior marketers, like those who make up the membership of the Marketing Society, hone the methods and techniques they favour as their career develops. Laurie Young clearly did that and an experienced voice shines through this critique. It is heartening to find that so many concepts have a long history of producing real value for businesses but alarming to find so many of the theorists’ favourites to be so groundless.” Hugh Burkitt, CEO, The Marketing Society

Intelligente Werbung, Exzellentes Marketing. Ein Praktischer Leitfaden zu Kundenpsychologie und Neuromarketing, Prozessen und Partnermanagement

Christiian Zich

Dieses Buch richtet sich an Marketingverantwortliche und Agenturen. Es bietet eine pragmatische Vorgehensweise fur die Erstellung von «Advertisements that sell»: – ein Reifegradmodell (Basic, Managed, Advanced, Excellent), anhand dessen jeder Mitarbeiter und jede Fuhrungskraft schnell feststellen kann, wie gut die Marketingorganisation wirklich ist und ob noch unentdeckte Reserven in ihr stecken, und – ein Referenzmodell, an dem jeder Marketer seine Ablaufe und Strukturen spiegeln kann, um gezielt Ansatzpunkte fur die Optimierung der Marketingprozesse zu identifizieren. Diese Modelle orientieren sich an den drei Grundbausteinen der Exzellenz fur effiziente und erfolgreiche Marketingkommunikation: – «Wie muss ich meine Werbung gestalten, dass der Adressat nicht nur auf sie aufmerksam wird, sondern auch sofort versteht, welches Bedurfnis er haben soll?» – «Wie komme ich schnell und wirksam zu einem sehr guten Ergebnis fur meine Markenfuhrung?» – Und da es noch schwieriger ist, Ideen umzusetzen, als sie zu generieren, bietet das Buch praxisorientierte Prozesse und Leitlinien, mit denen der Leser die Erkenntnisse aus den anderen Bereichen umsetzen und dabei auch noch die Marketingeffizienz «monitoren» kann. Untermauert wird dies alles durch gute und schlechte Beispiele; Checklisten und Templates erleichtern die praktische Umsetzung.

Market Segmentation. How to Do It and How to Profit from It

Malcolm McDonald

Market Segmentation: How to do it and how to profit from it, revised and updated 4th Edition is the only book that spells out a totally dispassionate, systematic process for arriving at genuine, needs-based segments that can enable organizations to escape from the dreay, miserable, downward pricing spiral which results from getting market segmentation wrong. Nothing in business works unless markets are correctly defined, mapped, quantified and segmented. Why else have hundreds of billions of dollars been wasted on excellent initiatives such as TQM, BPR, Balanced Scorecards, Six Sigma, Knolwedge Management, Innovation, Relationship Marketing and, latterly, CRM? The answer, of course, is because of a structured approach to market segmentation. Market Segmentation: How to do it and how to profit from it, revised and updated 4th Edition provides a structured, no-nonsense approach to getting market segmentation right. It is an essential text for professionals and students based on a wealth of practical experience and packed with examples and easily used checklists.

Online Marketing. A User's Manual

Murray Newlands

This is Your Complete Manual of Digital Marketing Magic. How do you stay out in from when everything’s moving so fast? The internet and social media have changed how we do our jobs beyond recognition. Sometimes it’s exciting; other times it’s just frightening. Online Marketing has all the answers. Murray Newlands tells you everything you need to know; how to do it; how to do it even better; and what the future might hold. With this book you’ll get closer to your customers, increase conversions, learn more about the tools, understand digital brands, and become better networked. What more could you want?

Seo Boom. Эффективная оптимизация сайтов

Айк Спартакович Петросян

Книга «Seo Boom» предназначена для читателей, интересующихся или специализирующихся на отрасли оптимизации сайтов в популярных поисковых системах. Написана она простым доступным языком, понятна и новичкам, и профессионалам. Изучение представленного материала позволяет в деталях разобраться со сферой поисковой оптимизации сайта.В настоящей книге текстовый материал сопровождается иллюстрациями, причем уникальными, из личного опыта автора, поэтому воспринимать представленную информацию намного проще. Новички получают возможность моментального обучения, а состоявшиеся Сео-специалисты – возможность совершенствовать свои навыки.

Google Analytics для googлят: Практическое руководство по веб-аналитике

Яков Осипенков

Эта электронная книга отлично подойдет как для начинающих интернет-маркетологов и аналитиков, так и для опытных пользователей Google Analytics, имеющих глубокое понимание об инструментах веб-анализа. В ней подробно рассматриваются все тонкости работы с продуктом Google, описываются пошаговые алгоритмы настройки, разбираются основные функции и обновленный в 2017 году интерфейс Analytics, даются рекомендации по построению отчетов с практическими примерами их использования.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Augur. Всё, что нужно знать о заработке на криптовалютах

Александр Горбунов

В эту книгу вошли исправленные и дополненные материалы трёх предыдущих:"Биткойн 3.0". Как криптовалюта Augur изменит мир"."Bitcoin, Ethereum: пошаговая стратегия для заработка"."54000$ в час или как инвестировать в Bitcoin?".Первая успешная криптовалюта – Bitcoin. Ethereum иногда называют Bitcoin 2.0, поскольку он обладает расширенными возможностями. Криптовалютная сеть Augur признана самым интересным и многообещающим проектом на блокчейне в 2017 году. В этой книге – всё, что нужно знать о криптовалютах: история, возможности, перспективы, отличия криптовалют и как правильно в них инвестировать.