Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Managing Corporate Social Responsibility. A Communication Approach

Coombs W. Timothy

Managing Corporate Social Responsibility offers a strategic, communication-centred approach to integrating CSR into organizations. Drawing from a variety of disciplines and written in a highly accessible style, the book guides readers in a focused progression providing the key points they need to successfully navigate the benefits and implications of managing CSR. Chapters are organized around a process model for CSR that outlines steps for researching, developing, implementing, and evaluating CSR initiatives Emphasizes stakeholder engagement as a foundation throughout the CSR Process Model Discusses ways to maximize the use of social media and traditional media throughout the process Offers international examples drawn from a variety of industries including: The Forest Stewardship Council, Starbucks Coffee, and IKEA. Draws upon theories grounded in various disciplines, including public relations, marketing, media, communication, and business

Cost of Capital. Workbook and Technical Supplement

Grabowski Roger J.

Praise for Fourth Edition of Cost of Capital Workbook and Technical Supplement "Pratt and Grabowski went the extra mile to supplement their magnum opus by providing this Workbook and Technical Supplement. As a finance professor for many years, I know from experience that students and teachers really value supplements to textbooks. It allows the teacher to help the student to review and apply what was presented in the text, and the PowerPoints are a great service to teachers in course preparation. The website provides various worksheets that show the inner workings of the models. I enthusiastically recommend the Workbook and Technical Supplement to finance professors and teachers and their students. —Daniel L. McConaughy, PhD, ASA, Professor of Finance, California State University, Northridge, Valuation Services, Crowe Horwath LLP «The Workbook and Technical Supplement provides a detailed tutorial on understanding and executing the theoretical concepts explained in the Fourth Edition. This supplement is three books in one. Part One is a step-by-step tutorial on estimating certain key components of the cost of equity capital. Part Two provides a bridge between the theory and some practical applications, such as estimating the cost of capital for real property. Parts Three and Four allow the readers to test their comprehension of the concepts and identify areas for a review. It is almost as good as having Professors Pratt and Grabowski looking over your shoulder to ensure that one is both comprehending and correctly implementing the complex concepts..» —Ashok Abbott, PhD, Associate Professor of Finance, College of Business & Economics, West Virginia University «This text provides the most comprehensive coverage of cost of capital issues that I have seen to date. Messrs. Pratt and Grabowski have created a very accessible and lucid treatment of what most would consider an opaque subject. The Fourth Edition is especially important for its new topics as well as expanded coverage of concepts from earlier editions. Of particular interest is the review of the extreme market conditions during the 2008–2009 crisis and the effect that the unprecedented volatility had on traditional cost of capital models. For years, Pratt and Grabowski's research has informed the business valuation curriculum of the American Society of Appraisers. This book will be added to our reading list, and thousands of students worldwide will benefit from the state?of?the?art content of the Fourth Edition and the companion Workbook and Technical Supplement. Furthermore, Cost of Capital, Fourth Edition should be a mandatory part of every valuation practitioner's library. If you buy this book, you can expect it to become well worn and remain on your desk within arm's length until the publication of the Fifth Edition.» —John Barton, ASA, CPA, Chairman, Business Valuation Committee, ASA «Cost of capital is so much more complex than it used to be. With so many additional considerations regarding each variable of the cost of capital formula, this book is a must for anyone that needs to understand or develop a discount rate. Even the most experienced practitioner will benefit from the outstanding work of Pratt and Grabowski. This book has to become part of your library.» —Gary R. Trugman, CPA/ABV, MCBA, ASA, MVS, President, Trugman Valuation Associates, Inc.

Joining Forces. Making One Plus One Equal Three in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances

Marks Mitchell Lee

If 75 percent of all mergers fail, what makes the other 25 percent succeed? Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances are more vital today than ever before in driving business success. This indispensible guide offers proven strategies and sound solutions to the multitude of integration issues that inevitably arise, and shows how to create a combined business that meets its strategic and financial objectives, competes better, and offers personal and organizational enhancements. Dubbed «merger mavens» by Fortune magazine, the authors report lessons learned from their experience in over 100 combinations. Executives, managers, and employees alike—in all industries and sectors—will find useful examples, strategies, and tools here. Praise for Joining Forces «This book will help both M&A veterans and those new to the game. The authorsprovide great insights into the human, cultural, organizational, and strategic factors that matter in M&A success.»—Richard Kovacevich, chairman and CEO emeritus, Wells Fargo & Co. «Don't commit to the merger or acquisition without them! I have personally witnessed how hard it is on everyone—employees, shareholders, communities, and especially executives—to work through an improperly managed merger. I have known Marks and Mirvis for almost twenty-five years and the only mistake our organization made was that we did not consult them soon enough. Their new book reflects unequalled experience and intellect. Don't merge, acquire, or be acquired without it!»—Michael R. Losey, CEO (emeritus), Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) «Joining Forces is a terrific resource for managers who want to understand thehuman dynamics of mergers and acquisitions, and a must-read for those who have to lead their companies through one. It is based on the latest research and providespractical insights and advice from authors who know M&A inside out.» —Edward E. Lawler III, Distinguished Professor of Business, Marshall School ofBusiness, University of Southern California

Global Property Investment. Strategies, Structures, Decisions

Hartzell David

Developments in the sophistication of global real estate markets mean that global real estate investment is now being executed professionally. Thanks to academic enquiry, professional analysis and entrepreneurial activity, backed by the globalisation of all investment activity, there is now an available body of material which forms the basis of this scholarly but practical summary of the new state of this art. The measurement, benchmarking, forecasting and quantitative management techniques applied to property investments are now compatible with those used in other asset classes, and advances in property research have at last put the ongoing debate about the role of real estate onto a footing of solid evidence. The truly global scope and authorship of this book is unique, and both authors here are singularly well qualified to summarise the impact and likely future of global innovations in property research and fund management. Between them, they have experienced three real estate crashes, and have observed at first hand the creation of the real estate debt and equity instruments that led to the global crisis of 2008-9. Global Property Investment: strategies, structure, decisions offers a unique perspective of the international real estate investment industry with: a close focus on solutions to real life investment problems no excessive theoretical padding a target of both students and professionals highly qualified dual-nationality authorship With many cases, problems and solutions presented throughout the book, and a companion website used for deeper analysis and slides presentations (see below), this is a key text for higher-level real estate students on BSc, MSc, MPhil and MBA courses worldwide as well as for practising property professionals worldwide in fund management, investment and asset management, banking and real estate advisory firms.

Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting

Singleton Aaron J.

Praise for the Fourth Edition of Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting «Tommie and Aaron Singleton have made important updates to a book I personally rely very heavily upon: Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting (FAFA). In the newest edition, they take difficult topics and explain them in straightforward actionable language. All my students benefitted from reading the third edition of the FAFA to better understand the issues and area of fraud and forensic accounting. With their singular focus on understandability and practicality, this Fourth Edition of the book makes a very important contribution for academics, researchers, practitioners, and students. Bravo!»—Dr. Timothy A. Pearson, Director, Division of Accounting, West Virginia University, Executive Director, Institute for Fraud Prevention «Finally someone has written a book that combines fraud examination and forensic accounting. The authors have clearly explained both in their earlier edition and now they have enhanced the first with additional materials. The order in which the material is presented is easy to grasp and logically follows the 'typical' fraud examination from the awareness that something is wrong to the court case. The explanatory materials presented aid this effort by being both well placed within the book and relevant to the narrative.» —Dr. Douglas E. Ziegenfuss, Chair and Professor, Department of Accounting, Old Dominion University «Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting is a masterful compilation of the concepts found in this field. The organization of the text with the incorporation of actual cases, facts, and figures provides a logical and comprehensive basis for learning the intricacies of fraud examination and forensic accounting. The authors successfully blend the necessary basics with advanced principles in a manner that makes the book an outstanding resource for students and professionals alike.»—Ralph Q. Summerford, President of Forensic/Strategic Solutions, PC

Transforming Private Landlords. housing, markets and public policy

Crook Tony

This book explores the origins, extent and implications of this revival in the fortunes of private landlordism. It presents an in-depth, scholarly analysis of private landlords, the rationales for and ways in which governments have sought to revitalise investment in residential lettings, and their success in doing so. It also assesses the extent to which landlordism has been transformed in recent years and the lessons for policy that can be learned from this experience. The book draws on the extensive research into private landlords conducted by the authors over the past two decades. This includes projects funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the predecessor departments to the Department for Communities and Local Government, Scottish Homes, and the Economic and Social Research Council. It fills a major gap in the literature about an important actor in housing provision and the built environment. Most of the recent work on private landlords has been published as research reports and there is a lack of book length scholarly study aimed at an academic rather than a policy audience.

Risk Communication. A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks

Lundgren Regina E.

A fully updated handbook on effectively communicating environmental, safety, and health risks Written by two well-known risk practitioners with over twenty-five years' experience in the field, this fully updated Fifth Edition of Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks offers sound, scientific research with practical, hands-on advice for those in the public and private sectors. Highly accessible and easy to understand, this must-read includes real-life examples of such headline-making events as the tsunami and radiation release in Japan in 2011, the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and extreme weather events, along with the lessons learned from them. It offers new chapters on public health campaigns, and on the use and effectiveness of social media for risk communication purposes. Risk Communication is divided into five self-contained parts: Part I provides background information for understanding the basic theories and practices of risk communication Part II explains how to plan a risk communication effort Part III describes how to put risk communication into action Part IV discusses how to evaluate risk communication efforts, including techniques for measuring success Part V highlights special cases in risk communication, including disasters and other emergencies, international risk communication, and public health campaigns An ideal introduction to the field, this book is also a welcome reference for those involved in communicating environmental, safety, and health risks in government, industry, and academia.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guidebook. Protecting Your Organization from Bribery and Corruption

Biegelman Martin T.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guidebook shows readers how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has grown to critical importance to any U.S. company that does business in a global environment, as well as foreign companies that supply or have agency agreements with U.S. companies. It provides an overview of the business risks and guidance on spotting potential red flags regarding FCPA violation. Business professionals are provided with practical guidance on managing FCPA requirements as part of an overall compliance program.

Отдел продаж по захвату рынка

Михаил Гребенюк

Книга-практикум по созданию и управлению отделом продаж. Инструменты для внедрения для повышения эффективности работы отдела и менеджеров по продажам. 17 инсайтов для руководителей. Качественный и количественный рост входящих и исходящих заявок, выбор модели продаж и стратегии развития бизнеса, готовые скрипты для холодных и теплых звонков, повышение конверсии и многое другое. Must-read для каждого, кто работает в отделе продаж.

Маркетинг и конкурентоспособность медицинской организации

Владимир Кеворков

Проанализированы вопросы практического применения инструментов комплекса маркетинга, обеспечивающих конкурентоспособность медицинской организации, ориентированной на результат – качество жизни пациента. Особое внимание уделено проблемам комплексного подхода к оказанию медицинской помощи, базирующейся на принципах этапности и мультидисциплинарного подхода. Рассмотрены вопросы стратегического планирования и приведены регламенты бизнес-процессов проведения работ в сфере маркетинга подразделениями организации. Теоретические положения дополнены примерами из практики. Для руководителей, заведующих отделениями (организаторов здравоохранения) и всех сотрудников, заинтересованных в повышении конкурентоспособности своей организации, а также студентов медицинских вузов и слушателей программ повышения квалификации.