Кто приложил руку к тому, чтобы бывший советский автогигант не пережил кризис?
Как эпоха цифровой фотографии повлияла на пленочного гигната?
История Motorola – бренда, ставшего легендарным задолго до появления сотовой связи, и не выдержавшего конкуренции с Iphone и Samsung.
Сергей Мавроди – хладнокровный махинатор, обманувший всю страну или одинокий гений, просто мечтавший о внимании?
Make selling a social affair! The ABCs of sales have changed. It's no longer: A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. The new way of selling is: A-Always, B-Be, C-Contributing to your buyer's journey. Social selling is an effective way to engage with your customer, and the world's most powerful social selling tool for any B2B sales professional is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It allows you to gain access to more leads, more InMail, and data to track your efforts. With the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies, you'll learn how to write effective InMail messages and engage with prospects on the world's most successful professional networking site. Along with utilizing those features, you'll also benefit from access to full profiles outside of your network, guidance on how to best optimize your own profile for sales opportunities, and much more. Use lead recommendations to get in front of the right buyer Analyze your social selling efforts with real-time data Reach more leads with customized InMail messages Save 30 – 60 minutes a day previously spent on acquisitions If you're a B2B sales professional who is new to LinkedIn Sales Navigator, this is the one-stop resource you can't be without.
Stimmt Ihre Vertriebsstrategie? Passen Markt und Kunden? Haben Sie die richtige Organisation und die geeigneten Prozesse? Funktioniert Ihre Führung so, wie es sein sollte? Und orientieren sich alle Mitarbeiter an den Vertriebs- und Unternehmenszielen? Mit diesem Buch können Sie Ihre Vertriebsstrategie und -organisation schnell und zuverlässig prüfen, Handlungsfelder identifizieren und Verbesserungspotenziale aufdecken, die meist nicht nur im Vertrieb, sondern auch in anderen Unternehmensbereichen relevant sind. Das Workbook bietet Ihnen zu jedem Element der Vertriebsstrategie eine prägnante Einführung, eine Beschreibung der wesentlichen Tools und Ansatzpunkte für Aktionen: – Bereich Markt und Kunde: Marktpotenzial, Marke, Kundenorientierung, Alleinstellungsmerkmale – Bereich Organisation und Prozesse: Customer Relationship Management, Kundenbeziehung, Vertriebsstruktur, Vertriebsprozess – Bereich Führung: Controlling, Leistungsbedingungen, Kompetenzprofile, Verhaltensziele – Bereich Mitarbeiter: Zieldefinition, Identität und Autorität, Kompetenzentwicklung, Verhalten Dabei unterscheidet sich der Ansatz dieses Buchs deutlich von anderen Büchern zu Vertrieb und Vertriebsmanagement, denn es – berücksichtigt ausdrücklich die ökonomische Bedeutung des Vertriebs, – macht deutlich, wo Handlungsbedarf besteht und wo nicht, und – erfasst alle typischen Problemfelder.
Every sale is made or lost in 60 seconds—make them count Cold calling and pushing your way into an office or a living room creates an atmosphere of adversity and distrust you must overcome before you close the deal. With those tired tactics, you’re swimming upstream, against a strong current, with a bag of rocks tied to your waist. Sales has changed. Legacy sales gimmicks destroy relationships right from the first minute. The 60 Second Sale is a turnkey system for building profitable, lifelong relationships. Whether you work with affluent consumers or sell to senior executives in FORTUNE 500 companies, this step-by-step guide will help you open doors, close deals, and make more money in a way that leverages your natural strengths. That’s the magnificence of the 60 second sale system. You get to be yourself and build your business. In this book you will discover: How to start a sales conversation in 60 seconds Who to target for immediate income A powerful yet easy-to-use system to generate relationship revenue Five ways to initiate new relationships What to say to make sure your business meetings result in money in the bank The secret to getting a “yes” every time, even in the most competitive sales environment The winning mindset that removes the stress, uncertainty, and fear from income generation And so many other effective business growth strategies, your competition won’t know what hit them Business relationships are built one minute at a time. From introduction to closing, every 60 seconds you have an opportunity to strengthen your relationship or destroy it. Isn’t it time you started leveraging your expertise, demonstrating your value, and building trust with your clients? When you do, they buy into who you are and how you can help them – right from the first minute. The 60 Second Sale is a fail-proof system for succeeding in today’s relationship-focused sales environment.
Get on board the next massive marketing revolution AI for Marketing and Product Innovation offers creatives and marketing professionals a non-tech guide to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)—twin technologies that stand poised to revolutionize the way we sell. The future is here, and we are in the thick of it; AI and ML are already in our lives every day, whether we know it or not. The technology continues to evolve and grow, but the capabilities that make these tools world-changing for marketers are already here—whether we use them or not. This book helps you lean into the curve and take advantage of AI’s unparalleled and rapidly expanding power. More than a simple primer on the technology, this book goes beyond the “what” to show you the “how”: How do we use AI and ML in ways that speak to the human spirit? How to we translate cold technological innovation into creative tools that forge deep human connections? Written by a team of experts at the intersection of neuroscience, technology, and marketing, this book shows you the ins and outs of these groundbreaking technological tools. Understand AI and ML technology in layman’s terms Harness the twin technologies unparalleled power to transform marketing Learn which skills and resources you need to use AI and ML effectively Employ AI and ML in ways that resonate meaningfully with customers Learn practical examples of how to reinvest product innovation, brand building, targeted marketing and media measurement to connect with people and enhance ROI Discover the true impact of AI and ML from real-world examples, and learn the thinking, best practices, and metrics you need to capture this lightning and take the next massive leap in the evolution of customer connection. AI for Marketing and Product Innovation shows you everything you need to know to get on board.
The Persuasion Code Capture, convince, and close—scientifically Most of your attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention. This book makes the complex science of persuasion simple. Learn to develop better marketing and sales messages based on a scientific model; NeuroMap™. Regardless of your level of expertise in marketing, neuromarketing, neuroscience or psychology: The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime will make your personal and business lives more successful by unveiling a credible and practical approach towards creating a breakthrough persuasion strategy. This book will satisfy your interest in neuromarketing, scientific persuasion, sales, advertising effectiveness, website conversion, marketing strategy and sales presentations. It’ll teach you the value of the award-winning persuasion model NeuroMapTM : the only model based on the science of how your customers use their brain to make any decision including a buying decision. You will appreciate why this scientific approach has helped hundreds of companies and thousands of executives achieve remarkable results. Written by the founders of SalesBrain who pioneered the field of neuromarketing SalesBrain has trained more than 100,000 executives worldwide including over 15,000 CEO Includes guidance for creating your own neuromarketing plan Advance your business or career by creating persuasive messages based on the working principle of the brain.